Come and toon with us, I invited you earlier!...That being said, even when tooning with decent players it can be a hard slog at times...
Link - put up that game of the E100s/704 where we got BIA medal. 11 kills between 3 players!
too small to see anything
Which is why I asked how much damage was done...I'm not saying thats what you did in this instance but number of kills does not always tell the whole story.
yeah but with Platoons dont you have to be on at the same time, prearranged, I cant do that
That shouldn't really come into it given the number of hits (28 consecutive) and kills.
You don't have to prearrange. Just type a message into clan chat, or go onto the ocuk mumble server and see who's on there. There's usually a few people playing at the peak times on evenings and weekends.
That's the whole point of the clan. We don't do clanwars or anything, mostly just platooning with whoever else happens to be on at the same time.
delboy said:Hence why I get annoyed at plebs in-game that call me a noob for not having any kills in my Tier X tank - what they don't realise is that i've been pounding away on tanks only to have someone (not always, but I've seen it) wait until they are one shot away from dieing and then stealing the kill thinking they will get awesome xp from it.
Quite possibly the worst tier X tank driver I've ever seen. Look at the AMX 50B on our team!!!
Needless to say they wiped the floor with us.
He's either bought that account from a bot farm or that must have been one hell of a grind to the 50B.