****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Gah - special players on tonight.

Over the last 14 games played I have won 4.

Highlights of the losses were a 15-0 loss - as arty there was very little I could do. A loss where we had 2 LTs vs 1 arty. 1st LT got shotgunned. The 2nd then managed to flip himself over 100m in front of the enemy arty/. Arty then had all the time to kill him. Oh and a tense 2 vs 2 when our bot jagdtiger drove off a cliff and drowned.


Still got my 500,000 credits so I'll call that a win.
I'm not sure I'll want to play this game when I'm done with this grind, the more experience I have with this game the more I realise I'm an idiot for investing my time into it.
I'm not sure I'll want to play this game when I'm done with this grind, the more experience I have with this game the more I realise I'm an idiot for investing my time into it.

And this is how I feel, perhaps we have a problem...an addiction....as normal people would just stop playing a game which makes you pulse with rage?:mad::(
Well i picked up my Deathstar last night so now i can get on with just playing the game for fun again. Do need credits now though so will start working through some low tier stuff i want to finish.

Been a bad few months as i was one of the silly people to grind up for the Fock and both FV215's.
I'm glad I didn't go for Foch, I got as far as UE57 if my memory serves me right!

The daily 30k silver missions are helping with money as well as a rather easy almost 1 million credits this weekend for the missions. Also have another daily mission that nets you up to 9 large repair kits a day during the week now, so all in all can potentially net 120k a day with little effort.

Also I'm pretty sure I would actually mildly enjoy Tortoise in other circumstances as the gun is very punchy, between standard ammo and excellent HESH I haven't fired a round of premium yet. As it stands when you're forced to play it, especially a certain aggressive way when reserves are ticking, I'm going to be glad to see the back of it, which is far away still. After grinding the top gun, I'm still only 80k in and reserves are thin on the ground while they sort out March of Nations results :eek:
Don't remind me! If you see me online, I'm more than likely playing the Tortoise so just holler.

I'm happy to help also with my T-54 LW, if you see me on.

I tried WarThunder GF last night with a mate, once you get used to the differences it is actually reasonably fun. Not sure if I'll replace WoT with it, but may be on that more frequently in the near future.
Afking in the garage I was spammed by a long list of receipts.

It was my top 1k in tier 7, 8 and 9 rewards arriving.

So I got 9 days premium, a badge for each tier and I cba counting them but there was a heap of xp/credit boosters.
Also did you know....

Conqueror has ~2685dpm with all perks vents/rammer

But gets 914dpm by going from the 120mm to the 32 pounder, putting it at 3599dpm

Not actually garbage either at 220pen/252pen and 280 alpha

You can do a similar thing with the E50 and reach 3600dpm by going from the 105mm to the 88mm L100
220 pen in a T10 dominated game is awkward at best in something that can't really flank and the muzzle velocity is significantly lower which is a pretty big deal in my opinion.

The L/100 on the E-50 is a better alternative but personally I preferred the alpha of the L/52. The tank is a touch more mobile with the L/52 too.

DPM doesn't mean too much if you can't bring it to bear, or if it means overexposure that ends up with you getting killed.
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Yes, dpm requires exposure but alpha requires cover.

Very often you don't have control over either. An enemy push removes your cover and an enemy hiding removes your target.

Have to play it differently is all, playing for DPM trades not alpha peeking.

The part which is actually an issue is armour creep. 220 isn't worth a dam against the front of a number of tier 9 and 10 heavies and TDs, neither is 252mm premium.

120mm has 259mm and 326mm which will work much more often.
Must be doing rewards in batches, nothing over here. Also realised I got pushed out of top 1000 on all tanks as I was mostly concentrating on British TD line, bah.

Been really bad over last 2 days, barely scraped together 35k XP in 4 hours. It was like someone left all the idiot cages open so hitting that MM streak of bad luck. Only half way there at 115k XP and have the flu so sinuses are not in ideal condition for gaming.
Playing the conqueror I never really tried to brawl, I always tried to use cover, range and the turret armour. I never tried it since the patch but I don't think it would really work as a brawler too well.
Well the mobility nerfs feel horrible on it that's for sure.

Small gun play you want to turn up somewhere where the enemy has low armour... like finding the enemy meds in open ground... and look to catch them in a dpm trap before they realise you're not using the low dpm 120mm. An important difference is you reload in about 4.5s and a 105mm med is more like 7s+ so against usual logic, the Conq is the one which can permatrack and dpm mediums to death.

Need to pick your battles carefully, actually zero point going to poke a Type 4 head on in a chokepoint.
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