***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

I dont epect my items to last long, but i do expect a epic lvl 60 end of game item to be better than a blue lvl 61 item, yes...

I think blizz lost a few people wath that mistake as the quests where easy and the rewards where huge.

Not got mirror image, not played in ages to be honest, will try again if WAR isnt upto much. Will check out the new stuff and see what is what. Just wish i didnt have to give up so much of my items that took ages to get for something which entails me walking from A to B to get something better, that is all.

Still, ill be one of the mass playing it again later lol...

As far as I know, there wasn't even really better gear that was at 61 compared to 60 epics. (I could be wrong though).

This certainly isn't the case in WOTLK though.
I will probably download it honestly (listens to the usual anti piracy people start crying and reminds them that its a game which you need to download from blizzards online store, and that you pay per month also).

But then again, thinking about it... I want the case, and don't fancy waiting the 50 hours for it to download and update from blizzard :/
If all classes are the same, why single out what are useless and what aren't? If there's no differences...

Locks, hunters and mages can't tank or heal. They can only DPS. They're the only pure classes. Every other class can do 2-4 roles. What Blizzard have done it appears is allow hybrids to DPS as well as the pure classes, making the pure classes nigh on redundant.
Locks, hunters and mages can't tank or heal. They can only DPS. They're the only pure classes. Every other class can do 2-4 roles. What Blizzard have done it appears is allow hybrids to DPS as well as the pure classes, making the pure classes nigh on redundant.

Hybrids still have to stick to 1 role in instances or raids. If you think a bunch of classes will become obsolete and drop dramatically in numbers, you're going to be mistaken.
after tbc launch ill wait a week or two and get it.

no point paying extra just to get laggy zones.

Yeah, i think i will get it on release, but i'll only do early 70-72 instance runs and play around with one of my alts for the first few weeks, 40 people fighting over 1 mob is not my idea of fun :)

Speaking of lag, anyone else in the lagtastic beta?
Though I was initially in favour of the new "all classes perform all roles equally" philosophy (e.g. all tanks will perform at the same level, all dpsers will perform at the same level etc), I'm rapidly getting disillusioned with it. It seems like there's absolutely no point in playing anything other than a druid, since they can tank, heal, melee and spellcast as good as all the pure classes. Fair enough they may have a little bit less flavour or utility in their dps roles. Fair enough they will need to gear up for each role as well, but if I want to tank or heal on my Mage I can't do it. I need to reroll, level and gear up a whole other class.

I'll need to see how it all pans out, but I'm guessing the hybrids will be within a whisker of pure classes in terms of dps (and exactly equal for tanking and healing), but with gimmicks added that make use of specific abilities of the pure classes (such as Warlock tanking, Mages spellstealing). Unfortunately, I can say from experience that being brought along to cover for gimmicks is no fun at all.

For god's sake, if you chose a Shaman that says "uses totems and buffs groups" why on earth would you complain that you're not doing equal damage to the Mage which was originally described as being weak but with the highest ranged damage? You got exactly what you picked.

I don't think all classes will perform equally once you get to high level raids. For example, at the start of Burning Crusade when everyone was doing Heroics/Kara, people moaned that Shadowpriests were overpowered because they output the best dps, and regenerated party health and mana to boot. However, due to class mechanics, SP's didn't scale well with gear and by T5/T6 level raids pure DPS classes came into their own. A sunwell plateau geared rogue/hunter/mage/warlock will output twice the dps of an equivalent SP. I think Blizzard will make sure that they implement the same differences in high level WOTLK raids.
Hybrids still have to stick to 1 role in instances or raids. If you think a bunch of classes will become obsolete and drop dramatically in numbers, you're going to be mistaken.

If you spec a feral druid with intensity I think (30% mana regen while casting?) then you can heal, dps or tank.

That's not my point though. What I'm saying is it used to be a mare for hybrid dps to get 5 man groups (especially heroics) due to their lack of CC. Now they have it you're going to find a lot of the healers\tanks speccing DPS cos they're just as capable. More competition for the pure DPS.

I respec at least 3-4 times a week as well, and I'm not even taking the game seriously at the moment. I just like the variation.
If you spec a feral druid with intensity I think (30% mana regen while casting?) then you can heal, dps or tank.

