** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

I think I may be returning to WoW soonish. Though may still be several weeks off -_-

Wondering if I should try a different realm, for when I get back. Several of my characters are sitting on a PVP realm, though I am looking to take a more relaxed approach to the game when I return, though I am sure I will run those BGs (hopefully not as unbalanced as some complain about). The RP servers sound interesting. Though not for the RP aspect, but for the lack of complete tools running about.

I've always preferred Horde, I keep trying to level and play Alliance, though I get bored, really wish I knew why that happens. So the RP realms are alright for not having to RP? Is it difficult to find a guild with out having to RP? And should I give Alliance a go again?
I think I may be returning to WoW soonish. Though may still be several weeks off -_-

Wondering if I should try a different realm, for when I get back. Several of my characters are sitting on a PVP realm, though I am looking to take a more relaxed approach to the game when I return, though I am sure I will run those BGs (hopefully not as unbalanced as some complain about). The RP servers sound interesting. Though not for the RP aspect, but for the lack of complete tools running about.

I've always preferred Horde, I keep trying to level and play Alliance, though I get bored, really wish I knew why that happens. So the RP realms are alright for not having to RP? Is it difficult to find a guild with out having to RP? And should I give Alliance a go again?

You don't have to RP on RP realms, I don't. But making fun of people doing it or acting like a child will get you spanked by the GM's and not in a fun way. You only really see it in Stormwind, Duskwood or Elwyn Forest. Rest of the time it's like any other server. Naturally you'll also find irritating kids that somehow stumbled onto the server but very few. Not nearly as prevalent as on PVP realms. Keep in mind that when you speak in /s, a lot of people will expect you to be 'in character'. Specially in the cities. I don't speak to anyone and have every possible channel turned off to get away from idiotic conversations, but do just remember that.

As for Alliance or Horde, doesn't really matter. Play what you enjoy. My main concern would be population numbers purely for AH reasons. I also don't like Horde cities apart from Thunderbluff. Layouts too irritating. Other than that I don't see a difference. I'm not a diehard Alliance/Horde fan so my allegiance is for sale to any faction. In BG's Horde seem to have a regular advantage apart from AV which we very rarely lose. Rest of the time we get spanked apart from late night, 1am onwards where it's more equal footing. Have no hard facts for that but it just seem that way. In raiding Alliance seem to have the edge with more raiding guilds/communities to chose from. The 12yo that think it's 'cool' to be a mean-looking Orc can't stomach progression raiding and soon bawl and quit. On my server Horde guilds seem to fail all the time. Serious Horde raiders regularly came over to our guild.
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You don't have to RP on RP realms, I don't. But making fun of people doing it or acting like a child will get you spanked by the GM's and not in a fun way. You only really see it in Stormwind, Duskwood or Elwyn Forest. Rest of the time it's like any other server. Naturally you'll also find irritating kids that somehow stumbled onto the server but very few. Not nearly as prevalent as on PVP realms. Keep in mind that when you speak in /s, a lot of people will expect you to be 'in character'. Specially in the cities. I don't speak to anyone and have every possible channel turned off to get away from idiotic conversations, but do just remember that.

As for Alliance or Horde, doesn't really matter. Play what you enjoy. My main concern would be population numbers purely for AH reasons. I also don't like Horde cities apart from Thunderbluff. Layouts too irritating. Other than that I don't see a difference. I'm not a diehard Alliance/Horde fan so my allegiance is for sale to any faction. In BG's Horde seem to have a regular advantage apart from AV which we very rarely lose. Rest of the time we get spanked apart from late night, 1am onwards where it's more equal footing. Have no hard facts for that but it just seem that way. In raiding Alliance seem to have the edge with more raiding guilds/communities to chose from. The 12yo that think it's 'cool' to be a mean-looking Orc can't stomach progression raiding and soon bawl and quit. On my server Horde guilds seem to fail all the time. Serious Horde raiders regularly came over to our guild.

Thanks for the reply.

Not to worried about ripping off RPiers, if people want a fuller immersion in the game let them have it. I did attempt RP in Eve Online, it was fun for a while. tend not to speak to much with /s so that should be alright. As long as there is a friendly guild to talk to.

I get horribly lost in the Alliance cities, I guess its just lack of running about them. I've never sat down long enough to do a proper raiding run, I normally get into the expansion to late to join anything and as the proverbial no achi no go, so I tend to leave them sadly. I think it would be nice to get into raiding, then again a more casual one might be good. I wanted to tank, but always end as dps in dungeons.

