SaraGara - Speaking from Alpha Testing - you really don't want to see a division of CV's. It worse then a platoon of LEF105 or Bert arty's in World of Tanks
Spawn as a group - You don't spawn as a group on WoT, It's no issue there, the same applies here, just the distance's appart are abit further.
The incentive's aren't in the Game yet the full medals awards etc - Remember this is still Closed Beta Test.
It's a great Game when you set your division's up correctly. Last night I took my Ubari, with 2 clan mates in there Wyoming's and it worked a treat. They covered me and I covered them with the AA cover.
HE and it's chance for fire is fine, and personally I think it's not a issue. Ok so If a Fuso, Cleavland or St Louis for example spammed HE yes, there is a higher chance of fire - because of the greater increase of shell's being sent down - if you have a 20% chance and you fire 10 gun's 2 of the shot's should set it on fire.
The game need's a totally different approach I feel from the way current War Gaming products work. Team play and understanding how each class support's each other is vital.
IMHO, you need to work as follows
CV's - send Fighters to escort BB's, Send Torpedo planes to Shadow DD's while the spot other ships - BB's etc
Crusier's - Good AA, then stay near BB's, Good Torpedo's, then work with the destroyers, fast firing gun's cover BB's against DD attacks
BB's - Use the hitpoint pool to take hit's and dish out big damage for Cruiser's/ DD's to mop up
DD's - Scout, lay smoke to provide cover for ships to break engagment's,
But there current player base - e.g WoT - just doesn't yet understand this concept, to many lonewolf style tactic's.
Over and above all this though - It's a closed Beta Game, it has a very different game style I think that people need to adapt to
But that's just my view