***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

havent played wow in last month but my Season4 / tier 6 feral druid is waiting for the expansion! atleast my gear will own for when i level even tho its all gonna get replaced quick enough!
Hoping the 3.0 patch will allow my guild to progress a lot more through BT and into SWP,

we have had massive healer problems in the last month. I just would like to get to Illidan.
we have had massive healer problems in the last month. I just would like to get to Illidan.

The Illidan fight isn't really that exciting. Beat it once and it becomes a 15 minute battle against tedium, with annoying phase 2 wipes if your tanks aren't on the ball. It's good to get it done of course :)

It would be a shame if you can't see Brutallus before the nerf - it's a really intense fight in my opinion. Probably the most intense fight I've come across even though it's effectively tank and spank. I imagine any healer will be left in a sheen of sweat after their first kill. Check out the Nihilum video on youtube from a tank's perspective and watch how that health bar bounces for 6 minutes.
Personally I hated Brutallus. The Illidan fight could get boring quite quickly but Brutallus was mind numbing. Not only that but plenty of times the tank would die irrespective of healing, just ridiculous burst damage. :(
havent played wow in last month but my Season4 / tier 6 feral druid is waiting for the expansion! atleast my gear will own for when i level even tho its all gonna get replaced quick enough!

Apparently your T6 gear won't get replace till about level 76 - 77, and then blues will be better (from instances I mean).

Tank gear is insane in WOTLK though, plate legs with almost 200 stamina for example (sockets too of course).
Apparently your T6 gear won't get replace till about level 76 - 77, and then blues will be better (from instances I mean).

Tank gear is insane in WOTLK though, plate legs with almost 200 stamina for example (sockets too of course).

Seen some craftable plate head with like 112 Str. And some frost res chest with 165 stam 130 frost res or something with sockets.
Apparently your T6 gear won't get replace till about level 76 - 77, and then blues will be better (from instances I mean).

I had an Alliance and a Horde Rogue at level 60 when TBC hit. The Alliance Rogue had levelling greens and whatever else I could buy off the AH. The Horde Rogue had HWL Swords as well as a lot of T1. The difference in ease of levelling was huge from 60-65. I'm quite happy to lose my T6/badge/kara gear and whatnot in the mid-to-late 70s as it will have ensured me a much easier ride up till that point.
I had an Alliance and a Horde Rogue at level 60 when TBC hit. The Alliance Rogue had levelling greens and whatever else I could buy off the AH. The Horde Rogue had HWL Swords as well as a lot of T1. The difference in ease of levelling was huge from 60-65. I'm quite happy to lose my T6/badge/kara gear and whatnot in the mid-to-late 70s as it will have ensured me a much easier ride up till that point.

60-70 I've leveled 3 times. Druid which was at 60 basically a rogue, had everything from AQ40, BWL and Ghoul Skin Tunic and End of Dreams from Naxx. Had zero downtime from 60-70 and was solo'ing most elite quests with ease. Hunter was in Full T2 with some AQ40 loot and that had next to no downtime aswell. Both hunter and druid never really had any gear changed till 60. (hunter is still in that gear as it was only used for the gold) Then finally a freshly dinged shaman that struggled sooo much till i got 2 blue axes but still had a lot of downtime till around level 66 when gear was getting good.
This time round though I'm gunna be changing gear a lot more often no doubt whilst leveling
To be honest I hever played WOW pre burning crusade. My friend and I got in to the game just after its release.

Since he was a warrior and me a shadow priest, we could pretty much nuke thru most quests with complete ease though, even in the basic gear...
The Illidan fight isn't really that exciting. Beat it once and it becomes a 15 minute battle against tedium, with annoying phase 2 wipes if your tanks aren't on the ball. It's good to get it done of course :)

It would be a shame if you can't see Brutallus before the nerf - it's a really intense fight in my opinion. Probably the most intense fight I've come across even though it's effectively tank and spank. I imagine any healer will be left in a sheen of sweat after their first kill. Check out the Nihilum video on youtube from a tank's perspective and watch how that health bar bounces for 6 minutes.

Gunna be fun, i'm main tank :P I think Teron in BT was up and down last night. I'd really really love to get into SWP before the nerfs, but its not gunna happen, i personally only started in MH/BT 2months ago.

Currently in my hitrating/expertise kit.

Currently only got 1/8 t6 :( and hardly any BT drops. Were stuck on BB/ROS and Archi atm. This week were focusing on archi. Should be better this week. Yesterday in our raid we had 6 shamans! 4 resto, 1 ele and 1 enh,. Was mental DPS with all the heroisms. Should make Archi a lot easier tbh. More temor Totems the better.

Been working on T5 dps kit atm, getting some badge/T5/ZA stuff, and some offspec MH/BT drops, all to help the grind to 80. Hoping they will get me through to about lvl 75.
I'd really really love to get into SWP before the nerfs, but its not gunna happen, i personally only started in MH/BT 2months ago.

Yeah SWP was to tide over the guilds that had farmed BT and MH for months. It's a real step up from anything in either of those places and you need the majority of your raid to be in 4T6, assuming all 25 aren't amazingly good players. Kalecgos/Sathrovar hit like trucks and Brutallus hits like a much, much bigger truck (a couple of times he has killed our full BT/MH kitted Warrior MT in 1.3 seconds from full health and that's with heals landing). Sunwell radiance (a zone-wide effect that removes 20% from your dodge chance) means you really need the best of everything to main tank it.
I hope everyone has got all their bears, and titles for tuesday :p

I didn't :) I actually dislike both the titles and the amani bears :D

Sadly enough I'm exalted most factions anyway. need like 1 run of SH for HH rep. need to get Timbermaw but that aint gunna happen. I went back and got the Scholo key for the last part of that. I got a raid sorted for the Black War Bear next week. Might buy a haris pilton bag, some pets and tabards.
I'll most likely just run around with Guardian of Cenarius for Exatled CC/CE
Currently on 30-40 something mounts available for purchase. Need to mass farm some runecloth/quest for city reps to take me over the 50 for the albino drake.
Blizz have confirmed Arena Season 4 will come to a close next week, and they have previously inferred that the end of S4 will coincide with the patch date. HOWEVER, word from the PTR says theres still a fair bit to be ironed out, so I wouldn't say it's 100% going to be landing next reset (though I personally hope it does).
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