** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Hoping they make the next expansion more like an mmo. Less instancin and phasing. More pvp and world pvp focused. Revert that crazy wpvp change I read about.

Won't happen but I'll probably buy the expansion and sub for a month just to see what's happening an say hello to some old friends.
I thought about giving WoW another go since blizzcon is almost upon us. I've bought the online ticket despite not playing any blizzard games currently :p regardless of that blizzcon has always been a fun show to watch :)

Then I saw the 23gb download and groaned very loudly lol I don't exactly have a bad connection but it's going to take quite some time to download.
Thought about giving it another go merely as a stop-gap till I found something more interesting, but they still do not appear to support paypal fully and I'd sooner not have to fart around with getting gametime from third parties.. I mean whats the logic here? Everything else supports it.. and given activision isn't hiding the fact this franchise is its cashcow you'd think they would be happy to take your cash when its slowly but surely shedding subscribers
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Yeah, looks like new expo being announced
Could be something like abandoning 25 raiding.
Consolidating to 15 raiding amongst other things.
Is it worth getting back into WoW now? Haven't played really in about 2 years +


I hadn't played since Vanilla, and got right into Mists of Pandaria. Got a lvl 80 through the scroll of resurrection. Worked my through all the raid content.

Really loving it, never got into raiding when I played before. LFR and Flex raid have really helped. Not got a full suite of T16 gear, so not sure what I'm going to do once I've got that - as I'm not hardcore enough to join one of the guilds raid teams.

But cross that bridge when I get to it.

I hadn't played since Vanilla, and got right into Mists of Pandaria. Got a lvl 80 through the scroll of resurrection. Worked my through all the raid content.

Really loving it, never got into raiding when I played before. LFR and Flex raid have really helped. Not got a full suite of T16 gear, so not sure what I'm going to do once I've got that - as I'm not hardcore enough to join one of the guilds raid teams.

But cross that bridge when I get to it.

I don't wish to stereotype here, but I have a family and my playing times are reasonably restricted. What are the chances of me being able to experience the raid content?

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