****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

How often do the devs release new ships?

They've released a few premium ships since the game went into Open Beta. I guess about one every month and a half or so.

The next actual line of ships is the German Cruiser line which is scheduled for October.
American cruisers generally have much better anti-aircraft capability than the Japanese so they make excellent ships for escorting battleships, especially if you set them up to improve this with captain skils and upgrade modules. The Japanese generally have weaker AA but get Torpedoes, usually only in arcs towards the rear 1/3 of the ship. For me these are nice to have but you shouldn't prioritise using them or bother improving with modules/skills, focus on your guns and use the torps if the opportunity arises but don't turn your whole ship just to launch them. I'd say the Japanese are probably the stronger in cruiser vs cruiser combat, they're slightly faster but I also find them more fragile and easier to citadel than the Americans.
Definitely finding that I need to change my play style in cruisers, i might need to find a group to play with if I want to carry on with cruisers as the escorting part is difficult without some sort of comms

Does anyone have a suggestion of a mature clan to have fun and laugh with?
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^^ If you are playing IJN cruisers I wouldn't prioritise escorting BB's or CV's.

Since the patch and changes to CV's in MM and loadouts. They are generally busy in the early game duking it out between each other. Meaning that BB's get a break from always being targeted. Besides no Cruiser captain can stomach staying at 20km+ range "escorting" some sniper bad boy BB driver for the whole match.

I play quite aggressively screening BB's by being in front of them. If you do this it forces planes to fly over you to get a torp run in. It allows me to engage ships at 16km~ and get in on the action. Taking any opportunity to use Torps as area denial and potential quick kill around islands.

Plus the main reason no one escorts is that you get sweet FA for doing it...
Had some fun in a t5 destroyer earlier :)


Just got tagged at the end, but he sailed a barrage of fire trying to avoid my torps:D
I am in odd place atm. I have be saving my credits to purchase t6 Cruiser Cleveland.

BUT something is screaming inside my head to use your credits and try battleships. What do people suggest?

If i was to go for battleships how could i use credits most efficient? I have av bout 30-40k in credits
I am in odd place atm. I have be saving my credits to purchase t6 Cruiser Cleveland.

BUT something is screaming inside my head to use your credits and try battleships. What do people suggest?

If i was to go for battleships how could i use credits most efficient? I have av bout 30-40k in credits

I know I dont get chance to play a lot but I see a few posts like this and I cant quite understand why people do it other than to concentrate credits on one line.

I progress all tech lines I would get really bored if I just progressed one or two. So I know how each type play because I play all of them. Currently I am knocking on the door of T5's but I have extensively played all the ships below to know apart from T4 Jap Carrier so I know which I like and which I dont. Although having played the Langley I know the Jap Carrier is weaker as most of the time I can wipe out its planes quite easily.

ie not too keen on Jap Battleships - take ages to fire and get targeted more than US Battleships - possible as players know they are weaker.

I love the Wyoming. I had a wicked match yesteday where we were losing badly and we were taking a beating at A until I showed up and sunk 4 of their ships, two battleships, a cruiser and a DD to make it level. Unfortunately it turned into moron city afterwards as a chat arguement broke out and the other team just went and mopped them up. Goodness knows how much I would have got for a win but for a loss I ended up with 1200xp (non premium)
Thanks for affirming my current thinking Vark. What type of play do the japs excel at?

Long range, accurate and decent manoeuvrability on their BBs, but lower alpha and AA than USN.

Better torps but lower firing on the cruisers as well as worse AA.

DDs long range torps and well hidden, lacking guns and AA compared to USN.
I am in odd place atm. I have be saving my credits to purchase t6 Cruiser Cleveland.

BUT something is screaming inside my head to use your credits and try battleships. What do people suggest?

If i was to go for battleships how could i use credits most efficient? I have av bout 30-40k in credits

Try every line. Until you do, you have no idea what you will prefer to play :).

I am firmly in the IJN camp. Their ships suit my play style completely!

30/40k in credits is not that much if you are referring to the silver?
Been playing USN lines.

Originally with Battleships - big and boomy guns. But slow.
So, then went with Cruisers - fun jack of all trades - great at showering shells.
And Destroyers last weekend - fun, sneaky - great for torp destruction.

Currently in dock:
BB: New York, Wyoming and South Carolina
CA: Omaha and Phoenix
DD: Sampson and Wickes (leveling up - Clemson ready to be bought)

Personally prefer the agility of the cruisers and destroyers, but like said before, try them all.
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