****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Grrrrr - flipping missions. Have to spot 6 and stay alive in my LT.

Had a great start really aggressive on some ridge lines at the start, spotted a few. Came top on damage (in a LT !) and XP. Missions complete - errr, no - I'd only spotted 5.

So frustrating.
Yay - done it. Zero damage, Zero spotting damage, 6 spots and we win. I finish bottom of the team list. But hey, that's what they want.
or E-25 ;) Bit odd from NA to have such a weird bundle when they offer so much better value normally compared to EU.

Also only just got AT7 and while just about everything is unlocked straight away there is simply no chance of Deathstar now with what time I have left to play until the patch lands.
or E-25 ;) Bit odd from NA to have such a weird bundle when they offer so much better value normally compared to EU.

Also only just got AT7 and while just about everything is unlocked straight away there is simply no chance of Deathstar now with what time I have left to play until the patch lands.

The Black Friday weekend special has x2 xp for every battle this weekend so using some XP boosters should help you along the way.

Im on the AT15 with 75k XP to go but also have 300k free XP so might just finish the AT15 grind and bypass the tortoise completely.

The Deathstar is also going to be Top of the tree for next month too.
Strangest thing is that it's something I probably expected fro EU marketing department where we get rubbish deals all the time. US along with the Ruskies normally get a pretty good value for money so just an odd move from them.
At the At 15 now... about 2 wins in 20 or so games today, what fun.... I know I'm terrible but I really wonder about some of these people on this game.
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They are just pretty poor tanks at the moment period, really not much you can do bar that once in a while amazing game you get on a city map, with enemy who can't shoot one of the dozens of your weakspots. Seems that way from T6 and up, with the double weekend I have caved in and gave WG money. 30 day premium account and Tetrarch which I've been after for a long time now, even if it's more a collector's tank at this point.
The Black Friday weekend special has x2 xp for every battle this weekend so using some XP boosters should help you along the way...

This is how I read it... "Every battle", with the special finishing on Monday, however, for me it's just on the first daily one :confused:

Same for everyone else?
Hasn't been that bad considering over here. Grinded around 90k on the AT7 last night to unlock AT15 which I played today and did around the same XP wise so unlocked the tracks, engine, top gun and one or two games away from the useless gun.

Free XP is at mere 7k so still no clue if I'll make it to Deathstar or not.
Same, 39% win ratio, normally average 52%-55% over past 1000 games. Where do all the scum come from!

Poland and the Czech Republic. Honestly, the vast majority of players I come across from both of those countries are just dire. Followed closely by Slovakians. They don't get tactics at all. They lemming train. They rush up the middle. They camp at the back in brawling heavies.
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