That's not my point though. What I'm saying is it used to be a mare for hybrid dps to get 5 man groups (especially heroics) due to their lack of CC. Now they have it you're going to find a lot of the healers\tanks speccing DPS cos they're just as capable. More competition for the pure DPS.

I respec at least 3-4 times a week as well, and I'm not even taking the game seriously at the moment. I just like the variation.

Simply means it's easier to find and make heroic groups, actually. And raids. I don't know why everyone is missing the point of this class balancing.
I don't know why everyone is missing the point of this class balancing.

I don't think anyone is missing the point. Say you're in a small guild that does 10 man Naxx. You'll need 2 tanks, 2-3 healers and the rest dps. Let's also take a not unreasonable situation where you've always got 12-14 people wanting to go but you're short an off tank or a spare healer. If you're a Pally or a Druid it's a case of "no probs guys I'll respec tonight and offtank or fill in as 3rd healer". In the meantime, one of your Hunters, Mages or Warlocks have to sit out because hey they can't respec to another role. Then imagine you're at 10 man Patchwerk (a dps race) where you might think, 'ok now it's time to bring in a little extra dps so the druid sits out tonight instead', but no! your druid does dps within a whisker of all other pure classes so he can do that as well.

Hybrids are no longer hybrids. They are effectively 2 or 3 pure classes in one package. You simply need to pay 50g to swap roles instead of levelling 1-80 again. Yes they may need several sets of gear but anyone in a decent raiding guild will pick up lots of offspec gear anyway. The hybrids in my guild are festooned with it.
I havent played for a few months but none of the hybrid dps ever came close to the pure dps classes whilst raiding. Locks, Mages, Rogues and Hunters are far better than any spec Shammy, Druid or Pally.
Locks, Mages, Rogues and Hunters are far better than any spec Shammy, Druid or Pally.

Blizzard have specifically stated that all classes will be able to dps at a very similar level in WotLK. It's true that in TBC there were large gaps, but that won't be true in the next expansion.
My armoury was last updated on April 10th so i'm not far off 6 months without play. The lich king will get me back into it! I can't wait!

I can't find the Collectors Edition for sale anywhere? What's going on?
Great isn't it. DK starting area is a hoot. Northread is quite nice looking assuming you're not being booted off the server.

SW harbour looks good though, any idea what's behind the gates to the NE?

Yeah, the DK starting area is just brilliant and very refreshing. Havnt been to Northrend yet with my main. SW harbour? erm, no idea, Horde here :) but i remember reading something about those gates
I'm been playing on the PTR and I'm getting 60%+ worse graphical performance than on live. That's with a 3.4GHz E6660, 4GB of RAM and an ATI 4870. And it's not the new shadows as I've turned them off. It's literally at 40FPS, dropping below 30 in areas where I'm at 150+ on live. And for some reason at anything less than 70FPS I get massive mouse lag (v-sync off).

God knows how they've managed to screw up a 4 year old game engine. :/

It could be some weird incompatibility with my rig but bear in mind it runs live WoW flawlessly with the exact same settings.
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I'm been playing on the PTR and I'm getting 60%+ worse graphical performance than on live. That's with a 3.4GHz E6660, 4GB of RAM and an ATI 4870. And it's not the new shadows as I've turned them off. It's literally at 40FPS, dropping below 30 in areas where I'm at 150+ on live. And for some reason at anything less than 70FPS I get massive mouse lag (v-sync off).

God knows how they've managed to screw up a 4 year old game engine. :/

It could be some weird incompatibility with my rig but bear in mind it runs live WoW flawlessly with the exact same settings.

You're the only one with that problem, have you tried making a bug report with your hardware mentioned?
I'm been playing on the PTR and I'm getting 60%+ worse graphical performance than on live. That's with a 3.4GHz E6660, 4GB of RAM and an ATI 4870. And it's not the new shadows as I've turned them off. It's literally at 40FPS, dropping below 30 in areas where I'm at 150+ on live. And for some reason at anything less than 70FPS I get massive mouse lag (v-sync off).

God knows how they've managed to screw up a 4 year old game engine. :/

It could be some weird incompatibility with my rig but bear in mind it runs live WoW flawlessly with the exact same settings.

I wouldn't worry until it's officially out.

It could just be that ATI need to do some work patching the drivers to be optimised for it, they usually release hotfix drivers for most new games.
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