** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

So, which classes are people loving at 90 at the moment? I have to say, my Ret pally (only in quest gear) takes ages to kill even normal mobs. I'm starting to think about what to level next for some DPS fun.
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Can only comment on my main so far (warlock) which I have played as destro to 90 but its been great, despite it being the weakest of the three specs according to websites I still seem to be getting some decent damage in hcs and raid finder (first guild run to normal 10man for me tomorrow evening) and am mostly top or near top on the meters. Liking the utility of being able to use different pets for different situations and the number of rares knocking around with some challenging tactics is fun. Starting to get sick of the dailies though and miss tabards for rep in dungeons
Just hit Exalted for Cloud Serpents, also unlocked the Guild achievement for 55 exalted reps.

Got an egg hatching in an hour, could be my lucky night eh?

Also got the Magic Broom, was expecting it to go in the Mounts tab rather than using up a bag space.
So, which classes are people loving at 90 at the moment? I have to say, my Ret pally (only in quest gear) takes ages to kill even normal mobs. I'm starting to think about what to level next for some DPS fun.

I have an Enhancement Shaman, Demo Lock and Guardian / Feral Druid @ 90 so far.

Enhancement is very nice, lots of utility. Its kind of awesome having a raid healing cd as a dps. Damage seems decent. Lots of extra stuff compared to previous expansions (cc, movement increases etc etc)

Demo lock is awesome fun. Dps seems alright, though not as good as aff. Great on movement fights due to instant sb spam. Aoe is crazy good. Tanking form is kinda funny as well.

Guardian druid feels weak. Comparing to my prot warrior friend, I tend to take a lot more damage. Feels stupid relying on 2 abilities for damage reduction. Without them up, got something awful like 12% dodge. Armor is fairly high compared to the other tanks but still.

Feral is feral really. Seems pretty much the same, though I wasnt much of a fan of energy based dps classes.

Also leveling a Prot paladin (Level 86). Seems awesome fun so far.
Interesting stuff, thanks! Shame I don't have any of those classes, but I really do fancy a Panda Shaman.

At 85, I have a Rogue (I love the stealthy assassin type gameplay, but hate Slice and Dice keepy-ups so he's pretty much screwed); a Mage that was my main in TBC - I love the big damage; a Hunter that is great at farming, but boring as Hell to me otherwise; and a Deathknight which is critting for bigger numbers at 86 than my 90 Retadin does, but doesn't seem to have any coolness or fun tricks if you know what I mean.

Hmm, seems like it time to dust off the Mage.

Nice one I'm up and running. The scroll only gives access to Cata content (I'm sure I got a free trial of Cata when it first came out that allowed me to try out the new zones, but stopped xp gain at one point below hitting level 81). I paid for the upgrade and so far am thinking it's ok but not feeling any thrill. I'll see how it goes over the next few days before deciding to resub.
Quite enjoyed it myself, had one bugged quest during the entire levelling to 90.

I don't find myself enjoying endgame yet though, I log in do my Cloud Serpent dailies, fly off to Halfhill and do the Farmer Yoon dailies. Then I hearth back to Dalaran and check the AH for mogging gear, mounts and pets.

After that I'll sometimes log my Pandaren Brewmaster Monk and run a dungeon or two.

I'll replace dailies for a few Heroics once I've got my mount. Will give PvP a go soon, farming mats + SoH for the recipes.

We must have been playing very different games. I have come across at least a dozen quests that have been bugged with loads of people standing around unable to complete it. Heck the first quests in Pandaland bugged so I just went to bed- UI won't appear on the helicopter so I couldn't attack. Left it fly around for 45 mins checking it every 5 minutes but it wouldn't appear. Came back 18 hours later and it took 5 minutes to appear. What sorta idiot thought a quest like that should be the opener...
Got sick of the game a few days ago because I couldn't complete Battle for the Thunder Kings helm(no NPC's spawning). Came back today and completed it no problem only to find that the next part of the chain also randomly bugs and I am just one of those lucky souls- well there was a shaman there as well and they were stuck too.

Core of the game is still good, but MoP is just a rushed piece of crap that should still be in beta.
so does anyone here play the game for pvp/arenas only? everything is boring to me except arenas and some bg's however ive never really played long enuff to get high rating. I always want to but never had the teammates to do it.. friends cba etc. highest ive been is like 1650.
Sorted out a new ui since i was getting bored of the old one

whats the addon to change buff icons to use masque ?

Use Raven for buffs, debuffs and timers. Its great.

Overall the UI looks a bit bland and out of scale for my liking. Where do raid/party frames sit, timers etc. If your going to do a UI screenshot show all elements of the UI and not just your gold amount.
So, which classes are people loving at 90 at the moment? I have to say, my Ret pally (only in quest gear) takes ages to kill even normal mobs.

Get a better weapon, is all I can suggest. Top end damage is crucial. I'm an Archy and was lucky enough to get the 463 polearm while leveling; I was tearing everything to pieces almost without effort. At 90 with 50/50 crafted/dungeon gear and the 476 quest boots from Sha of Anger I'm soloing elites with 1.9m health in under a minute, around 40 seconds if I have AW or GOAK available. AOE pulls with glyphed DS are crazy - you can break 100k DPS and the only time you drop below 100% health is when there's only one or two mobs left so you switch to TV.
^I think that is definitely the problem. I'm in pretty much quest gear still so I shouldn't really complain. Everything just feels dull though. I need to get some time to hit more instances. Who is the first faction to start the rep grind on? Klaxxi?
Levelling a monk as I want to go healer in this Xpac as Ive never played healer as main before and really enjoying it.

With all the Hierloom Gear, the 25% extra XP from the Halloween Bonfire and the 50% Exp from the Monk Daily Training Quest ive got to lvl 30 in 1 evening from level 1.

Only having a channeled Healing spell though is a bit hairy when the Tank pulls too many mobs and I dont have a "oh crap" button.
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