So with out picking a FOTM, any suggestions for class race? I do enjoy pala and war, though shammy was a blast, started a disc priest for bgs and that was great, but left the game before getting high level. Just could never get the sneaking of a rogue right. Druid was alright. Mage, got boring, I think I was doing it wrong. And a Warlock was great as afli wanted to get destro to work, just did not get around to it. Race I have no idea, well horde I have an idea, and I just remeber humans looking strange with nelf males looking weirdly out of proportion.

And yes the AH is a big factor to a realm, competition may make it slightly harder at times to sell goods, though an AH with lack of goods is far worse to deal with.
Ok guys I need help! I recently bought MoP having not played since WOTLK, but, I have no idea what professions to do! I am currently level 24 Pandaren Hunter, and need a good profession. Anyone got any recommendations? Thanks! :D
Notice a few people fed up with their Ret paladin. You can count me in on this. I decided i would go ret for this expansion, was holy classic/tbc and Prot with ret off spec for wotlk/cata.

My biggest problem with the class is our AOE damage, its so clunky and is really unfun an unrewarding. The fact that seal of righteousness is only 6% is beyond a joke. Why this is not getting buffed in 5.2 is mind boggling.

I'm sitting at 481IL now and I'm unhappy with the results. My advice for people just dinging 90 with their paladin and want to dps is to forget it, and roll holy or prot, or reroll if u want to dps.

I will be going holy for 5.2 for a better pve experience and a 100% times better pvp one.

Edit: just reread my post, looks really doom and gloom for ret palas. You can dps competently on a ret paladin. But will always be playing a second rate dps class, this is frustrating for me that's why i am really unhappy about it.
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Ok guys I need help! I recently bought MoP having not played since WOTLK, but, I have no idea what professions to do! I am currently level 24 Pandaren Hunter, and need a good profession. Anyone got any recommendations? Thanks! :D

skinning and leatherworking.
Thanks for the reply.

Not to worried about ripping off RPiers, if people want a fuller immersion in the game let them have it. I did attempt RP in Eve Online, it was fun for a while. tend not to speak to much with /s so that should be alright. As long as there is a friendly guild to talk to.

I get horribly lost in the Alliance cities, I guess its just lack of running about them. I've never sat down long enough to do a proper raiding run, I normally get into the expansion to late to join anything and as the proverbial no achi no go, so I tend to leave them sadly. I think it would be nice to get into raiding, then again a more casual one might be good. I wanted to tank, but always end as dps in dungeons.

So with out picking a FOTM, any suggestions for class race? I do enjoy pala and war, though shammy was a blast, started a disc priest for bgs and that was great, but left the game before getting high level. Just could never get the sneaking of a rogue right. Druid was alright. Mage, got boring, I think I was doing it wrong. And a Warlock was great as afli wanted to get destro to work, just did not get around to it. Race I have no idea, well horde I have an idea, and I just remeber humans looking strange with nelf males looking weirdly out of proportion.

And yes the AH is a big factor to a realm, competition may make it slightly harder at times to sell goods, though an AH with lack of goods is far worse to deal with.

Personally of think you'll enjoy Argent Dawn. One of the oldest and most populous RP servers out there. I can vouch for the AH as I play it like an addict. Wasn't a good week though. 24k lost :(. Word of warning, while we're not as badly affected by Bots as other realms are, we still have our fair share that really mess up the AH, flooding it with expense stuff for prices too competitive for the time it takes to grind. But there is still markets that makes you decent wedge.

If you just stick to Stormwind you'll learn the ropes quick. I personally use the AH at the back of the city in the Dwarven district. Got everything there you'd want. Transmorg/Reforge guys a quick hop over the cathedral and most other profession trainers in the Mage/Trade district or thereabouts. Rest of the city is basically just made up with shops you'll never go into. Exodar/Darnassus I'm just as clueless about. Don't like the layout of Ironforge, but I do like the idea of a dwarven city, carved out of a mountain.

FOTM seems to be Monks at the moment as a whole experience. DK's are just unkillable in BG's, warlock are pwning in the raids I've been in. If I start over now I'd go Drood and Warlock. Or if only one, just Druid. Tank, melee, cast or heal. And extremely competitive if not THE best at the tank/heal discipline. Profs is hard to decide but I'd go Enchanting for sure and either herbing or mining. Probably mining as it can be a crazy money spinner. But Herbalism is just as good plus you get the haste buff. Jewelcrafting is just crap this time round. 20g for top cut red gems? Don't make me laugh. The ore you're destroying for raw materials is worth 5 times as much.

Good luck with the decisions!
Something i never really played is the AH and i been playing the game for 6 years.

