***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Blood Death Knights at the moment if anything aren't to great, and are behind in damage, Unholy is scaling to well (in particular their minions).

It will also be pulled down in to line, rets aren't over powered to much, it is really just their stun that is a little much considering their burst damage. However, I find it ironic that rogues are complaining about being stunned.

All classes should roughly be equal in the end, but I have no doubt that a few weeks after WOTLK hits live various bug fixes / class changes will happen.

One thing which amuses me is the amount of people saying they will chose a DK. I don't think they realize that it won't be "better" than their current class, but instead just be different. I do like the fact DK's are among one of the most complex classes, and if the Beta is anything to go by, according to all accounts, most people quit their DK to go back to their main.

Especially when all your friends are telling you how good North rend is (I have to admit, a few instances look fantastic, not even talking of just the level 80 ones) and you realize you still have 25 levels to go :p

Yeah I saw DK's quite low on the DPS in a WWS report a few days back, will have to see how they end up scaling with gear. :)

Aye I'm hoping a lot of people back off DK so we're not completely overrun by them, I'll be sticking with mine, got extra motivation because my old guild who are reforming don't have any DK's yet. :p

Also looking forward to the DK class mechanic.
I know frost DK's are getting Icy Touched nerfed (it is doing to much damage currently) and will instead rely on a few of their lower tier moves more.

I am sure that DK's will thin out, or Blizzard will nerf them massively. They are not an easy class to play though, with constantly needing to keep an eye on diseases, runes, runic power, more complex than most rotations and timing. Hopefully this will discourage most people.
Yeah I saw DK's quite low on the DPS in a WWS report a few days back, will have to see how they end up scaling with gear. :)

Aye I'm hoping a lot of people back off DK so we're not completely overrun by them, I'll be sticking with mine, got extra motivation because my old guild who are reforming don't have any DK's yet. :p

Also looking forward to the DK class mechanic.

Shame you wont be getting 80 any time soon though.

Few naxx pic's ive seen show DK's above tanks below most other's damage.
Aint really too interested in rolling one so havent looked at what they do and don't do but my understanding is that there diseases increase others damage. i could be wrong but that is just how i read it i guess
Shame you wont be getting 80 any time soon though.

Few naxx pic's ive seen show DK's above tanks below most other's damage.
Aint really too interested in rolling one so havent looked at what they do and don't do but my understanding is that there diseases increase others damage. i could be wrong but that is just how i read it i guess

You are basically right.

I have heard paladins own them too, which will my paladin friend happy when he duels me :(

They are mostly there for tanking/raid buffs.

I did notice that a lot of "good" guilds always take one DK (possibly 2 in 25 mans) and generally will take 1 of every spec if possible.

Remember there are 30 classes in the game (well, 30 specs at least) and EACh and EVERYONE of them brings somethin impressive. Rogues are now actually very helpful for tanks because of "tricks of the trade" for example. I really am liking how the game is going so far though I must say.

Blizzard are doing a pretty good job overall.
I'm more than happy to buff the raid on my DK, they look competent for PvP (Unholy Spec especially, watch Jaydes' duel school video) and just fun to play in general.
I'm more than happy to buff the raid on my DK, they look competent for PvP (Unholy Spec especially, watch Jaydes' duel school video) and just fun to play in general.

To be honest, I don't like jaydee. I think he whines a LOT on the forums. They will be best against resto druids because they remove hots, but I am not sure if they will "great" for PVP. They are easyish to kite, apparently at least.

We don't know how it will turn out until the top rated arena people get to try them out in comps.

*personally* Though, I do think a lot of people will go back to their old characters, or might pick up entirely new ones. I really feel jealous looking at what every class gets, because all of them are getting so much awesome stuff :D
DK should be pretty decent against druids aswell seeing as they have that "Get Over Here Move". Would be proper annoyed if i was grinding away and some DK just dragged me across to him to gank me.
I don't think it would be worse than a warriors charge (for the druid I mean), as you still have the line of sight issues.

The one good thing is obviously you can pull the enemy to you rather than you needing to get closer to them (and possibly their friends), but it has a longer cooldown than warriors various charges (especially talented).
One of the things that would annoy me about DK is the Dark Cloud that they spawn when doing some moves. I saw it on a 4 horsemen video and it covered like 3 void zones. would be so annoying to die in that cause some pleb keep covering them.
One of the things that would annoy me about DK is the Dark Cloud that they spawn when doing some moves. I saw it on a 4 horsemen video and it covered like 3 void zones. would be so annoying to die in that cause some pleb keep covering them.

They changed that. Death and Decay as well as Desecrate had their graphics changed from big black clouds to runes on the floor.
To be honest, I don't like jaydee. I think he whines a LOT on the forums. They will be best against resto druids because they remove hots, but I am not sure if they will "great" for PVP. They are easyish to kite, apparently at least.
Haha I haven't seen his forum posts, I found his duel school video entertaining though!

