****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I hate this ******* game so much right now, it's like a complete 180 in teams over last 3 days now. Right when I need to make last push and don't have reserves, simply **** you WG with your ****** roulette MM.
To be honest, they've just allowed the game to descend into ruin. Very few players know how to play properly anymore. Most of those that did have given up playing by now and gone to play other games.

What we have left are the dismal idiots who do not seem to be able to find their arse in the dark with a flashlight and a map and those that are hunting their stats more than actually trying to win games with team play.

I hate playing support classes. :(
My gameplay has suffered too to be fair, after playing these stupid battering rams with zero tactical ability, I'm now almost incapable of using other tanks. Particular fast autoloaders, my strategic view of the minimap and ability to think quickly and exploit opportunities, seemed to have died with this grind.

I literally play on my phone while sticking the tank in auto forward until I get to the battle.
My gameplay has suffered too to be fair, after playing these stupid battering rams with zero tactical ability, I'm now almost incapable of using other tanks. Particular fast autoloaders, my strategic view of the minimap and ability to think quickly and exploit opportunities, seemed to have died with this grind.

I literally play on my phone while sticking the tank in auto forward until I get to the battle.

No different to 99% of the players in the game to be fair...
Seriously, I feel like I've dropped a few brain cells playing these pieces of turd. I feel so clunky playing fast tanks now, I'll have to learn how to play the things all over. Not helping I'm having some technical issues with the new build so can't actually play the game at full screen.
That's what I normally do, don't really play past the dailies. Last 3 months have been dedicated to grinding out both FV215s though so have been rather unpleasant.

Got my rewards from March of Nations this morning too and rather easy missions for 100% XP boosters for the weekend special. Should make things easier, about 80k XP away now from Deathstar so light at the end of the tunnel.
I'm at an awkward point where I don't even want to touch the game anymore, but I've invested so much time there's no backing out now. I will probably hate the Deathstar to a point I'll never play it after all this :D
I'm at an awkward point where I don't even want to touch the game anymore, but I've invested so much time there's no backing out now. I will probably hate the Deathstar to a point I'll never play it after all this :D

That'll all change when you drop off a bridge with it, pen the roof of an E-50 and kill him in one hit, then land on top of a T-54 and flatten him!
Yup - it happens. Had TWO 15-0s this week. Have only ever had 1 before. There is a very special type of player playing at the moment.

Just grant me the serenity to accept the games I cannot win, the courage to win the ones I can and the wisdom to tell them apart.
I would suggest bit playing due a few days at least. The E25 is today's advent tank. There are going to be hundreds of them out there. Actually playing heavily armoured t8/9 might be good fun.

The o-ho with deep might become the o-hahaha
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