****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Dear Lord, 183 is staggeringly, eye wateringly expensive to run and that's on a win :eek:

You reckon?

Try running the Conway with the BL 5.5, each premium shell is HESH @ 7300 credits, 200 pen 770 dmg

Compare to the 183 @ 8000 credits, 230 pen, 1750 dmg

The 183 is alright if you pen your shots due to the massive damage values which make the cost actually perfectly fine no matter which shell you fire.

The ideal shell to fire depends on the armour of the target and what they are showing but the long reload means you gamble half a min in advance of firing...
Only had a handful of games so didn't get a chance for those full health one shots but this does actually bring up another thing that really annoys me about the game. Damage per silver is horrendously out of whack for premium ammo on quite a few tanks, so technically speaking if you penetrate, the 183 HESH rounds are almost a bargain, on a relative scale of course.

Autoloaders are the worst for it, premium round on an AMX 13 90 that does 240 damage is 4800 silver for example. Yet Babychat rounds are better in every respect and 4000. Worse still, Tortoise and Jagdtiger rounds are both cheaper, have higher penetration and damage, to be fair that goes for a lot of other tanks too.

There's probably someone out there who took the time to calculate best value premium rounds no doubt, these HESH possibly are some of the best value for money. Just need to get those opportunities and make the bloody shots :p
Yeah I've started a few lines recently and there's a lot of professional clubbers in Pz. 1C things and all sorts. I actually have that B2 740 (f) which I got for free last Christmas, that's meant to be a seal clubbing paradise but I feel to filthy touching that. Few games in T67 is my limit I think :p

The amount of hate I used to get from Sealclubbing PIc's in my P2J back with all chat enabled was unreal. They can't hurt me, even with gold ammo. My heart bleeds. :D

I remember the missions for the Pilot I used my T-28 F-30 a lot for it and I bumped into so many gold spamming B2 740's. They were just ridiculous for having preferential mm.

When I take my B2 out I often run it with gold, can still be profitable. On the other hand I rarely use it so there's that.

The P2J you have to fire gold to be at all competitive, especially with the current MM and tier 4s.

In other news I finally got my T28HTC last night. A little bit of a break, then on to the T55A methinks, slowly initially is probably best for sanity reasons. ;)
I've had the T28 for some time now but it looks really meh so never fired it up. I'm on last few missions for T-55A so really need to make a push for it with the ridiculous requirements.

I did play Pz. 38 something aka the Mini Maus for about 50 games recently to get Sixth Sense for my German light tank commander. To be fair with pen creeping up a lot over last few years (even at lower tiers), it's nowhere near as OP as some tanks. British tanks also popular amongst seal clubbers since they have insane pen.

Also I still miss enemy chat and to this day think they were wrong to remove it.
all these e25's!

some things still amaze me in life ( I am getting on a bit)

one of those things is that people will spend more than 40 of the queens pounds on a single tank to play in an online game..I find it utterly baffling
The T-28 F-30 is great. The aim time can be a killer but in the right hands that gun is absolutely devastating. I can quite easily do over 1000 damage even in a tier 4 game with just a little bit of luck.

The HE Shell against T3/4 tanks with 43 pen and 280 alpha is just brutal.
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Looks like a little fire cracker.

I know we've been promised a new MM with less repetitive map rotation but has anyone else been seeing bloody Mines map a lot over last 7 days? It's seriously doing my head in and not just because it's a map that doesn't belong in the higher tiers.
I did play Pz. 38 something aka the Mini Maus for about 50 games recently to get Sixth Sense for my German light tank commander. To be fair with pen creeping up a lot over last few years (even at lower tiers), it's nowhere near as OP as some tanks. British tanks also popular amongst seal clubbers since they have insane pen.

I believe the Tetrarch was put into the game to poison the matchmaking for the Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)

It's a British tank but only available as a Russian tank, 64mm and 121mm pen was huge at the time but it would go through the 45+mm armour of the 38H easily.

There were no British tanks at the time IIRC but nowadays there are two more tier 2 British tanks carrying the 2 pounder and a handful of other tanks with marginal pen values.

Also it's the tier 2 B1 with 70+mm armour that is the real monster of low tier.
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Always ended the Tetrarch since I missed out when it was given out for free. Finally got it 2 weeks ago when they were giving it away with a month's premium which I needed for the Deathstar grind. Fun little thing but ripped apart by autoloaders and no real need to play it to be fair nowadays.
Holy **** they updated the matilda model.


Before they had the front as a box but actually the hull is boat shaped, sloped sideways.


The bits which make it look like a box are not armour but storage space and now they have no hitbox.

So now you hit the armour as it should be, the front slopes differently to all other tanks.

You also cannot angle it at all now. However head on it has very high armour for a Tier 4.

*actually angling depends, they added side skirts which are spaced armour and the Matilda is really small so aiming for specific points is difficult.

The models for the premium T5 matildas were also updated but the same armour is not so hot a tier up and the BP especially has a tragic huge box turret.
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Aren't they pretty much wrapped up with HD tank models after this patch?

For those who missed, code T4NKYou gives you a day's premium and some reserves also.
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It does look like a solid tank. I am interested in the new French heavies too.

I will need to put some money together to get the AMX M4 45 again. I don't remember it particularly fondly but it wasn't awful either.
Yeah just retrained all the skills on my Badger, will take it out later this afternoon. As for HD models turns out AMX 40 is only SD model left, hope they turn it into an actual duck for the transfer!
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom!

Can't wait to see this actually playing out :p.

Is a nice tank, took it for a spin. Very well armoured, not bad mobility and a adequate gun.

Ofc for the next few days the MM would look like this....

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