** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

I am finding that I am out-levelling zones early but I've never played horde before so all the quests (so far) are new to me. My lock is lvl 32 and I don't really want to start a new one but I also don't want to pay for a server move - bit of a catch 22.

As I said though I'm not sure if I'll continue playing past my current free 7 days, although I am enjoying it better than I did FFXIV.
Guild did 1st Garrsoh and Hc kill on Immerseus.

Managed to get Garrosh Kill last night after a night of wipes the previous week.

Pretty gutted as the Hc plate belt dropped off him so i missed out on my Paladin :(

Hows everyone else getting on :)
I have subbed back up and enjoying doing some low level dungeons as I level up - I do have a scroll with a boost to 80 but I think I might save that for Outland and a Wrath boost.
Guild did 1st Garrsoh and Hc kill on Immerseus.

Managed to get Garrosh Kill last night after a night of wipes the previous week.

Pretty gutted as the Hc plate belt dropped off him so i missed out on my Paladin :(

Hows everyone else getting on :)
3 kills on Garrosh normal for us so far. Probably my favourite fight of this entire expansion. We're at 2/14HC, Immerseus and Norushen. We'd have gotten a lot more this week but a few of our regular raiders let us down on Sunday so we just went for a normal clear with pugs instead of trying anything else.

Next week we're hoping for at least 5 in heroic. We raid 3 nights a week and are pretty sure we can clear it all in one night now, so that means we have 2 nights free for progress.
You're not the only one, havent bothered with Garrosh yet as I find SoO to be dull, maybe its just 6 plus years of raiding caught up with me but I don't find the raids particularly fun or enjoyable.

I'll go in eventually just to see the <cough> lore <cough> but only after I've wrapped up Operation Shieldwall on my DK.
Are you guys doing LFR? LFR isn't raiding. I don't know anybody who finds it fun.

Mechanics / game design-wise, Siege of Orgrimmar is the most interesting raid in the history of WoW. Just ahead of Throne of Thunder. Blizzard have really been on top form with boss fights this expansion.
LFR, & Flex and stepped foot into it in 10 man normal once, its just plain dull. SoA & ToT aren't the most interesting riads in WoW's history. Plenty of raids **** all over them from a great height - Ulduar, ICC, Kara, BWL & BT are all far far superior.
I guess it's got to be in tandem with your enthusiasm for the game. If you've been getting fed up with playing in general then obviously you aren't going to enjoy new content as much as somebody who still gets excited when they log in. If your issue is with the lore behind it, I think I already addressed that when I specified the strengths being to do with gameplay.
Though I'd be interested in hearing a convincing argument as to how any of the fights in BWL, Kara or BT were designed and tuned better than the current crop.
Though I'd be interested in hearing a convincing argument as to how any of the fights in BWL, Kara or BT were designed and tuned better than the current crop.

See, one of the main things I've heard about SoO is how badly tuned it is, people face rolling their way through the 1st 10 then hitting a brick wall. How do u think it's better tuned and designed?
By tuning I mean how it's suited to each class / role, how important the mechanics are to completing it etc. There aren't really any fights where you can just flat out ignore anything it entails if your gear is of the level it is designed for.

Yes normal mode can be seen as a "faceroll" for the most part, but I think I prefer it when fights are about getting the execution right rather than failing and failing and failing until one week you finally outgear it. Too many fights in WoW's past have been deemed really difficult not because the mechanics themselves were, but because people weren't ever executing them properly. The way they design the fights now makes it more obvious what needs to be done, but not any less fun to do.
Just got Nazgrim Heroic tonight, so that puts us at 3/14 (1,3 and 8). Next week planning to do 2, 4, 5 and 6.

Only really enjoy wow when raiding. Most of my time in-game when not in raid would be spent preparing for the next raid.

I also enjoy simming my character with simcraft; dread to think how much gold I have spent on reforging.
I guess it's got to be in tandem with your enthusiasm for the game. If you've been getting fed up with playing in general then obviously you aren't going to enjoy new content as much as somebody who still gets excited when they log in.

Truer words were never spoken.

The WoW playerbase embody this fickleness more than any other. If you're enjoying the game the Blizzard can do no wrong, but if you're burning/burnt out then it's all bad and never as good as the old days.
Yeah I'm a bit burnt out on it atm, just leveling new classes that I never got the chance to play at max level and hope that will help me enjoy the game again >_> I keep resubbing, playing for 3 days then never log in again.
You boys ever heard of http://openraid.eu/ ? My friend found it the other day and seems to be great for raiding. LFR has been terrible for me and cringe every time i queue. flew through some transmog runs yesterday and got some great gear. Our guild isnt that big so its also a big help joining other people cross realm.
Truer words were never spoken.

The WoW playerbase embody this fickleness more than any other. If you're enjoying the game the Blizzard can do no wrong, but if you're burning/burnt out then it's all bad and never as good as the old days.

Or maybe, just maybe the older raids are far better than the current crop? There’s a reason that Ulduar, Kara et all continuously come in as the top raids when polls are taken. Next you'll be throwing out the rose tinted glasses response that is prevalent on certain forums (official/MMO champ) when people start talking about the older game being better.

The current iteration of the game doesn't have to be the best you know, people can still enjoy the content and think the older raids are better (which they are :D)
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