** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Managed to get my lock into the Hc's Last night - Atm I am doing affliction but with PvP talents, does this really matter? Or should I have 2 different specs for affliction PVE and PVP?

Also did the sha of anger but I died :( I was on the way back and they downed him so I didn’t get the achievement or loot roll, proper gutted but there where 2 raids grouping at the same time but we got in there first ha-ha
Just decided to upgrade myself to MoP this evening, I've sort of been a bit disappointed with the quests featured in Cat. I'm still working my main Level 85 warrior through Hyjal at the moment just so I can unlock and access the portal to Molten Front. I've also had a quick look at Tol Barad but first impressions of the zone are not great to be honest, would you guys recommend moving over to the MoP zones as soon as I have completed Molten Front?

Thanks - Liam
Purchased MoP last night, rolling a Gnome Warrior and a Goblin Shaman on Stormscale from the beginning, but i can't say i was thrilled to be flooded with whispers for me to join peoples guild, alongside guild invites flooding my screen every couple of seconds, luckily i found the box to prevent all that ****.
Killed 1st Boss in MV last night, not raided for 8 months nearly and was very satisfying i must say that 1st boss is a nice 7-8 min fight and you cant really get much wrong otherwise you oooommmmmm :p

Its 100% nothing like LFR before you all say killed it last week :D
My average healing output last night with Epics Blues and Greens (fully chanted and gemed) was around 35-40k which has practically doubled on an average boss from cata or DS.

Still not sure i like this 300k mana pool, i seem to omm really fast, all my gear is spirit or reforged to have spirit or haste yet i start a fight and basically using 50k mana a minute, it all got a bit hairy on the kill last night around 10% when i wa running on fumes :p

Any help would be great regarding my dps lol I used the same dps rotation - also what I need to start doing because I have only done 3 HC's

Also when getting gear what is the best way about getting it, I am currently getting the golden lotus rep up and also the dragon one (cant remember off top of my head)

sorry for all the noob questions!
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Gear up in HC's and raid finder (ilvl 460 needed)

There are a number of websites you can use to find out what gear is best for you:


There are a few factions you need exactled with to help gear your character, the Klaxxi is one of them, the shado-pan, and celestials as well i think.
I am having an issue with the game. Can't get it to actually launch. When I hit play on the launcher, it just loads for a couple of seconds and then the launcher pops back up. Have tried restarting the PC , but that does nothing to help.

It was working fine upto last night, so I dunno whats happened to cause this.

Any help would be great regarding my dps lol I used the same dps rotation - also what I need to start doing because I have only done 3 HC's

Also when getting gear what is the best way about getting it, I am currently getting the golden lotus rep up and also the dragon one (cant remember off top of my head)

sorry for all the noob questions!

You said in an earlier post you are Affliction, but MrRobot now says Destruction, Affliction is my spec so I'll give you what I'm doing.

For Affliction you need to use Grimoire of Sacrifice when inside HCs, kill your FelHunter to get Spelllock and you can use it to interupt some bosses, it increases the damage of some of your spells by 25% or 50%. You can buff the group with Dark Intent assuming Arcane Brilliance isn't out.

At the pull; (Single Target)

Dark Misery (to increase haste)
Soulburn Soul Swap to put all dots on instantly
(Doomguard - only once per dungeon so the hardest stage)
Malefic Grasp when target > 20% health
Drain Soul when target < 20% health
Keep your DOTs on at all times if possible and Haunt when available and approproate, see below.

When Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Agony are less than half duration remaining refresh them, no need to wait now we have Pandemic. Wait until one has about 2-3 seconds left and refresh that and then the next lowest then the last (if they are less than half time remaing), this allows you to then put a Haunt on for maximum effect.
Try and keep Haunt up depending on Soul Shards, BUT only put Haunt on when Corruption, UA and Agony all have >~8-10 secs remaining so you can channel Malefic Grasp or Drain Soul through the whole duration of Haunt.

At < 20% you'll be getting Soul Shards back all the time so keep Haunt up permanently, at > 20% it'll depend on Nightfall Procs so keep Corruption on as a top priority. Also make sure Agony does not drop of when it gets to 10 stacks, refrsh early rather than risking a fall off if you have movement or a target switch.

