** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Must confess I haven't been on as much as I intended over the Christmas holiday, but it's not because I haven't wanted to - last week due to all the tearing around visiting family and having family visit us and this week due to having caught my wife's stinking cold. My throat feels like it's on fire, my sinuses are full of snot and it's played merry hell with my normal sleeping pattern - hence my being on the computer at 5.30 this morning!
I was wondering if there is a site where we can get transmorg ideas from? not like a set but a mix of things that looks pretty good? More unique than anything else
so lets get this straight, its the holidays where a lot of people travel to see family and so now because of this the guild is dead.... yeah go figure. The guild is still alive and has a very friendly.
There were 10 or so last night and chatting, mind you Rain and I were just talking project logs via /w.

It'll pick up once everyone has stopped getting drunk and over eating!
Welll interesting 1st week back raiding, few wipes which was to be expected then hit stone wall on HC Iron Jugger......

As a holy paladin i frigging cant heal that fight for toffee, winds me up so much all the moving :(

edited to change to HC IJ
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If you think about it realistically the stats on PVE gear should be better then PVP

I could flip this arguement around and say why should PVP gear be better then PVE in the outside world, all PVP stats should be null and void gives us non pvpers a chance to beat up on you guys with PVP gear cause usually it wouldnt end well :D
If you think about it realistically the stats on PVE gear should be better then PVP

I could flip this arguement around and say why should PVP gear be better then PVE in the outside world, all PVP stats should be null and void gives us non pvpers a chance to beat up on you guys with PVP gear cause usually it wouldnt end well :D

um, its still player vs player, enviroment shouldnt come into the equation
No but when you put PVE gear up with Hits of 200k against PVP (resi) gear the extra INT/SP/Whatever should out weight the PVP power.

I was on a PVP server for 6 years and did weekly arena purely to stop being ganked, i am not a PVPer and only did it to make people thing twice when they hit me that i wasnt going to die easy when farming.

My point is if my Paladin has 566 item level this should be similar in stats to if not better then PVP item level of 530 (or whatever the current level is) i dont see how this shouldnt be scaled the same.

Part of me misses being on a PVP server cause it added to the game but also the frustration but it makes you learn a few different skills doing weekly Arena and or RBG's
new PVP season due before WOD release, realistically the season will be 20-25 weeks, with probably another month or 2 left of the current season.

Lookin like WOD release will be closer to the 10th anniversary than i first expected, possibly time to unsub :(
new PVP season due before WOD release, realistically the season will be 20-25 weeks, with probably another month or 2 left of the current season.

Lookin like WOD release will be closer to the 10th anniversary than i first expected, possibly time to unsub :(

nice one ill be looking forward to this then i got lots of toons to pick from i try and mix it up each season.
that reroll guild I found was an utter joke ran by 10 year olds. Logged on tonight and most of the officers where arsing about in Vale of Eternal Blossoms when one of the main guild rule was to not go in expansion zones that are above the level cap.

I questioned this and got a swear word packed response from the GM saying he will do what the hell he wants to :rolleyes:

so I gquit, anyone who joined that guild I seriously wouldn't bother with it.

I kept hearing about that overachievers guild though from Icehole (Rainagul), man that sounded like an awesome adventure.......wished I had started wow in 2012 :(
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