** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

Thanks Puppetmaster, you're a star. So I should be looking at all the non-heroic 80-85 five-man instances? Or just one or two of them? Same for the Heroics, are there any to stay away from? Or all are fair game?

I'm L84, current ilevel 175. :/ Long way to go!
Thanks Puppetmaster, you're a star. So I should be looking at all the non-heroic 80-85 five-man instances? Or just one or two of them? Same for the Heroics, are there any to stay away from? Or all are fair game?

I'm L84, current ilevel 175. :/ Long way to go!

I would suggest doing all dungeons when you can, then once you hit level 85 you can go to Twilight Highlands (if your not already there) this will give you some higher gear to get into the HC's always try to get your rep up using the tabards and buy the gear that best for your role.
Haha, you'll laugh, but i've just finished Icecrown. :eek:

You're level 84 and questing in Northrend? Wut? Explains the insanely low ilvl though.

Edit: Unless theres some major changes from the norm, the pre patch will include basically everything that doesn't actually require buying MoP. For all intents and purposes as far as the game is concerned internally, the patch IS MoP except nobody would have a MoP account.
Cata's pre patch was a little different since there was one with all the new systems and such then another to add the reworked zones.
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You could have put money on that happening. Blizzard were always going to try disrupt that launch if they could.

Finished loremaster on my DK last night. Now working on alchemy/blacksmithing on 2 alts.
Ive always said that mind - but now I am stuck on what to do. I was going to do GW2 for the week off just because I thought that they might do the patch after the release ha-ha

I have maxed my Alchemy and made potions for my guild members, Capped my points on my main and dont fancy doing it all again for my alts. I do have my PvP Warlock to cap this week but sick of loosing the Bg's lmao Horde are poop
Yeah horde seem to suck for PvP, changed my hunter over to alliance and win 80% of the bg's, lose tol barad 70% of the time though which is pretty annoying seeing as I'm trying to get commendations for the flying mount :(
Well the games I have been playing tol barad I havnt lost a battle. This is the first time I have been doing PvP for a Toon. I have made a 2v2 team with my brother but we dont seem to be very good ha-ha
There ya go:

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I don't really see the point, nor do I understand the rabid desire for GW2. It was exactly the same when SWG launched, and AoC launched, and GW launched...

And yet here we are, still nothing able to make a dent in WoW's marketshare. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it's just the way it is. The only way another MMO will do any damage to WoW is if Blizzard happen to have a multiple data center fire at the same time. :p

Blizzard are better off just ignoring it, by patching the same day they're just giving their rivals press exposure.
"When GW launched"? GW was pretty huge, you have to say. It occupied a different niche to WoW and fulfilled it perfectly. It was hardly an over-hyped non-event. GW stood the test of time for just as long as WoW did (i.e. until WoW got crap in WotLK).

The rabid desire for GW2 stems from this disaffection with how cruddy WoW is now, btw.
Since GW has no ongoing costs, it's not really possible to directly compare its success to WoW. All fine and dandy selling 5 million copies but if only 1 million of them are actually playing a month later its a whole different story. (Numbers made up of course)

On thing thats close to being certain is that GW2 alone will not be responsible for much (if any) drop in WoW subs simply because people will just keep WoW active while playing GW2 on the side, especially since the hardcore raiding crowd won't be satisifed in GW2 with its lack of PvE raids.

As for the patch date stuff, it's been fairly common for pre expansion patches to be roughly a month before the expansion, just a happy bonus for Blizzard marketing that it happens to be a competitors release date as well this time.
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