** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

It depends what you didn't enjoy about it. Raid finder is only really similar to raiding in so much as there are 25 people (10 or 25 in normal raiding) and that there are bosses and trash to kill for loot.

Raid finder is a nerfed version designed to be able to be completed with minimal communication between players. As such they are (much) more forgiving than normal raiding where mistakes can and do lead to wipes and guilds can spend multiple nights trying to down one boss.

For me raiding is the best part of the game as I enjoy the co-ordination, tactics and focused play, the people I raid with and the buzz of finally killing something which is challenging to us as a group along with some laughs.

Raid finder is generally a nice way to see content the first time but to be honest it then becomes a pain for me as there is less team working and people are only going for the loot. Groups tend to consist of a mix of people who have no idea what is going on, raiders who are bored just running it for gear and the occasional saboteur intent on messing it up for everyone else.

Thanks for the info. I am not sure what it was that I disliked about the raid finder, it was a fair while ago that I did it. I think it was just mindnumbing for me. Hitting every button in order or priority that is supposed to be there, for several minutes, moving about out of some colour jumping into another.

Not having a clue what is going on, so actually having to read about it, as people are not allowed to actually go and see to have fun. So read up on what is going on, do that, since I've read everything about it, it is boring and now its just lots of noise with flashy pictures and dbm updating that something is happening.

Some idiot who is 1st on the dps meter complaining about everyone else in the raid being stupid and l2p and should quit, because no one can match his dps.

Then in the end when this whole 'exciting' experience is over and something actually drops that you can use, everyone who can need on it does so, even if they are in full hc raid gear anyway. (the same guy complaining that he is best and all are scrubs) So I come out of there bored, with no gear and feeling generally abused when I am meant to have fun in a game that I pay for and put some effort into.

So how much does that coincide with real raids? I'm really hoping that its not to much.

Bimmerboii, if you have completed all the quests in the zone, just go to your faction's main city and read one of the boards. They will have a follow on for you.
For nikolai,

Raid finder you are always gonna get the worst elements gathered in one place, it is PUG raiding afterall.

Saying that they have made some changes to LFR since you last tried it.

Most importantly loot is personalised now so you dont get people ninjaing items when they are fully geared. Boss dies and loot is assigned automatically, if you dont win you get some gold and if you have a token an extra roll is available.

As far as real raids are concerned your really going to have to do a lot more work to prepare for those.

If your in a 10man or 25man raid on normal or HC difficulty learning the tactics is a prerequisite for walking into the raid. As is being fully gemmed, enchanted, reforged and geared as well as possible from the heroics, crafting, dailies or LFR.

Thats how its always been for me in the guilds ive been in anyway, walking in unprepared just ends up annoying every other player who makes an effort and in most guilds you will quickly find your self replaced by someone who is making an effort.

So yes raiding should be hard work, thats where the reward comes in.

Once you have learned the mechanics thats one thing, your particular guild may have their own take on strategies for a particular fight and then that means learning those tactics on top of what you already know.

Depending on your role in the raid you could also have extra duties of kiting, dispelling, calling out timers etc.

So you get the idea :)

Thats what most people love about raiding its that extra level of teamwork and commitment that provides the challenge in the end game.

For those who dont want that extra workload theres LFR's loot piniata
Thanks. Perhaps I will give the raid finder a go again when I get to level with my druid. I'm sure as balance should be alright.

The rewards for working as a team do balance out the work I think, or at least I do hope so. If I do I was not looking for a top raiding group. That is one of the main problems at the moment, I can not guarantee that I am actually able to commit to a time schedule, and this has been one of my frustrations when ever I've played and prob why I let my game time lapse.

Maybe if raid finder goes better this time and with luck in the next month or 2 I should finally have an idea of how my rl time will be balanced. Though I still do not think that I can set the 3-4 hours 4 times a week that many of the guilds are asking for. I do often play during those times, but I have to often randomly get up and leave my pc for a time. While reading your reply I suddenly remembered why I was not able to join a raid team even while in decent guilds, all about time balance irl. One of the reasons I had to reroll on a pve server, I was happish on a pvp server, but random afk is not always so great anywhere. Even pve ones.

Perhaps it may end up being fun this raiding thing if I manage to actually commit the time required. Though looking from the outside considering it is a game, it does sound over the top stressful.

I used to play eve online, and the amount of time I had to put into that game outside of it and inside it almost drove me nuts, I did not realise it at the time but when I finally managed to break the habit of eve I was suddenly so much happier with the world. I am kind of worried that if I was to put that level of commitment into the game that I put into eve, I am sure I would indeed make a good raider, but at what cost to my life outside of the game?
If any of you are on Argent Dawn my guild is marching into org from razor hill tonight around 8pm server time. There will only be a small few attending as its a social guild for people with work and family. Everyone is welcome to join in. /w zanezu if your online :-)
never heard of it so probably not :P kazzak is great, alliance is outland. Stormscale is a good server too just not sure for what faction.
is draenor still considered the best EU server for horde?

