What server are most people on here?
I am Maelstrom-EU, Alliance side at the moment.
Solo'd Magtheridon on my Brewmaster Monk.
Had the 450 ilvl PvP crafted set, neck from scarlet halls. Nothing exceptional, pretty much fresh 90 stuff.
Free 20 slot bag get!
Brewmasters have amazing sustain against old content. Nearly 48k of absorb thanks to Guard, 17-20k heal (15 sec cooldown, or cooldown free when at or below 35% hp), as well as healing spheres via gift of the ox.
Also got the emergency healing sphere that'll heal for 22k, you can have 3 of these.
Finally, if anyone has Cata but not MoP you can get a 10 day trial of MoP.
Funny you should say. I also solo'd Maggy yesterday, and Gruul, and BT up to the council where I came unstuck. I'm a 453 Ret Pala and can't seem to put out enough sustained damage to power through Malande's constant healing. Would have to think up a new strategy for my tries next week. On my hunter it easy.
My solo 'raiding' so far include full clears in TK, SSC, Kara (wows!), and Naxx10 normal mode. Patchwerk is a bit of a pain as you're spending most of your time healing. On my hunter he's nothing. I'm yet to try Hyjal but I think I'll be good up to Archimonde where the pain will start. In SWP Brutallus stops me dead on my Ret Paladin. I get him down to around 60% before I'm deaded.
Fun doing these old raids.
:O Me too, What's your name/what guild are you in?
Rets are so bad right now no DPS unless the cooldowns are popped.
What server are most people on here?
I am Maelstrom-EU, Alliance side at the moment.
No you're right. My biggest gripe is the unpredictability of it too. With trinkets popping and boss stationary I can sustain 80-90k dps. No trinkets it can be anywhere from 70-40. Just makes no sense. Granted my gear blows and RNG in HC's are messing me up bad, but all my other toons (hunter, DK, rogue, Spriest, Mage) get consistent DPS, either good or bad, but at least consistent.
But I've always played the underdog class in every expansion. Not by choice, it just happened that way. Pally tank in BC playing 2nd fiddle to Wars/Bears. Spriest in WOTLK, playing 2nd fiddle to, well, all. Spriest again in Cata and now Ret/Hunter, both not great DPS.
I live in hope for buffage soon!
Rets arn't getting jack in the next big patch. They have turned RET's into a warrior with a lot less DPS and less tools, we're not what i would call a hybrid class anymore as we can't self heal to to literally save our lives. And as soon as wings are popped you are CC'ed to hell. Yet another hybrid class the feral druid can do awesome DPS, is so ellusive, and can self heal awesomely tis not fair.
I got to 90 last night with my panda monk, not sure what to do now
I got a quest from the black dragon guy but I'm not sure how to start the dailies everyone is talking about?
Go to Twin Monoliths in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. It's right about middle of the map. Do the chain of quests you get there. That'll unlock the Golden Lotus dailies. Klaxxi dailies you should be able to find as you only need to go to Dread Wastes. Can't remember the name of the area but it's the main hub.
Tiller dailies is obviously at Halfhill in Valley of Four Winds.
But above it all, just go to Shrine of Seven Stars in Vale and grab all the starter quests for all the faction dailies there.
Does the LFR only let you run MOP content or is there older raid content as well?
I've only seen 1 raid so far and I solo'd it![]()