For multiple trash or a boss with adds I target the Boss/Middle Trash with Soul Burn Soul Swap, Haunt, then Soul Burn Seed of Corruption, drain with Malefic Grasp and watch all the nice yellow numbers appear as Seed explodes and deals damage AND Corruption to everyone. Then keep the DOTs on the Boss as before but instead of corruption, put on Seed of Corruption, no need for a Soul Burn unless Corruption is falling off the Adds. Once you get more comfortable with this you can start adding DOTs to other adds as well as your main target. When the main goes down find target with most health and repeat above, when down to a few targets, burn them individually as above, using Drain Soul probably as they should be down to <20% by now.

Check out MrRobot and see what enchants, reforges etc. are needed. Choose PvE (hit Cap if offered) from the menu and then click Optomize. See what the suggested reforges are, but make sure it is hit capping you at 15% (Spell Hit!) first, then changing Crit Hit into Mastery and Haste.


For gear it's HCs all the way (unless you join a guild and start raiding), hope you get a good group and lucky drops/rolls. Queue for the Headless Horseman until you get the Stam/Int ring. Golden Lotus is the main one for Rep as it unlocks 2 others. If you have a load of Justice/Honour points visit the quartermaster at the Niazumo(sp?) Temple in Townlong steps, he'll make available all the gear and you'll see the Rep requirements for what you can't buy yet.


That's my Lock on MrRobot and BattleNet to give you an idea of the difference better gear and optomisation will give you in stats. I went tailoring and enchanting as they go well with our cloth gear. Lightweave is great and getting Windsong or Jade Spirit on your main is nice. Generally a 1-hand and off hand is better than a 2-hand as you can enchant 2 things rather than 1.

My gear is from HCs, Looking For Raid and a couple of bits from the Honor point Quartermaster at Townlong. Just missed out on a piece last night when we downed the Stone Guards in Mogushan Vaults on the first raid, rolled an 85 and my mate the Faceroll Arcane Mage rolled a 87. :(

Do you have ElvUI and Recount installed as add ons? Makes tracking your DOTs on enemies and seeing your damage much better. Recount gives you damage per encounter and overall damage for the instance, very useful.

The set-up of ElvUI as a Ranged DPS gives nice count down bars for DOTs, I also usually have Enemy bars enabled in the WOW UI and it puts small boxes with the DOTs you have on all enemies in range.
You my Sir are a life saver (although that is what I was doing) I still dont understand how it was so low, but its good to have that much info at hand

Thank you!

Not sure what caster hit cap is (i play melee), but make sure you are capped as that helps a lot. Could try poping into MMOchampion forums http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1179309-MoP-Affliction-Warlock-Guide-and-First-Week-Gear-List

You could try an addon like Ovale to help with your rotation, it wont be perfect but will be a good guide to things to do.

No need for Elvui, as nice as it is, can download Recount on Curse or Wowinterface, and get something like classtimers or forte for dot timers.
i am out of pratice with my DK and is currenlt doing DPS ..... i have tanked most of the time but i fancy a change. i am unholy spec is this the best for dps now and i aint got a clue about the rotations and stuff any help wud be great. im at work atm so sites a restriced lol :P

thanks :D
Now that X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing are 'hotting up' in the Mulpsmebeauty household, I have a bit more spare time of a Saturday night and am feeling the draw to play again, having stopped over a year ago. I've read the mixed comments about it, but feel it's probably worth another punt.

Will a scroll of resurrection allow me 7 days access to the Pandaria content or is it Cataclysm only? If it's the former, does anyone have such a scroll to send me? If it's Cataclysm only I'll probably bite the bullet and pay up for it.
Now that X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing are 'hotting up' in the Mulpsmebeauty household, I have a bit more spare time of a Saturday night and am feeling the draw to play again, having stopped over a year ago. I've read the mixed comments about it, but feel it's probably worth another punt.

Will a scroll of resurrection allow me 7 days access to the Pandaria content or is it Cataclysm only? If it's the former, does anyone have such a scroll to send me? If it's Cataclysm only I'll probably bite the bullet and pay up for it.

I'm not sure tbh but if you send me your battlenet email address I can send you a scroll. :)
I ended up having to re-install the game client to resolve the issue I was having. Nothing else I tried would get it to work. Bit annoying having to redownload over 20GB of data, but at least I can still play while its downloading in the background.
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