It depends what you didn't enjoy about it. Raid finder is only really similar to raiding in so much as there are 25 people (10 or 25 in normal raiding) and that there are bosses and trash to kill for loot.
Raid finder is a nerfed version designed to be able to be completed with minimal communication between players. As such they are (much) more forgiving than normal raiding where mistakes can and do lead to wipes and guilds can spend multiple nights trying to down one boss.
For me raiding is the best part of the game as I enjoy the co-ordination, tactics and focused play, the people I raid with and the buzz of finally killing something which is challenging to us as a group along with some laughs.
Raid finder is generally a nice way to see content the first time but to be honest it then becomes a pain for me as there is less team working and people are only going for the loot. Groups tend to consist of a mix of people who have no idea what is going on, raiders who are bored just running it for gear and the occasional saboteur intent on messing it up for everyone else.
Thanks for the info. I am not sure what it was that I disliked about the raid finder, it was a fair while ago that I did it. I think it was just mindnumbing for me. Hitting every button in order or priority that is supposed to be there, for several minutes, moving about out of some colour jumping into another.
Not having a clue what is going on, so actually having to read about it, as people are not allowed to actually go and see to have fun. So read up on what is going on, do that, since I've read everything about it, it is boring and now its just lots of noise with flashy pictures and dbm updating that something is happening.
Some idiot who is 1st on the dps meter complaining about everyone else in the raid being stupid and l2p and should quit, because no one can match his dps.
Then in the end when this whole 'exciting' experience is over and something actually drops that you can use, everyone who can need on it does so, even if they are in full hc raid gear anyway. (the same guy complaining that he is best and all are scrubs) So I come out of there bored, with no gear and feeling generally abused when I am meant to have fun in a game that I pay for and put some effort into.
So how much does that coincide with real raids? I'm really hoping that its not to much.
Bimmerboii, if you have completed all the quests in the zone, just go to your faction's main city and read one of the boards. They will have a follow on for you.