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Same name in game, just don' expect me to be playing fun tanks in the next two weeks ;)

I really need to push the Swedish TD line as well, still on T6 but by god these tanks are awful before the siege mode at T8.
Same name in game, just don' expect me to be playing fun tanks in the next two weeks ;)

I really need to push the Swedish TD line as well, still on T6 but by god these tanks are awful before the siege mode at T8.

I prefered the T7 to the T8 to be honest. I feel useless 90% of the time in the UDES because I have to hide back so far that I often don't do much. I then get a bit too aggressive and immediately die as a result.
I prefered the T7 to the T8 to be honest. I feel useless 90% of the time in the UDES because I have to hide back so far that I often don't do much. I then get a bit too aggressive and immediately die as a result.

Sounds like me in the skorpion. repeat...I am not a tank...everyone can see me... before every game.

In many games I get spotted, pull back, spotted pull back, then instantly die as 4 or 5 different vehicles I haven't seen just hit me all at once. I end up hoping for city maps.
Well Skorpion's game is not so much about no being as not being shot. Mobility is truly key with it and frankly I want one :p

Done my daily on the AT15 so have the Tortoise unlocked now and will buy tomorrow with the 30% discount, Lord knows I need a break from the game today after this horrific grind. Thing is badly out of meta right now but I can see changes in the next patch making it a playable machine again. To be fair since I played it with reserves grinding it out ASAP, I was probably too aggressive with it getting up close and into the thick of the battle. Would have had done better if I sat back like other TDs but would take longer and during the "good" games I wouldn't be able to keep up with the action and end up doing nothing a lot of the time.

Also good to see that T92 light tank is seeing the light of day, it's very marmite looks wise but I love the unusual look of it. Doubt I'll buy it but it still looks gorgeous in my opinion.

Also with the new exterior options including clown colours finally seeing the light of day, what are everyone's opinions of them being implemented soon?
I don't mind it too much to be fair, I know it'll colourise the battlefield a bit but I can live with that. It's definitely better than back when they wanted to implement those stupid horns.

I am also interested in the T92 light. It looks great to me and I think it'll be a barrel of laughs to play though I feel the Blackdog will be better than it simply because it came before the LT rebalance.
Yeah Blackdog is still the daddy but outside of advent calendar probably won't see it ever again. I know they said it wont be for sale but we already seen the Mutant and E-25 in store. Hell, be interesting if Type 59 pops up now that it had a minor buff.

Gun handling looks absolutely insane on the T92, soft stats are simply some of the best out there. Again though love the tiny looks, still fancy the T7 US Scorpion even if it's pretty average on paper.

As for the new customisation skills, while I wouldn't say I'm happy, I don't mind they have finally started implementing a new revenue stream that doesn' affect gameplay. Fact that they have an option to hide any non historical elements means I won't be affected.

I think It's a trick they have been for some time, TF2 made more money with hats when they went freemium with zero influence on gameplay. I've no interest in paints myself but once they also implement physical elements for customisation I may be interested.

I love the look of my Bromwell with all the spare wheels, Jerry cans and tracks on it. If they let you customise your own vehicles (in a historical context) I think that would be a great money maker without any P2W elements.
I would like some historical games, but I doubt that's possible with the why tanks are currently balanced. I'm thinking of a Bromwell vs Tiger for example.
I think a historical WWII mode would be fun, basically limit it to tiers 5 to 7 which would include majority of machines without getting into more the more advanced stuff that started coming out in '45 like IS-3, Pershings, Centurions and the like.
Yes, WG added all the most useful mods into the game, even the artillery aiming mod.

But many of them are not on by default.

There's one they forgot to add and that is the Automatically Return Crew, that is very handy.

Also, there's no display/icon showing which of the enemy tanks have been spotted against them on the list. That is useful as you can see if any are else where from the main battle or just trying to be sneaky and camping somewhere if they're a TD.
I prefered the T7 to the T8 to be honest. I feel useless 90% of the time in the UDES because I have to hide back so far that I often don't do much. I then get a bit too aggressive and immediately die as a result.

Keep with it. The T9 is fabulous in the right position. Faced of against a tortoise and an at15. I bounced over 4k due to the bounce mechanics. I can only assume they didn't have any he.

But you really do need to learn gun sizes. You're immune to 120mm but 121mm will overmatch - Russian bias ?

It is really, really hard to brawl in. But at mid/long range the Swedish TDs are awesome.

Although, I kind of want my Badger :-)
There's one they forgot to add and that is the Automatically Return Crew, that is very handy.

Also, there's no display/icon showing which of the enemy tanks have been spotted against them on the list. That is useful as you can see if any are else where from the main battle or just trying to be sneaky and camping somewhere if they're a TD.

I would add the 'auto return binos/camo' function and the 'auto use credits for gold ammo' as very useful.
I also won a battle earlier that XVM helped with. It was me in my T6 med and two other T6s behind a rock in a T8 battle. I yolo'd a lone IS-3 and took the shot knowing that the 55% and 56% w.r. players would do the right thing and back me up. Had they been 46% and 45% they would have waited for me to die and then gone out 1 by 1.

XVM helps you predict how your team-mates and the enemy will behave - that is why I have stats showing.
Well going by the Top of The Tree, the patch will land 13/14th December. Should be enough time to get the Deathstar and Badger, once I have the latter for my DPM monster TD, I'll have to see if I still want to out the effort into Swedish tanks. Do have that crew and the discounts from last Christmas but I'm not that keen on TDs lately.

Think I'm still largely on camp mobility when it comes to my tanks. Need to push my Babychat so get the big brother finally, actually looking forward to playing regular tanks when this horrific grind is over.
Keep with it. The T9 is fabulous in the right position. Faced of against a tortoise and an at15. I bounced over 4k due to the bounce mechanics. I can only assume they didn't have any he.

But you really do need to learn gun sizes. You're immune to 120mm but 121mm will overmatch - Russian bias ?

It is really, really hard to brawl in. But at mid/long range the Swedish TDs are awesome.

Although, I kind of want my Badger :)

Don't worry about that I have plenty of experience :p. It's something I am getting to but I am not in too much of a hurry.

I do look forward to the badger though :). I might try out the deathstar before then, I just need to kit it out.
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