** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

TN was my horde server choice back when I 1st started playing WoW, had some great world PvP back then. Can't remember any of the guilds just a paladin named Mobywan, good times.

Ah yeah mobywan seem to remember he was quite some pvp player, almost as big as his ego to be honest ;) at that stage there were quite a few ally on twisting nether but as soon as a couple of the top guilds moved off the server it went downhill rapidly. Still have fond memories of playing there in burning crusade though
Tthought all raid guilds had trials for new members? They did in my day.

Good/serious guilds do.

Zerg guilds do not.

Oh they do sorry, i just find it highly amusing i am being trialed as i have always raided end game content/Hc modes in the past just unfortunate to chose a guild that wasnt getting it done since MoP.

I will do my best to win them over dont worry :cool:

Its quite refreshing to be in a guild capable of HC modes as its been a year now for me since doing them in Cata ;)
Did my first LFR last night. Steamrolled.

I didn't really know what to do, there was not really anything to heal (as there was 6 healers). Was mostly shielding tanks, POM, cascade and using atonement. Got a new belt, which was nice.

Decisions; level my warrior tank on a dead server or level my paladin tank on an active server (both 85). I haven't tried tanking with a Pala since the beginning of Cata. Are they fun? Can't see them being as fun as a warrior tank.
We don't have trials.

We help gear members up and assist and advise when needed. Raiding for us is about fun, social and enjoyment.

It's not a job nor an e-sport.

Our guild has just moved from a dead Shadowsong to Draenor
That's a bummer. Blizzard are normally good at sorting that type of situation out, but as it was so long ago I can understand why they can't help.

What server are you on? I can give you a hand with gold or whatever if needed.

Thanks for the offer. It's unlikely, but I'm on Nordrassil Horse side, and Shoadowsong Alliance side. Seems I'll have to fly somewhere manually and get some gold to carry on! Can't even afford a flight path... Makes me glad I have epic flying now!
Even though I currently have a pala at 90, I think I am going to level a 2nd, in prot spec the whole way, I've been feeling like that is the thing that I really want to do and what better way then learn tanking from scratch. It is prob not the most efficient way but oh well. I must resist the temptation to dual spec to ret and then end up questing again as that just defeats the purpose :P
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PvP Balance is still poor.

However overall its a better expansion than Cata imo.

Wich classes are now OP then maybe i own one of them :D

from what i remember i had :
Paladin 85 holy/tank
druid 85 feral/resto pvp
DK 85 Unholy/Frost + tanking HC raiding within first 2 weeks of cata weve had 4 bosses down
Hunter but i dont remember lvl somwhere around 80 i think
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Wich classes are now OP then maybe i own one of them :D

from what i remember i had :
Paladin 85 holy/tank
druid 85 feral/resto pvp
DK 85 Unholy/Frost + tanking HC raiding within first 2 weeks of cata weve had 4 bosses down
Hunter but i dont remember lvl somwhere around 80 i think

Depends on who you ask of course :p

Arms Warriors & Frost Mages are the ones most complained about by a long way. Both are getting "adjustments" in 5.2 - due to arrive March 6.

[Ret]Paladins/[Enh/Ele]Shamans/[Any spec]Rogues are in a pretty bad place - some are getting buffs in 5.2.

Everyone else is in between, although my personal view is that Hunters are the most OP class at the moment....and somehow are under the nerf radar. Not sure how they have managed that.
Im a new player im currently level 38 and ive been doing lots of raids. But now im finding im too strong for the area im in and the quest markers aint coming up above there heads. Is this a problem will i be missing out on lots of content or can i just carry on playing raids. I do want to see the new areas but im not sure when i go into them if im not doing the quests.
Not entirely sure what you mean, but first, the things you are doing now are called dungeons, raids are 10/25 player with much much much more complicated bosses.

Once you get to a certain level you won't be able to take quests from certain zones. Well you can, but they do not give much xp. If you click your minimap and select Show low level quests you will be able to see them. But it's best to move to a higher level zone. If you bring up your map it should tell you the average level of the zone, so pick one you like the look of and take a flight path there. But it's best to pick the one closest to your level so you get the most xp. You can always go back to different zones later to do the quests if you want to explore the places.
The notice boards in your faction capital also give you a good indication of which zone you should be levelling in now. So you can check that out if you are unsure as well.
Well, clearly I've been missing some aspect of this game, as I've flown through the first zone of Pandaria already! about 1/4 to go until level 87 too, so good times
Dependent on how you play but i tend to only do a level in a zone except on my Main Toon when i always do Loremaster.

What you find is the quests give you more XP so you end up leveling faster
Gotta love blizzard patch trailers ! Cant wait for the new raid :D

hmm I found that trailer kinda disappointing really nearly everything has been reused (3d models , textures) that all ready exist with only 1-3 new boss models so kinda hard to get excited about it
Only asking this out of curiosity as don't want to get in to trouble. I'm pretty much done with this game and looking to get rid of my account. Would anyone here be interested in it, or know where I could get rid of it safely? I've had the account for a long time. Got 2 x 90's, one with ilvl high enough for LFR, one with decent pvp gear. Also have 5 x 85's. So would be a shame to just delete it. I've been knocking around these forums for a while and can be trusted. I just want to get shot of it and more on to something else.
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