Dont see what the fascination is personally

only thing i will probably look at saving for is the yak :)
I've never been very good at playing the AH, though after playing Eve the AH makes a bit of sense to use. I need a better business sense and more patience to play it to my benefit, but there are lots of people who are able to spend more time and mess about with it. (the 0.01 isk game in Eve, drove me nuts)

The doom and gloom of the paladin state makes me feel a little sad as I liked playing one in WOLTK. I started leveling a new one before I left the game on the same realm as my warrior, think its at level 75 or so at the moment.

So a druid heh? What are shammies like in alliance? I like the casting animations of the Tauren. I wonder how annoyed I will get playing a Pandaren. So many choices, I am tempted to level something to see if I like the realm and xfer my pala from WOTLK over if I like the realm.

I think it'll take a bit of time to decide what to play. My luck I will pick something that will get steam rolled in random BGs and will be pants in dungeons.
I've never been very good at playing the AH, though after playing Eve the AH makes a bit of sense to use. I need a better business sense and more patience to play it to my benefit, but there are lots of people who are able to spend more time and mess about with it. (the 0.01 isk game in Eve, drove me nuts)

The doom and gloom of the paladin state makes me feel a little sad as I liked playing one in WOLTK. I started leveling a new one before I left the game on the same realm as my warrior, think its at level 75 or so at the moment.

So a druid heh? What are shammies like in alliance? I like the casting animations of the Tauren. I wonder how annoyed I will get playing a Pandaren. So many choices, I am tempted to level something to see if I like the realm and xfer my pala from WOTLK over if I like the realm.

I think it'll take a bit of time to decide what to play. My luck I will pick something that will get steam rolled in random BGs and will be pants in dungeons.

I am actually really enjoying playing as a panda, they are a very nice race and there starting area is very very good.
Skinning sucks though, take ages to level but worth it if you want to be a LWer.

I guess but for a new player its pretty decent, you an farm 50% of the mats yourself and the crit from skinning is nice. + its sort of a hunter style profession anyway, hunting and skinning things :P.
My main a paladin is BS and Miner

My 2nd pala that i created for healing cause back in TBC the extra healing spell and made him Dra that was a Herbs and Alchemy

My drood is a LW and skinner

My DK is a hybrid JC and Inscription taking mats from Both palas to craft and level still at 85 and maxed on both JC and Ins

My hunter is a Miner and Engineering

Still to level a Enchanter and Clothier but its on my list of things to do but got to level it from 0 so may go panda.

I am pretty self sufficient :D
I guess but for a new player its pretty decent, you an farm 50% of the mats yourself and the crit from skinning is nice. + its sort of a hunter style profession anyway, hunting and skinning things :P.

Yeah it's nice. Biggest problem I found was I significantly out-levelled the area of the type of leather I needed. meant I was getting no XP for killing things I needed to kill.
Dont play anymore but mining and jewel crafting is the way to go.

Made almost 300k on the launch week of MoP
My main a paladin is BS and Miner

My 2nd pala that i created for healing cause back in TBC the extra healing spell and made him Dra that was a Herbs and Alchemy

My drood is a LW and skinner

My DK is a hybrid JC and Inscription taking mats from Both palas to craft and level still at 85 and maxed on both JC and Ins

My hunter is a Miner and Engineering

Still to level a Enchanter and Clothier but its on my list of things to do but got to level it from 0 so may go panda.

I am pretty self sufficient :D
I'm the same as you. Blacksmithing is the only profession (other than fishing) that I haven't got to max.

I assumed that having all of them would make it a piece of cake to make money on the AH. I was wrong. WHY WON'T PEOPLE BUY MY STUFF!?
Just solo'd SWP as Ret apart from first boss off course. Man, Brutallus must've been a ****er back in the day. Wiped 3 times before respeccing and killing him. I was at about 10% and out of options when he died. The Twins I also wiped once before figuring out I should bubble to get rid of the healing debuff. Rest was faceroll. Kil'Jaeden took some time to kill as his HP is enormous. Major respect to the guilds that killed those lot at lv70 before the nerf bat was swung.
Just solo'd SWP as Ret apart from first boss off course. Man, Brutallus must've been a ****er back in the day.

He was a beast, hit like a truck. I loved that fight though back when you could down rank spells (spent most of the fight spamming Greater Heal Rank 4 on the tanks), multi pot, chain drums and all the other tricks. Those were the days!
Ive just dinged 90 on my main (whoop!) But I am little lost as to what do now.

Most Valor Point or Justice Point items seem to be tied to Factions, some of which I havent met yet (just started questing in Townlong Steppes).

Only Dailies I have discovered so far are for operation Shieldwall (or something) so Ive done a few for them.

I cant seem to queue for heroics yet, I think my item level isnt high enough. How do I go about gearing up from here? Just keep questing until I find more dailes?

I have Townlong Steppes/Dread Wastes/Vale to go in terms of zones.
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