For pvp I really had a blast on Kazzak. But for a pve realm I am enjoying Draenor, is got a high population, the AH is not to bad and seems to have just about everything on it. The horde / alliance ratio is fairly unbalanced though.
My guild (Alliance) have recently moved to The Maelstrom from Daggerspine which is a pretty dead realm on both sides. we did quite a bit of looking around before choosing our new home. Part of the equation for us was finding a server that is busy enough to have pug raids regularly and a decent AH without facing queues to log in at peak times, as many of us have experienced this previously (myself on Outland, two hours just to log in for the first two weeks after a patch really isnt fun...) Most realms are pretty unbalanced one way or the other, the only one we came across with a balanced population was Ragnoros.
My guild (Alliance) have recently moved to The Maelstrom from Daggerspine which is a pretty dead realm on both sides. we did quite a bit of looking around before choosing our new home. Part of the equation for us was finding a server that is busy enough to have pug raids regularly and a decent AH without facing queues to log in at peak times, as many of us have experienced this previously (myself on Outland, two hours just to log in for the first two weeks after a patch really isnt fun...) Most realms are pretty unbalanced one way or the other, the only one we came across with a balanced population was Ragnoros.

The Maelstrom is my server, welcome :)
I seem to have acquired a high enough ilvl for the first LFR.

Is it worth running it or is it only worth running the most recent raid nowadays? It will probably only be a few days before I'm a high enough ilvl for all of them anyway.

I only need a few more pieces of gear.

I'll also be able to craft the 2 tailoring epics tonight. I could also buy some valor gear but I'm holding out till 5.2.

Nothing takes that long. I've been 90 for about a week. Playing 1 hour a night and I'm already geared for the the first LFR.

Thanks for answering my question though....
I seem to have acquired a high enough ilvl for the first LFR.

Is it worth running it or is it only worth running the most recent raid nowadays? It will probably only be a few days before I'm a high enough ilvl for all of them anyway.

Yes, it's worth it.

Off topic. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the new loot system.. I've comlpeted the entry LFR a few times and thus far I've picked up the same Shoulder item twice, and an off-hand item - I'm playing a Resto Shaman. Seems a bit meh to me.

My mate an I ran all the TBC raids on Saturday. Ashes of A'lar dropped off KTS and he won it.. 1st time he's ever been there - I almost cried :(
I'm on the hunt for a new realm now as well. Becoming disillusioned with the horde side on Grim Batol so looking for a new server with some pug raids and a decent community/AH.

Was looking at Twisting Nether and Frostwhisper. I see some of you recommending Kazzak above. A few friends told me it wasn't a great server, but I will take a look at it too.

Anyone have any experience on any of the servers above?
Yes, it's worth it.

Off topic. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the new loot system.. I've comlpeted the entry LFR a few times and thus far I've picked up the same Shoulder item twice, and an off-hand item - I'm playing a Resto Shaman. Seems a bit meh to me.

My mate an I ran all the TBC raids on Saturday. Ashes of A'lar dropped off KTS and he won it.. 1st time he's ever been there - I almost cried :(

I had my mate come round the other night to play WoW, he's relatively new to the game so we also went around the TBC raids to show him what he missed. Exactly the same situation happened, he won the bloody mount and it took all my inner will not to hit him as he was right next to me :P
I'm on the hunt for a new realm now as well. Becoming disillusioned with the horde side on Grim Batol so looking for a new server with some pug raids and a decent community/AH.

Was looking at Twisting Nether and Frostwhisper. I see some of you recommending Kazzak above. A few friends told me it wasn't a great server, but I will take a look at it too.

Anyone have any experience on any of the servers above?

As far as pvp servers go, I've only been on Kazzak. When I was there most of last expac I think it was alright. I was actually on there last night and started my warrior on that realm on the Jade Forest quest line.

I have not looked very closely at the AH, but some of the items I bought some warrior glyphs, did appear to be more expensive there then on my current server Draenor.

I am currently trying to decide if I should return to Kazzak or to stay on Draenor.

If GuildOx is to be believed, Kazzak is top for Raid progress and 4th for BG ratings for English speaking EU realms. I guess should be taken with a pinch of salt as I am unsure on how correct that website is.
I've been on Kazzak since it opened (we all moved there from Daggerspine, virtually the whole server) and it's a great server for horde but a nightmare if your alliance as they are virtually non existant.
Hell of a lot of big raiding guilds there and tbh finding one to join isn't hard.
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