And lots of instances?
Wouldnt say lots, probably about 8. I have done a fair share of BGs too I guess, but not massively over done it.
Levelling a monk as I want to go healer in this Xpac as Ive never played healer as main before and really enjoying it.
With all the Hierloom Gear, the 25% extra XP from the Halloween Bonfire and the 50% Exp from the Monk Daily Training Quest ive got to lvl 30 in 1 evening from level 1.
Only having a channeled Healing spell though is a bit hairy when the Tank pulls too many mobs and I dont have a "oh crap" button.
What's this monk daily you speak of?
I know the quest you mean but I didn't know it was repeatable.
Use Raven for buffs, debuffs and timers. Its great.
Overall the UI looks a bit bland and out of scale for my liking. Where do raid/party frames sit, timers etc. If your going to do a UI screenshot show all elements of the UI and not just your gold amount.
Ran Kara, Magtheridon and Grull last nite to get the old T4 set for my warrior, was loads of fun and got the whole set in about an hour.
Are the items spread across those raids? Or can you get them in one raid?
Edit: just read up on them. Possible to solo these with my 90 Warrior? I know I can solo kara. I did it with my 85 with half the stats I have now.
^I think that is definitely the problem. I'm in pretty much quest gear still so I shouldn't really complain. Everything just feels dull though. I need to get some time to hit more instances. Who is the first faction to start the rep grind on? Klaxxi?