****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I've seen some minimap cluster***** that I didn't know where possible, where people are literally glued to bushes in spawns, teams capping out with 3 deaths per team on encounter and RNG is out of this world tonight.

I've just called it for tonight as my last Game in a Skorpion G did no damage to a flush side shot to Leopard 1, another side shot to T-55A from 20 metres out and then somehow miraculously the shell failed to penetrate him head on through the hull with 100mm of armour. On a bright side I've had some monster games even losing tonight, I think I just need to become a full time unicum scumbag who only uses team mates as shields and forget about any notion of trying to play with them. This really can't be treated as a team game the way the community is.
Still a braindead mess of absolute mongrels. Honestly when MM RNG wants to swing you around it takes you for a whole round the world trip. Literally nothing else as I'm consistently finishing in top 5, thought I'd start the morning with an hour of reserves, 9 losses in a row is the result. I'm such a grade A moron for continuing to play this game.
Seems about the same to me apart from constant premium ammo spam that seems to be rife at the moment, can people not aim any more all of a sudden or am I the only one who can be bothered? The only other thing that is bothering me at the moment is the number of Type 4 and Type 5 heavies I've seen the last few days. Every game tier 8 and up has at least one per team on it and they're such an annoying thing to deal with when every single one is firing premium HE and doesn't need to even really aim at your tank, not forgetting the fact that 75% of the time everyone else needs to dab the 2 key to do anything to the things. At least with the Maus you can still pen the lower plate with standard ammo.

Bought the T-44 the other day and I'm liking it quite a lot. I don't know if it's just me, but it feels like quite a decent step up from the T-43 which just felt like a slightly re-skinned T-34-85, just a tier higher and as such gave me no motivation to play the T-43. Also researched and bought the E-100 yesterday and had one game on Himmelsdorf where I could really put the armour to use (angling the turret as well as the hull) which was quite fun until the rest of the team folded and I got swarmed, then I just had constant wide-open maps with arty. So far it's giving me the same vibes as the E-75 did originally where I just couldn't get the thing to work like everyone else seemed to be able to do. When I got the E-75 I just wanted to go back to the Tiger II, now I'm at the E-100 I just want to go back to the E-75 as I had some fairly good games in it for the last 20K XP. Luckily I've decided the E-75 is a keeper for me so it's still in the garage as is the Conqueror just in case they do ever decide to add a second T10 British heavy tank.
T-43 isn't a very good tank so T-44 would feel like a nice step up. Going back to Tiger II is just weird though :p

I still love the game mechanic where you hit light tanks with shells that would rip them in half, flush on a side only to hear, "critical damage", without actually even tracking them. GG
T-43 isn't a very good tank so T-44 would feel like a nice step up. Going back to Tiger II is just weird though :p

I still love the game mechanic where you hit light tanks with shells that would rip them in half, flush on a side only to hear, "critical damage", without actually even tracking them. GG

Was just discussing that with a mate yesterday! I keep bouncing off tanks that in reality if they were hit would get ripped apart never mind penetrated.
This is by no means a realistic simulator but you'd expect a light tank flip over WRX style if it got hit with a 120mm APCR shells while at full speed, it's joke that it doesn't do damage and absolute insult when it doesn't even track them.

On a bright side the New Year special this weekend is also an insult so after this x5 ****show this week and I'm not touching the game until new year probably. Did manage to get quite a few modules for fresh lines and almost unlocked T-54 LT now so not a bad haul.

Desperately need an equipment sale but they have been very stingy with events this December, just when I think WG can't sink lower, they find a way.
A 120mm round would take the turret clean off any lt. Instead if it hits a Russian one it just bounces...
That's nothing, I saw a shell from my IS-7 literally go through KV-4 like it wasn' there. Seems only way to fight Soviet bias is with Soviet bias :p

I can only laugh today, so many awful games, I don't mean just losses but complete roll over teams, lemming trains of biblical proportions and people in higher tier games that make you wonder how they don't choke on air while trying to breathe.

Today has truly proven that you can't get banned for chat abuse, I was seriously losing my ****.
Ah the good old ghost shot! Im noticing more and more of those recently. Itll pass through a tank and literally disappear.
As for the teams today...yup!
Yolo scouts. Sniping Russian heavies. Arti tks aplenty. Two games in a row i was completely screwed by my own arti. Utter muppets.
And yeah...the things I type clearly go nowhere although perhaps wg review them and agree!
I still don't get how there can't be better mm though.
and they're such an annoying thing to deal with when every single one is firing premium HE and doesn't need to even really aim at your tank, not forgetting the fact that 75% of the time everyone else needs to dab the 2 key to do anything to the things

Whoa. Hold on. I use the 14cm on my Type 4 and is far superior gun, while I haven't fired a single premium HEAT shot yet after all these battles.

The 15cm gun is for noobs, morons and Clan Wars. Tried it and is complete meh....
14cm gun is far superior especially on the Type 5 for random battles.
Was just discussing that with a mate yesterday! I keep bouncing off tanks that in reality if they were hit would get ripped apart never mind penetrated.
the lttb is like that...I drive it like a loony and it always suprises me how many shots it deflects

but then again you can roll it by just looking at it funny...it has to be the most unstable tank in the game
Yup I can testify for LTTB, just seems to bounce shots left right and centre so I just drive it like a mad man. Hell I'm about one or two games away from T-54 LT and I don't even have Sixth Sense on it as I don't need it.

Today is a quagmire again, absolutely nothing I do makes a difference. Think I've ran sub 50% WR since about Sunday now.

Finally started playing IS-7 and have 4 wins after 15 games, nothing I do in that tank is right. Babychat is on 6 straight losses too and list of haunted tanks goes on.
You know what I mean, you always seem to get those tanks, even if for a couple of days where you could kill 15 enemy tanks and still would lose.
What's with the players tonight -_-

In Greece we call some of them thrice-morons... Battles will be either 15-1 on the 3rd minute, struggling to follow with slow tanks, or 3-15 been last man standing and top one in damage done and overall experience.......

While having WN8 500 players calling everyone tomato noobs and dying in tier 10 TD like a FV4005 after the first shot and 600dmg. While my tier 8 meds ending the battle with 2-3000 damage.
About to take the plunge on the Leopard PT A ? It has stupidly high shell velocity 1468 - 268 Pen and .3 dispersion.

It all sounds like it could be a great sniper and got some buffage a few patches back, anyone think it's worth it ?
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