****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Do you know what, I've sussed it.

The general player base is getting weaker - the number of games where a whole team of red just floods one side of the map is increasing. The player base is either getting dumber or there are more bots than ever (how can a player be 41% overall w.r. with several T10s without using a bot?)

The lack of the MM sharing out the idiots means that a decent player doing the 'right thing' is often doing it alone and gets steam rolled by an opposition with only 3 or 4 decent players.

Tonight on overlord 50% of our team went beach - we got mullered 15-3. I tried to hold the middle in my bottom tier T8 Jap heavy and give our camping TDs shots by waiting where they had line of sight and just got eaten alive peaking T10 meds. Meanwhile our beach team stalled trying to get to the enemy cap and we lost when they got flanked - just typical for recent games.

Basically a single good player will lose by playing well cos he does it alone, a great player might still carry, but I'm certainly not one of them. If you have an idiot team as an slightly better than average player you just will lose. Accept it. Bend over and say thank you WG. The number of steam rollings is increasing as once a tomato team starts to crumble it fails fast to a team with only 4 or 5 good players.

Until (and they never will) WG share out the idiots this will just get worse.

Had one decent game - me and 3 other 'green' players (all bottom tier) against 3 enemy tomatoes in top tier tanks. By isolating, spotting and flanking and taking shots when not being aimed at we won. It reminded me of how the game used to be. Decent players using intelligence. It's a LONG time since that happened.

I've always resisted platooning as I've never like the sense of responsibility, I don't like letting people down and don't like "being watched", plus teamspeak is hard as my PC is in the next room to our bedroom and my wife is a light sleeper. But maybe the benefits of playing with 2 other good players is now bigger than ever. Maybe I need to overcome my - err - performance anxiety and we need to start platooning more ?
t3 is where its at

I think you are right T3/4 are stil great fun. I think more people are doing it hence WGs efforts to get people playing T8/9/10 in the recent missions (grand battles, ranked, 'veteren' missions etc) as they don't make money as free-to-play works just fine at T3/4
i give up, there is only somany times
i can get my ass kicked :(
only t=5

but but i cant stop, wtf is wrong with me

still playing

constantly a kick in the ballz
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Hodders I think you might be on to something it is how my mind has thought about the massive increase in bots of late, who knows I even began to formulate that due to players lost WG have released bots often in premium tanks just to make the numbers up.
Quickybaby played on the EU1 server last night and declared it a bot fest and far different to EU2 , why would one server be different? I switched from EU1 to EU2 and won 5 in a row there were more even teams and lot less bots,. ...hmmm.

Other than making up the numbers maybe it is also a credit sink, if a bot continually rams you, you shot it, the damages credits would go to the bot account,..if owned by WG then it's credits churn.still can t think of any sane reason to allow bots other than to make up numbers from a dwindling server base?
I still maintain you tell which way a game is going to go in the first 30 seconds most of the time

if its a bot fest I will just get it over with quickly and move on..no point in getting angry over other peoples stupidity.
I don't enjoy low tier battles. The skill in them is just absurd to me. Most people are idiots who barely know how to drive tanks, then you have the gold spamming stat padders which take advantage of that.

I prefer actually being able to use positioning and the benefits of my tank to my advantage.
You can generally tell by how the teams are matched. Even with out Stats on the players. If you get 3x Cromwells on one team, its probably already decided.
You can generally tell by how the teams are matched. Even with out Stats on the players. If you get 3x Cromwells on one team, its probably already decided.

I feel that the player affects the battle MUCH more than the tank does. I fear a unicum in an IS-7 or Tiger P or a lot more than an idiot in a type 5 or T29.
I have 3660+ battles in the Leopard light tank.

I found that the 103kv is great fun, as is the German arty low down.

Pz IC is like a little assassination machine, meds die, everthing dies to the IC Zerg :)
Going just by this page of the thread alone, it's almost funny how most of us have the same feelings about the game.

Lower tiers can be fun (and very fast and brutal) but then it's basically seal clubbing so I can't bear myself to play them. Feel guilty enough firing up some T5 machines and premiums.

Someone who is a unicum normally has a far greater map awareness as well as knowing capabilities and weaknesses of the tank they are playing so can help turn it around. However, if you think about it even some of the best ones out there are around 60-65% WR (apart from special cases) so even with all the skills they have, on average they lose almost as many as 4 games out of 10 in this game.

Then think about how even bots can have a 40% WR so really by the time you throw in a 65%WR of a fantastic player, then really he or she may only have big impact on as little as 25% of their games. When I played on Friday, I won a lot of games and though I was getting good scores I also felt that majority of them probably would still be won even if I just sat in the base camping and not contributing to the team.

That and I think a lot of results today seem to be huge margin wins and losses, of course it's anecdotal just from my point but not sure if it's just me who's feeling like that?
The player base in general is getting worse as already mentioned. I am going to hang on for the 1.0 patch, then once the honeymoon period with the new graphics dies down, I will take a break I think.

If you see me online Hodders (or anyone else really) and would like to team up, give me a shout. :)
I feel that the player affects the battle MUCH more than the tank does. I fear a unicum in an IS-7 or Tiger P or a lot more than an idiot in a type 5 or T29.

Oh they do indeed. But how does someone get to a T9 or 10 good win rate, but acts like a dummy in your game? Especially when top tier is often critical.

Selling unicum accounts to tomatoes?
Oh they do indeed. But how does someone get to a T9 or 10 good win rate, but acts like a dummy in your game? Especially when top tier is often critical.

Selling unicum accounts to tomatoes?

I personally know someone who did just that so it definitely happens. Some stat padders hide at the back not remotely attempting to win and farm damage instead.
have not checked my stats for a while..I only have 1 tier 8 ..the lttb and I still much prefer light tanks over anything else

I think I would probably be classed as a seal clubber though! still, the frustration I feel as a light tank who spots and then nobody actually shoots anything is what drive me to punish sloppy play at middle tiers( it has made made a ton of credits mind..upto 78.5 million now and still rising!)

(just checked on noobmeter 13k battles, over two thirds of them at tier 5 and 6 and wn8 around 1430)

my only conclusion so far at having a tier 8 is that there are as many idiots in tier ten tanks as there are in tier 5 tanks...its the heavy tanks in particular I see so many bad players at every tier!

tank destroyers tend to be more sensible at playing to their strengths I find
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I remember those fond times when most of my tanks were T8, had quite a silver fortune!

Once you get to T9 and 10, that quickly disappears so stay there ;)
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