***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

PvE has always been easymode anyway. They need to fundamentally change the way bosses operate to actually make it difficult, because at the moment it's purely about gear, consumeables and following simple tactics. It's not difficult and there is no challenge beyond getting everyone to do what the hell they're supposed to do.

thats the same as every mmo i have played :p
Blizz have said they are reworking and balancing racials.

"Hardiness is being changed to a 15% duration reduction on stuns. In fact, the next update (not today's) will have a large number of changes to racials."

Also it has been stated previously that shadowmeld will be usable in combat.

Probably the best thing about this expansion for me is that they are minmizing the presence of RNG through design of abilities, racials, talents, items...etc...etc. Definitely a step in the right direction especially for PvP.
Also it has been stated previously that shadowmeld will be usable in combat.

Meh, it's not on Kalgan's list of confirmed changes.

I am now the proud owner of a beta account and have completed the DK intro questline and must say they've done a really good job.

Now to decide whether I want to play retadin or DK in WotLK... difficult :p
lol, they've nerfed perception into oblivion and given humans feign death instead. Epic fail. Humans already have decent enough PvE racials, we don't need more! Either replace perception or rebalance it properly so it has some use don't just nerf it to the point where it is practically useless.

And if they want some races to have PvE racials and some PvP racials then they should remove racials from arena. The other alternative is to give all races PvP racials of roughly equal power which are useful to every class.
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lol, they've nerfed perception into oblivion and given humans feign death instead. Epic fail. Humans already have decent enough PvE racials, we don't need more! Either replace perception or rebalance it properly so it has some use don't just nerf it to the point where it is practically useless.

And if they want some races to have PvE racials and some PvP racials then they should remove racials from arena. The other alternative is to give all races PvP racials of roughly equal power which are useful to every class.

I prefer the new perception (even if it is a little weak.)

Passive > active for these sorts of things. Always :p
Passive > active for these sorts of things. Always :p

Kalgan did specifically point out that Perception was the only racial that gives a true advantage in the arena. If you've not played a Human before you may not be aware of quite how effective it is.
Kalgan did specifically point out that Perception was the only racial that gives a true advantage in the arena.

LMAO. That's utterly incorrect. WoTF for example will literally single handedly win matches against teams with fear. I've experienced it first hand from both sides, playing against Undead teams and as an Undead team. Kalgan is a retard.

I prefer the new perception (even if it is a little weak.)

Passive > active for these sorts of things. Always :p

No, not really. How many times are you going to open on a stealth class in an arena match? 99% of the time it will only be once. And one stealth level makes pretty much no difference at all.

My only hope is that this new feign death ability we have will drop us out of combat, allowing mana classes to drink and rogues to restealth. If it doesn't then we'll easily have some of the worst PvP racials in the game. EITHER BALANCE THEM PROPERLY OR REMOVE THEM FROM ARENA ALTOGTHER. ******* KALGAN.

Every problem you see today in WoW PvP exists because of Kalgan. Druids, rogues and warriors dominating for 2 whole seasons, nothing changed. HE DOES NOTHING TO BALANCE THE GAME. He should be fired. Get someone with a bloody clue, and someone that is actually going to DO SOMETHING.
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But KittensCake, do you care enough to do anything about it?

Can you have a moment's peace when innocent arena teams are getting steamrolled by Kalgan's evil RWD setups?
OMG, check this out: http://www.mmo-champion.com/

One of the coolest and weirdest additions ever.

A new type of items has been added to the game.

* These items are Bind To Account items, you can transfer them between characters !
* These items scale with level, a level 1 character can perfectly use it and stats will scale accordingly !
* In the current beta build, you can buy them with tokens from raid dungeons
* They are not unique.

Now you can get a full epic set for your alts, that they can use at level 1 and that improves as they level up!

Check out the bonus on the shoulders as well: http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2008/september/upgradeitem_7.jpg

Arcanite Reaper Hoooooo!
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If you fire WoW up now there's a 992MB patch waiting to download! It's entitled "WoW-2.4.3-to-3.0.1-TBC-EU-Update" amd I'm guessing it's a pre-cursor to the release of WotLK.
Ahhh same old Wow, don't see really much changes alas besides more leveling and grinding like always... That new class doesn't look anything new... Also are you telling me Alliance will be able to roll Death Knight??? WTF.

Wow is really losing its flavor it had in the past to be honest! The achievements and inscription might be nice but otherwise all i see is new zones to level more and do the same old stuff, raiding raiding!
Wow, I quit for 9 months and in that time they've added a lot of the things I thought were missing from the game. Warlock metamorphosis was the icing on the cake for me.

Most definitely considering a trial of WotLK now.
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