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Is Deathstar actually confirmed as Top of The Tree next month? Have around 2 days left until I hit T9 so would like to sell AT15 before the discount hits and then hopefully get the Tortoise with 30% off. Think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and spend a little gold to turn the 95K unused XP into free XP so at least get the 120mm gun straight away. I'll be committing Seppuku if I have to play the Tortoise with a gun that's useless on T8 tank.
Only way I've been getting by frankly, probably have more assist than actual damage in this tank. Problem is that the caliber is too low to track most "big boy" tanks and can't even overmatch Swedish T8+ stuff with the gun. Around 55k to go though, seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel but also running out of the good reserves now.
Is Deathstar actually confirmed as Top of The Tree next month? Have around 2 days left until I hit T9 so would like to sell AT15 before the discount hits and then hopefully get the Tortoise with 30% off. Think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and spend a little gold to turn the 95K unused XP into free XP so at least get the 120mm gun straight away. I'll be committing Seppuku if I have to play the Tortoise with a gun that's useless on T8 tank.

WG have confirmed it will be Top of the tree until mid-December then will swap to the Badger after the patch.
If you see me playing in the next 2 weeks, I'm more than likely playing the useless AT15. Really is as bad as I thought it would be, utterly out of meta.

You will hate me for saying this but I very much enjoyed the British TD line. I actually kept the AT-7 and considered keeping the AT-15. I might be able to help you with it.
I'm sure they were great when they were first introduced and will be pretty good with the next patch, as of now though they are a bag of bolts to shoot at :p
So you're hipster? ;)

No reason to like it now although to be fair I didn't mind the Churchills and VK30.02M seems like a hoot, finally going after that line and currently at DW2.
So a new patch has been released and as of yet no updated XVM available, which isn't a great problem.

The point of the post is that I find that without XVM installed, Stats aside as they make no difference to game play, the game feels very different. To the point where I think any one playing without XVM installed is at a disadvantage to those who do have it installed.

It certainly makes a nice refreshing change when you run without it, but having used it for a very long time now I also miss it.

Any others feel the same way?

Note: I'm not referring to the Stats part of XVM but the other tweaks such as on the Mini Map etc.
What tweaks are you thinking of.

Well, they're not tweaks as such, but I was referring mostly to the Mini Map and its "Last Known Position", "Tank Names" and other things such as the indicator for which way you're facing, your view range.

I certainly don't miss the stats! :D
Almost all of that has been part of the base game for a long time now.

Last known position, radar rings, direction facing, gun arc, these are all in the game now.
Certainly I'm not seeing Last known Position, along with Tank Name.


Describe "Tank Name" to me.
Well I'm 1k XP away from Tortoise but absolutely spent now so will save it for daily double tomorrow. Won't be buying it anyway until Top of The Tree on Friday, could do with a day break tomorrow!
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