** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

I dont know

I try to answer everyone that posted:

I am enjoying SoO and i gone from being quite a active every minute of everyday i could spare i used to play to only really playing every so often and when the guild raids.

I dont think this is content issue i think it is purely a i am getting old and played the game for 7-8 years now(dinged 60 1 week before TBC) and i am 35 now.......

I enjoy the raid aspect and social side, normal is to boring on its own and HC is a jump up but like others we only raid 3 times a week for just over 3 hours.

Guild is 2 Garrosh Kills and i missed Thursday and Sundays raid, thursday was Immerseus Kill and sunday was 11/14 and we pretty much 1 shotted last 2 bosses till Garrosh and took 5-7 attempts, had a break and 1 shotted lol.

I am sort of enjoying picking up loot for my alts as i only tend to use my alts for farming etc so getting drops from Timeless Isle is quite pleasing for no effort lol.

I am level 83 on my Mage which will be my 6th 90 and will complete my Professions and i dabble with AH and like to craft and make some mounts as and when i can with my engineer and JC and will probably make the Panther/s etc

I am ok with the overall playing of the game, although its become a bit arcadey for my liking the Raiding side of it keeps my interest up and i enjoy the social/banter side of raiding in a semi hard core raiding group.

All in all Mists is probably my Favourite expansion since TBC so maybe blizz are doing something right and i stopped playing for about 6 months towards end of Cata so i pretty much full on for past few years raiding end game content and heroic modes etc.

Few yers left in the beast for me :)
The current iteration of the game doesn't have to be the best you know, people can still enjoy the content and think the older raids are better (which they are :D)
Not sure why you've felt the need to say this. If anything we're the minority defending the current state of the game against those throwing out completely exaggerated criticisms of it. There's no element of competition in it for me, just my honest take. We haven't been playing a different game.

I've never even said Mists of Pandaria as a whole is the best iteration of the game or my favourite. I just genuinely think the raids in Mists of Pandaria, particularly the last two, have been the best for gameplay. And I do think a lot of the criticisms of them, and MoP in general, are being influenced by more than just pure gameplay analysis. There certainly is an element of romanticising and forgetting the bad with old content that is simply not possible to do with the new.
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Ah yes the rose-tinted good ol' days of WoW.

But taking off those glasses I recall lots of server problems and whole nights of raids ruined because either the world server or the instance server was offline.

I'd take wow as it is today over what it used to be for sure.

And I have to agree about the encounters in ToT and SoO, they are a lot of fun.
Only dabbled in LFR and Flex since I made my new account, but been having plenty of fun all the same. Was kind of nice to try alliance too having been horde ever since I started! Certainly breathed some fresh air back into the game! Not sure how long I will sub for but I have intentions to level some alts so may well keep me gaming for a few months!
I want to start playing again but want to start a new class. I just wish it didn't take so long to level (I know it's not that long any more but it feels like it after doing it so many times). I only really enjoy the first 20 levels then end game.
Well its taking about 1 hour a level to do in Cata lol

Just about to get my Mage to 85

But i am Hierloomed up etc

All i can suggest is plan a route through the zones, as soon as you can get to another zone go to it as you get more XP etc.
Thread tempting me to try and start a 2-3 night casual 10 man guild. Want to experience the new raids and looking for raid is just arse
Thanks will take a look.

Another problem which has just occurred is that my quests aren't on the map? tried the delete Interface, Cache and WTF but this made me lose my character so reloaded the old files. Also i have tried typing "/console reloadui" but to no avail. any ideas?
I completed my free 7 days last weekend but have not subbed yet. I'm still in 2 minds what to do as I did enjoy levelling my horde 'lock again and was getting loads of guild requests. I've played WoW since release but I've never, ever done a raid. I went on one in the early days and got cheesed off with all the "noob" hassle and never did them again. I'm more of a casual player though and although I can put hours in during the day and some at night I can't get away with doing raids starting at 8/9 pm, the wife would kill me :)
The LFR tool will let you run whenever you want (there will be some queuing time, generally 20-40 minutes for the newer raids) so you could quite easily bust out a raid in the afternoon if you have time spare. Despite what the naysayers will have you beleive there really isnt much difference to the fights in lfr, flex and normal either (from what I've seen the only difference is harder hitting mobs ;)).

Killed Garrosh in lfr last night, and he was probably the the easiest fight of the raid.
Blizzard Trademarks "Warlords of Draenor" - WoW Expansion


Seems legit, if its the new expansion then it looks like were going back to a timetravel expansion.

huge pinch of salt time

The upcoming expansion is called Warlords of Draenor and will feature Grom as the antagonist, although for legal issues he will be refered to as Grommash. This expansion will see the heavy use of time travel.
Reforging is changing, soon you will no longer need to keep hold of an item to "own" the transmogrification appearance.
The upcoming Blizzcon secret gift is an Elite Tauren Chieftan Hearthstone gift card.
The Dark Below has been registered for 'Titan', not World of Warcraft as is the rumor
Warlords of Draenor looking more & more legit, trademarks have been register in US and EU now and the blizzcon stuff is pointing towards an orcish nature.

Quite a plausible 'leak' on MMO Champ has more goodness - I dont beleive the path of titans part, well PoT as it was meant to be in LK. I just hope we dont get anything more Garrosh related (I also thought Grom was 'good'?)
If the leaked screens of new races turns out to be true I'm faction changing to Alliance. Ethereal looks sick.
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