***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

They are somewhat random in that there will be a set number of spawn points for a given type of herb/ore node but it is random which of those it will spawn at.

You could an addon such as gathermate, gatherer cartographer or a whole host of others but genereally those three the most widely used, these will record data of where you have encountered a herb/ore and note it on your map with a symbol or note.

you can also download and import saved filed from people who have previously gathered in a zone and have data of the best routes etc, although i don't know a reliable site for this.
expensive to level up though.

JC is expensive even if you take mining.

And the gems are quite cheap now, since the whole "LOLZ u can getz gems from honor and badges lolz!" things that blizzard started.

I have it on my DK tank, with mining. I'm silently crying inside at how difficult it'll be to level in cata.
bit of an update since i last posted in this thread, i got into a guild on Neptulon called Influx, just a casual raiding guild, but as a complete noob to the game ive been enjoying raiding loads.

The guild only raids 3 nights a week with other thing slike 10mans and alt runs on if you feel like it but your only required to attend 2/3 of the raids.

Heres my hunter at the moment http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Neptulon&cn=Shaarpy im still struggling to reach the consistent high DPS of other SV hunters in the guild on similar gear, i cant imagine DBW is the difference alone.

Will try MM as my second spec in the next week and see how that goes.

Were still working to get LK down, were not a big guild and peopel with RL outside wow so we will get there :)

On the subject of jewelcrafting i dropped skinning as my second prof at the weekend and have been levelling up JC soley on the AH.

So far cost about 4k to get it to the current level, now i gotta get the dailies and some titanium powder and i can get the decent recipies for my hunter.

Ive also levelled up a arcane mage http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Neptulon&cn=Banjaxed for alt runs which ive enjoyed playing loads, personally as im still new to wow its fresh and exciting to raid so im loving it!
Can people please stop posting links to dodgy keylog infested wow account stealing sites, ffs. Use a bit of common sense.
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Rolled a rogue on Stormscale. Was a big fan of Arena before I took a break and fancied playing a new class. Is there anyone on this realm, horde side?
I transferred a bank alt from another realm to my main realm.

Mithril ore was 15-20g a stack on that server, is 75g a stack on mine
Thorium similar prices.
Arctic furs were 20g on that server 60-80g on mine.
Best of all green wotlk gems 1g each where they are like 7-10 on mine

Spent about 5-6k getting about 1300 green gems, 150 arctic furs and as much ore i coudl fill my bank alts bags with.

Spent the last 3 hours and an two hours before maintenance last night crafting and d/e'ing jc greens, only about 70% done >.<.

Should hopefully hit 100k or more in the next week or two \o/
You could an addon such as gathermate, gatherer cartographer or a whole host of others but genereally those three the most widely used, these will record data of where you have encountered a herb/ore and note it on your map with a symbol or note.

you can also download and import saved filed from people who have previously gathered in a zone and have data of the best routes etc, although i don't know a reliable site for this.

Last time I used Gatherer (Jan this year) it came with a database of herb/ore nodes as standard, together with treasure chests, lockboxes and quest item pickups. It also had this weird HUD that would overlay the nodes on the screen, but I found it much too irritating to use and just stuck to the mini-map.
Last time I used Gatherer (Jan this year) it came with a database of herb/ore nodes as standard, together with treasure chests, lockboxes and quest item pickups. It also had this weird HUD that would overlay the nodes on the screen, but I found it much too irritating to use and just stuck to the mini-map.

Ahh, might have to have a look at that, hadn't really bothered much with gathering for a long time until the last couple of days.

One of my aims before cata is to hit the gold cap, and get the insane, going to need to either buy a load of herbs or farm a massive amount to get the insane.
lol... I have 1.4k Gold on my account :D

Ha, i always used to be poor up until i decided to get serious with my professions, i decided to make a goal of reaching the cap of 214k gold on a single character before cataclysm.

Got 9 characters on the realm at the moment 7 of them level 80's working on getting them all maxed professions, other spaces are taken up by a rogue im levelling and my glyph alt (trust me posting 500 - 700 glyphs a day along with other inscription auctions such as snowfall ink, runescrolls etc, gets really tedious without 4 32 slot inscription bags).

A few tips i would give is to keep a keen eye on the market, draw up some kind of system to see if you can make profit from certain professions, i personally use a couple of excel spreadsheets.

Only thing i'm wondering about now is whether to make up a load of enchanting scrolls and leave them sitting in the bank for a bit as scrolls currently sell below mat price on my server, or whether to stockpile the dusts and essences for cata.
Only thing i'm wondering about now is whether to make up a load of enchanting scrolls and leave them sitting in the bank for a bit as scrolls currently sell below mat price on my server, or whether to stockpile the dusts and essences for cata.

I was at same state with 2 bank tabs full.

Just sold them all off on AH netted about 30k.

Need to start inscribing more again - back down to about 10k :( Spent about 20k on my warrior over weekend, buying/crafting all 245+ tanking items.
Well i took a 15k hit buying the saronites to get shadow's edge, going to get some craftable for my offspec aswell once i get the drops i want.

Going to try out a Arp hard capped blood setup
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