****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Its not even true to say X nationality is sabotaging the game. Cheap racism.

Also showing poor understanding of how much you are able to affect small sample sizes of games but being happy to claim credit for the times when the RNG mix of game and player choices gives you a victory.

Your tank selection further muddies the water with some tanks being total bottom feeders, only able to pitch in to someone elses fight due to being paper if caught.

Makes me want to flip a table when some tactical monkey with his XVM display declares his balls and brain are in captivity to his mod collection so he'll suicide/powercamp spawn because XVM says the odds favour the other side.

Or just as worthless, yolo hard in the mistaken belief that it's a secure win.

Its as if these people believe that the matchmaker controls all the tanks (except theirs of course) and plays it out to a known outcome which they alone know due to a stat display.

I can only hope I don't max out my ignore list.
MM isn't anywhere near that intelligent, that's the problem after all these years it's still just a glorified roulette wheel. It's just a big middle finger to everyone that it's been taking so long just to address the basics behind the matchmaker, I don't think even out good Lord knows when they will actually implement player statistics into it.
MM isn't anywhere near that intelligent, that's the problem after all these years it's still just a glorified roulette wheel. It's just a big middle finger to everyone that it's been taking so long just to address the basics behind the matchmaker, I don't think even out good Lord knows when they will actually implement player statistics into it.

Approximately never.

Tanks are not balanced, maps are random (and thus make your blind tank selection worthless or omnipotent) also player experience on X is not the same if they then play Y.

So to make a matchmaker that claims to balance based on statistics can only ever be a grey lie.

Imagine the scenario, you get "the best" players in bottom tier support tanks on Himmelsdorf. But they let each team have equal "quality" players....

The current scenario is that fairness is through RNG and large numbers.
Fairness is basically holding on to your hat and hoping for the best which is frankly poor show from WG. This is where it falls on its "behind" as a competitive game frankly, I don't expect games to be ending 15:14 all the time but it can be so random that it really gets in a way of any kind of fun.

Funny enough Quickbaby has touched on the subject in one of his recent videos. He used a crude and approximate analogy but essentially what he's saying is that you can only have an influence in about 35% of games. Even a true bot that doesn't leave the base and sits AFK has over 40% WR and then there's the good chunk (25% in his analogy) where you can get 14 kills and you'll still lose.
Fairness is basically holding on to your hat and hoping for the best which is frankly poor show from WG. This is where it falls on its "behind" as a competitive game frankly, I don't expect games to be ending 15:14 all the time but it can be so random that it really gets in a way of any kind of fun.

Funny enough Quickbaby has touched on the subject in one of his recent videos. He used a crude and approximate analogy but essentially what he's saying is that you can only have an influence in about 35% of games. Even a true bot that doesn't leave the base and sits AFK has over 40% WR and then there's the good chunk (25% in his analogy) where you can get 14 kills and you'll still lose.

And that's because it's all down to sheer luck of who your team mates are.
WoT has too much RNG and deliberate imbalance for players to play optimally all the time.

Who for example would pick a zero armour TD without a turret for a city map. Doesn't matter, you're forced to play what you bring to whatever map you get and if it sucks for you, well you're providing the entertainment for the better suited tanks.

Then there's RNG shells, tank tiers where by sheer weight of stats you can crush other tanks because their tanks are lower tiers and are given less everything.

It's total garbage for competitive play and I've not cared a bit for any attempt at it. You get tank stacking and really disgusting mechanic abuse because the bottom line is its a really clumsy 3rd person shooter and it still looks clumsy when dressed up as a competition. Incredibly long aimtime, low rate of fire, horribly clumsy movement, very little actual movement...

The RNG-fest is what people play for because one way or another the RNG and forced imbalance will let you have a go.

People who get a good handle on abusing strong tanks and mechanics can squeeze out maybe 20% more winrate than a bot with their 1/15 player team contribution and that's about as good as it gets.
I think you're completely missing the point. Yes, some tanks are sub optimal on some maps yet in the hands of a skilled or intelligent player can be of benefit to the team. Some tanks are utter dog**** and yet you see some players perform outstandingly in them by playing to their strengths or utilising them appropriately. Its about the player, not the map or tank.
You can perform better but essentially quite a bit is still down to random RNG nature of the game.

Most unicum players who aren't seal clubbing and padding their stats are around 60-65% WR which still means they are losing as much as almost 4 games in 10. Bearing in mind that is also usually with generous use of premium ammo, expensive consumables and and in some cases platooning with other great players. Premium account also helps as they don't have to play tanks in stock configuration for as long and can afford to keep their crews trained and re-trained with gold.

Good player can of course have an influence but I guess the point here is that no matter how good, large portion of the result still isn't down to you. Playing the latest meta tanks is of course also an influencing factor to an extent, now that that you can see you stats broken down by month, I have noticed that my general stats went down a little as I've been forced to grind British heavies and TDs that are out if meta before their respective patches.

Think biggest point is why do we let this game keep getting to us and continue to play it :p
I think you're completely missing the point. Yes, some tanks are sub optimal on some maps yet in the hands of a skilled or intelligent player can be of benefit to the team. Some tanks are utter dog**** and yet you see some players perform outstandingly in them by playing to their strengths or utilising them appropriately. Its about the player, not the map or tank.

I didn't quote anyone so my point is my point.

I can show you an exceptional game in a CGC (tier 6) on the right map with suitable front line spotting going on.

But I don't get a say in getting a suitable map or a helpful team.

All I am allowed to do is pimp my tank and get in the queue, if I get Himmelsdorf well, it sucks to be me because no matter my competence, it's a tragic tank for close range brawling on streets.

Sure, I can be better than useless but the game is forcing me to play a tank/map combo I know is trash. Thus it is crippling my ability to influence the game by not allowing me to optimise what I bring to a match as the map selection is blind. Along with team composition.

WoT has too much RNG and deliberate imbalance for players to play optimally all the time.

I do not mean "do the best with what I get" I mean I am restricted from choosing a strong contribution to a match. Actually getting into a position of power is RNG based.

You hear echos of it all the time, light tanks hoping for open maps, artillery hoping for open maps, heavy tanks hoping for close combat, medium tanks hoping for semi open maps, TDs hoping for easy shots... dice rolls all round with many layers of RNG to further dilute differences.

I have no problems in doing the best with what I bring but I also know I'm playing in an engineered mess that mixes everyone together and still gives each a chance to do something by making sure that good players cannot influence the games too much.
Also, one more day and a half for this infernal badge competition.

The amount of time needed to get the carry games is such a drag (somewhat related to recent postings). But in a nutshell if you can get five 1400+ base xp games you're sorted for a top 10.
Yeah I've noticed I've managed to get into a few prize positions just by doing my daily grinds. Some reserves and couple of days of premium can't really hurt.
Well that's my AT15 grind done, have enough free XP to jump the tortoise so think i will just pick up the deathstar in the top of the tree next month before the patch.

Had some fun games in an ocuk platoon last night.
do russian crews get crew xp at a lower rate or something??

my su85 crew seems hopelessly slow at getting xp
If you see me playing in the next 2 weeks, I'm more than likely playing the useless AT15. Really is as bad as I thought it would be, utterly out of meta.
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