** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

I like the pet battles. Nice little sideshow. No idea what I'm doing though! I'm still not making any gold, though. :( :( :(

I got quite distracted with the pet battles after I found the trainer :) Spent about an hour doing nothing but pet battles. Sod the levelling :p
How did you work that out?

Druids back at lvl 60 had no reason to go for rank 14 as the mace from emerald dragons wasalot better then any rank14 weapon but I didn't pve back then so i went for it after reading forums and knowing who were top pvpers back then it wasn't exactly hard to work out!

First druid was a tauren male then a NE male then me! Rank 14 was the highest status u could have so wasn't hard to find out who had it and who didnt!

Ensidia lol! I had 3 friends in ensidia too and there officers were paid!
Ah well mine were/are? members.

Who were you sponsored by exactly and also embaress the troll by how much you earned I'd be interested to know
Muqq quarntz were the 2 I know ans aldonn from pacifism went to ensidia too when we they folded but he didn't last long not sure if hehe left or got kicked! Muqq was a female shadowpriest and quarntz was a undead mage! Don't think they are playing anymore tho not spoke to any wow mates since I quit! We was sponsored by steelseries and by one of our guild members who was a wealthy Arab bloke he promised us money if we got server first kills! He also raided with us!

After deductions via western union we had around £340 a month each not exactly much but spread over 25 people it soon added up! This lasted about 6 months then a massive disagreement happened within officer ranks and it all stopped! We also never received the headsets gaming mice from steelseries we were promised either!

There's a lot more to it but im sat at work on the bog on my phone typing this so can write more when I'm home if needed!
Does anybody know how soon (level wise) a Pandaren Monk can receive heirlooms in the mail, and when they can join a guild?

For anybody else interested, I did this last night and got to Orgrimmar for my heirlooms/tabard around Level 11. You might be able to get there a little earlier - I suppose it depends on how many mobs you need to kill for earlier quests and how often you go off exploring.
Well I fixed my dps with expertise and hit upto 7.5% and the rest in crit/str. Basically from 15kdps to 30k dps bottom in dungeons to top in dungeons :) one happy warrior.
I found plenty of reasons to just explore.

Like what? Running through the panda starting zone there is no reason to explore what so ever, the quests take you were you need to go. If you deviate from the quest path and go off on your own you'll just pick up a quest to go there anyway 30 seconds later from the bloke you're handing your current quest into.
There's a quest marker at the top middle of valley of 4 winds to get to someone in the den. Is this underground and where is the entrance to this particular lair?
Im already lvl 30 on my Monk........loving it.

I was mad into Streetfighter in the day, and playing a Monk reminds me of playing Ryu and Ken from that so it might become my main. :D
So what panda's are people making? I am just curious because I will be making a Warrior thought he would look good as one =p

Monk of course, but I have all the others already :p

I really wanted to transmogrify my maces into mugs, but the only ones it seems to work on are the Tankards of Terror and I don't have any of those on the server I'm playing now! :(
Also a Panda Monk, Brewmaster spec and planning to tank through dungeons to level up. I'd previously tanked a bit on my DK which I enjoyed. Also had a Paladin but I didn't like tanking on that.

Just hit level 20 last night, haven't been playing him much since I want my main to 90.

Got the head, chest and shoulder Heirlooms at the minute, so that's 30% extra xp (then there's the Monk specific +50% xp once you get the Pilgrimage spell). After getting my main to 85 I didn't want to level another character "clean".

In the dungeon runs I've done the first group were all Pandaren (Four Monks, One Warrior). The second was 4 Pandaren and 1 Dwarf.
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