****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Played a little this morning and already minimum of one a team, T7 and below are going to be no go areas for at least a few days. Urine take when these things start platooning and throws balance right out the window, although helps that lot are being played like potatoes.

After last year totally expected at least, see if the LeFeFeFeFeGe goes up for sale to ruin the already badly balanced lower tiers. Guess question on everyone's lips is if Type 59 will go for sale this year, although I'll laugh hard at people who will be bled dry to get hands on one.

No leaked advent calendar this year that I can find though, I missed out on Rudy last year due to drinking commitments but then they just basically gave T-34-85M away. Bar the BiA crew there's little point investing now, in fact not sure if I fancy any tanks.
Only tank I'd be tempted by is a Defender/Obj 252 and I doubt that'll be on sale again due to the OPness so both me and WG are out of luck on that front.

Haven't played the game properly (played about ten minutes last weekend) in three weeks and my premium time ran out about ten days ago. Had a couple of weeks mostly playing American Truck Simulator and having a chill out instead of getting annoyed with this game. As the E25 is on sale I'll give it at least another week before I come back because even before it went on sale every one I came across seemed to be spamming premium rounds from the get go.
Funniest thing is how WG are talking about how much they want to fix the MM and that tanks with preferential MM were something they'd never do again given the choice. However, blind pursuit of $$$ makes everyone forget about their strategy at this company. I can only imagine the frustration you'd feel if you were someone who is genuinely passionate and cared about game development, but working for this outfit.

More Tortoise action for me though this weekend, thankfully they do have the 100% XP boosters as very easy rewards. Even if it doesn't go to plan, should have the Deathstar by Monday evening.
Only tank I'd be tempted by is a Defender/Obj 252 and I doubt that'll be on sale again due to the OPness so both me and WG are out of luck on that front.

Haven't played the game properly (played about ten minutes last weekend) in three weeks and my premium time ran out about ten days ago. Had a couple of weeks mostly playing American Truck Simulator and having a chill out instead of getting annoyed with this game. As the E25 is on sale I'll give it at least another week before I come back because even before it went on sale every one I came across seemed to be spamming premium rounds from the get go.

They sold the abomination that is the E25 yesterday so I do not see why they wouldn't sell the Defender/252U again.
6 days in a row now I'm well below 50% WR, absolute mess of idiots that seemingly get pushed my way. Word of the day is ******* Mines, all I'm getting is that map this weekend. I don't understand why it isn't limited to T8 and below at the very max, it's just a lower level grind fest map.

Pretty sure the Defender, Patriot and the French thing will all make their way into the calendar.
I'm just looking forward to playing normal tanks now! Going to fire up the thing later today to get the crew to 100% again as retrained them with silver. Rude not to with x2 crew weekend bonus, x2 ToTT mission and further x1.5 bonus. That and see if it lives up to its name, I also didn't realise that ammo count was being increased from 12 to 20 shells next patch, every little helps I guess!

Now going to concentrate on the Batchat and American medium line, I even resisted the urge to use free XP for Deathstar so can kit out the Pershing right off the bat.
Well I already have the T25 Pilot and looks just about the same as Pershing?

Also should probably start pursuing the E-50M line, unlocked the E-100 today so have my female crew currently sitting in E-75 doing nothing. Have no plans on getting the big boy as I already have 3 T10 heavies. Just don' feel like playing DW2 and that tank after it since I just done this grind :p
I got the Pilot for free back when that mission was on but I have never used it! I can't comment on it but I would say the Pershing should be a bit better. The gun might be a bit lacking with the matchmaking being almost always T10 battles now but it's a mobile chassis and the gun handling is very good.
Deathstar researched, bought and in my garage. I hate everyone.

That was one heck of a grind you've done over the past couple of weeks.

Ive been chilling in the lower tier stuff working up multiple lines, it has made a refreshing change. Least you earn credits no matter what you do (Within reason).

I got the Pilot from the marathon but ive never taken it out to be honest, might have to give it a go.
Yeah I've played the T25 Pilot quite a few times, only good thing I can say is that it's a good credit maker and turret armour is trollish at times :D Very lacklustre in every other respect though but definitely not a tank that can turn the tide.

T5 and T6 tend to be rather good for credit making, even without premium. Former tier does feel a little seal clubby, particularly with tanks like T67 and KV series. What is an acceptable tier that's not considered seal clubbing, T6 and above?
As long as you're not doing 80% of your battles in a specific tier 3/4 tank all day I don't think you can be accused of seal clubbing :p.

The people who have 5 skill crews in T2 tanks while spamming premium ammo are the only ones I don't understand.
Yeah I've started a few lines recently and there's a lot of professional clubbers in Pz. 1C things and all sorts. I actually have that B2 740 (f) which I got for free last Christmas, that's meant to be a seal clubbing paradise but I feel to filthy touching that. Few games in T67 is my limit I think :p
Yeah I've started a few lines recently and there's a lot of professional clubbers in Pz. 1C things and all sorts. I actually have that B2 740 (f) which I got for free last Christmas, that's meant to be a seal clubbing paradise but I feel to filthy touching that. Few games in T67 is my limit I think :p

I remember the missions for the Pilot I used my T-28 F-30 a lot for it and I bumped into so many gold spamming B2 740's. They were just ridiculous for having preferential mm.
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