I heard about the kiting thing, though the new Human racial + Death Grip should counteract that a little bit.

Human racial is bloody imba. :p

The one good thing is obviously you can pull the enemy to you rather than you needing to get closer to them (and possibly their friends), but it has a longer cooldown than warriors various charges (especially talented).
Yeah talented Death Grip has a 25 sec CD, so a little longer than talented Intercept!
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Haha I haven't seen his forum posts, I found his duel school video entertaining though!

I heard about the kiting thing, though the new Human racial + Death Grip should counteract that a little bit.

Human racial is bloody imba. :p

Yeah talented Death Grip has a 25 sec CD, so a little longer than talented Intercept!

My friend is loving prot warriors various charges... will be interesting if Blizzard can make them PVP viable.

I have to say though, I was almost in tears at reading the first change to the humans racial "Fall of humanity" I was a little sad when I read they removed it :p

I am still not sure if I should make my DK Dranei or Human though (I would prefer horde, but my guild / friends are alliance so...)
aye some of the new feral talents look interesting mind, I deffo wont go resto with my dr00d as i have always prefered healing with my preist.
Only reason i am resto now is cuz for arena there isnt really a choice. Its either cookie cutter or dr00ds are pretty crud, although i have come across some really good boomkins.

But then i keep looking at shammys and thinking that will be really fun too espec with hex. Bloodlust working over a raid !! and totems too its going to be awesome. Shammy was my first char loved it till BC then shammys became pretty crud unless you was resto.

I tend to find that most moonkins have a main as a true caster class, lock or mage.

Good to see the entire druid class is getting an upgrade, moonkin has been stale for a long time. Resto never worked right (for me, since you could not use all healing casts even as 61 in resto). Bear/Cat has been the most viable for Druid until now, the proposed changes should even things up nicely. :).
I knew I was going to draw arguments, but not over loose definitions of the term MMO (of which you're wrong). To say WoW isn't truly massively multiplayer just because there are instances (extensively is hyperbole, especially as Age of Conan, Everquest, Anarchy Online, Runescape, SWG, etc etc has instancing as well, and in equal measure) is pretty much one of the most off-base comments you could make about the game. With the exception of the free game Runescape I have never seen so many people gathered in one place, be it one of the major cities, or world pvp back in the day.


Although I see your point, I dont consider the amount of subscribers a game has as the defining factor in it being a 'real' mmorpg. It makes it the most dominating, and influencial, but not the most 'real'.

Ultima Online used no instancing at all, and still stands the test of time as the only 'real' mmorpg in my opinion because of that fact. Runescape might be the same, but could never get in to it myself enough to even notice if instancing was used or not.
Ultima Online used no instancing at all, and still stands the test of time as the only 'real' mmorpg in my opinion because of that fact. Runescape might be the same, but could never get in to it myself enough to even notice if instancing was used or not.

What? So a game not having instances is good?

I'm sorry but I don't want to be in a situation where you have to wait ages to take turns taking down bosses, I'd rather have instances I can do whenever I want.

That's just stupid, WoW got it right, instancing for dungeons is a good thing. However I do not like the idea of having world instances, which thankfully WoW does not.
What? So a game not having instances is good?

I'm sorry but I don't want to be in a situation where you have to wait ages to take turns taking down bosses, I'd rather have instances I can do whenever I want.

That's just stupid, WoW got it right, instancing for dungeons is a good thing. However I do not like the idea of having world instances, which thankfully WoW does not.

Doesn't Guild Wars run off instances for its entire game?
Plus WoW does have a little of each. You have your world bosses, Doomwalker, Kazzak + Emerald Dragons. Hopefully more of these will be implemented within WoTLK as there a bit of fun to do now and then.
But on the whole Instanced Dungeons works very well
What? So a game not having instances is good?

I'm sorry but I don't want to be in a situation where you have to wait ages to take turns taking down bosses, I'd rather have instances I can do whenever I want.

That's just stupid, WoW got it right, instancing for dungeons is a good thing. However I do not like the idea of having world instances, which thankfully WoW does not.

Aye i agree with that, I loved UO to death and if they remade a new one i wouldnt even think twice about buying it, it would just be bam bought !

But yea could you imagine 4-5 different guilds all waiting for a boss to respawn to kill. It would also kinda kill off the PVE dungeon side of things too without having instancing.
I also think it's laughable that UO is a 'real mmo' and WoW is not, simply because there's instanced dungeons in it despite having a far higher population count, both overall and in actual realm activity/proximity. There's nothing like Ironforge or Shattrath in UO.
Doesn't Guild Wars run off instances for its entire game?
Plus WoW does have a little of each. You have your world bosses, Doomwalker, Kazzak + Emerald Dragons. Hopefully more of these will be implemented within WoTLK as there a bit of fun to do now and then.
But on the whole Instanced Dungeons works very well

Ganking Horde attempting to do Azuregos for the win!

Or on the Emerald Dream dragons, running in and dying to spawn mushrooms on purpose. LOL.
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