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I really don't like M103 and stopped playing it altogether now that E5 got the nerf stick. All that armour is useless when you've got such a huge weakness on the cupola and easily overmatched roof.

Turret ring has garbage armour too, now that I have the Conqueror I feel it can do everything M103 can but better, even with worse hull. Artillery also loves you and with that huge turret and soft roof armour, you're a delicious target. My only T9 to date that got one shotted by artillery (pre nerf).
Yeah, from what I read before getting either of the tanks the consensus was that the Conqeuror was the better of the two. Perhaps I've been lucky with the M103 so far, definitely haven't had problems with arty or roof overmatches. Have been ammo racked a few times but that just seems to be a built in aspect of the game for me, first shot that hits anywhere on any tank = ammo rack.

Will see how the M103 fairs on the weekend when I next get to play. So far the T9s that I struggle with the most (weirdly enough) are the E75 and T-10.
I'm taking a break after I get FV215B and hopefully have the sense not to get sucked in again. It's a great product but it has been run into the ground by WG.

I would love to get the Deathstar as it's a very unique vehicle but as it stands I'm going to be spent after the Conqueror. Other biggest thing is that I need to start from AT2 or Churchill GC and I don't think I have it in me to play those outdated tanks in current meta.
well I am doing the same grind and yesterday with over 100 games I can confirm...the game is broken in many ways
1.) Bots - surely it is easy to remove them from the game
2.) Match making at tier 8 is so broken it is plain and obvious.
3.) There is a lack of "similar level" players being teamed this for me is creating the most frustration and anger especially as you rise in tier, to have a top tier tank in a tier 9 or 10 match with less than 1000 games and a WN8 score in double digits (less than 100) than I am sorry but this should not be able to happen.
4.) Spotting mechanic is once again a joke.
5.) Map rotation is appalling, yesterday in all of those 100 games I didn't see a single time some of the maps, and there are not that many are there? Today it has been Windstorm and sacred valley over and over
6.) WR How can I play the same tactics, the same tanks one day and have a 57% Win rate and the next day at one point I was 6 wins in 25 matches...I guess see points 3.) and 1.)

It can be such an enjoyable game, but THE most infuriating in the next moment...sigh..rant over...although I wished I had a cat so I could kick it (it's a saying...I am not advocating animal cruelty in any form)
well I am doing the same grind and yesterday with over 100 games I can confirm...the game is broken in many ways
1.) Bots - surely it is easy to remove them from the game
2.) Match making at tier 8 is so broken it is plain and obvious.
3.) There is a lack of "similar level" players being teamed this for me is creating the most frustration and anger especially as you rise in tier, to have a top tier tank in a tier 9 or 10 match with less than 1000 games and a WN8 score in double digits (less than 100) than I am sorry but this should not be able to happen.
4.) Spotting mechanic is once again a joke.
5.) Map rotation is appalling, yesterday in all of those 100 games I didn't see a single time some of the maps, and there are not that many are there? Today it has been Windstorm and sacred valley over and over
6.) WR How can I play the same tactics, the same tanks one day and have a 57% Win rate and the next day at one point I was 6 wins in 25 matches...I guess see points 3.) and 1.)

It can be such an enjoyable game, but THE most infuriating in the next moment...sigh..rant over...although I wished I had a cat so I could kick it (it's a saying...I am not advocating animal cruelty in any form)

For all of those reasons and others I haven't renewed my Premium for the first time in years.

Now down to approximately 200k in credits, so whenever I play in need to do a few games in my Premium tanks to make up some credits to roll the other games I play in the non-premium tanks, but the credits made these days in either the T 34 or Jg 8,8 is a joke, even in good games.

I play it to chill out of an evening although most nights I feel anything but chilled after a few rounds!
It’s strange really as the game used to be in a way better state, you’d think people would stop pumping money into it so they actually have to take a look at the game seriously and sort it out. Never going to happen though as DLC and paying to have things now with little to no work is the way of the world these days.
I started it back up yesterday, and I wish that I hadn't since the first match had a platoon who used the if a players name is in red it's a bot mod called XVM and started accusing me of being a bot which left me in a real foul mood which made me rage quit out of the game after I got taken out in the second match I played.

I think that I'll try playing during the day to see if there's a better class of player around.
Just when you tell yourself not to give WG anymore money they put the Skorp G on sale :rolleyes:

I have a few Premium tanks, how does this compare to others as far as farming credits goes?
It's a good credit maker tbh, does great alpha damage with a traversable turret so if you use binoc's they stay active. Stay in a bush or out of enemy view range and you can wreak havoc if left alone.

++ Watch QB's review, iirc he thinks it's one of the best premium's in the game ++

** I would also consider the FV4202 which is on sale - that's getting another big buff soon.

The WZ-120-1G FT is still available and the gun on that is truly superb, I'm enjoying this tank a lot.
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It's a good credit maker tbh, does great alpha damage with a traversable turret so if you use binoc's they stay active. Stay in a bush or out of enemy view range and you can wreak havoc if left alone.

++ Watch QB's review, iirc he thinks it's one of the best premium's in the game ++

** I would also consider the FV4202 which is on sale - that's getting another big buff soon.

The WZ-120-1G FT is still available and the gun on that is truly superb, I'm enjoying this tank a lot.

I agree with everything you said except the FV4202. The buff has been scrapped and the tank rolled back to its normal state on the patch test.
Wait what ? Where is the news about the FV4202 ? the new speed and turret buff was bloomin awesome !!


Turret changes were rolled back, and they will stay the same as currently on Update 9.20. Statistics showed the British Premium medium tank was too effective in combat during the overall test. Wargaming will now continue to experiment with the tank and decide how they will release it for the second Common Test.
FV4202 would have been a beast if they went with the hull and turret buffs proposed before 9.20. I know they dropped the hull buff for the common test and just went with the turret but guess realised it would eat into their Primo Victoria/Strv 81 sales too much. Former is around £23 against the over £30 that the latter would set you back.

I'd love a Skorpion G as it would suit my play style nicely but I'm sticking with not giving these monkeys money no matter how much I want one.
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