***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

I find it really funny that the whining by ret palas has gotten us a boost, i play a horde ret pala and i am raiding at BT level, my DPS is fine, more than fine very good actually. I guess its just all of the palas who dont know how to play go and whine and the good ret palas like me are just going to become OP in wrath.

The last Azlgor try i had 1338 dps, Rage Winterchill 1307, Anathereon 1428 and my gear can have some huge upgrades so HORDE ret pala dps is perfect.

Our WWS link if you dont believe my dps :P Had some new people that kept failing on Archi :mad:
I'm sure you can appreciate though that a ret pala is a very gear dependant build. People with the gear to pull off a Ret Pala well, are the sort of people who know how to play their class. People in top end guilds. These are not the people who whinge and whine on Blizz forums ;)
I guess you started playing WoW when TBC came out.

I remember when the game was launched and warriors where a complete joke. Someone released a video about bloodlust (i think) and how you could keep it constantly buffed on your self and just chain destroy mobs. Blizzard removed the skill with a patch post release and warriors couldn't solo mobs there level.

What happens is, people view this, post "omg this needs nerfing" on the blizz forums, then another 300 people post saying it, then it gets nerfed and we end up worse off for it.

Actually I have been playing since release.

But anyway, that's not what is going to happen. What's going to happen is Blizz are going to remedy the bug(s) in the video. That is all.

And they certainly don't balance the game based on whine threads posted by retards in the class forums. You need help if that's what you honestly believe.
I'm sure you can appreciate though that a ret pala is a very gear dependant build. People with the gear to pull off a Ret Pala well, are the sort of people who know how to play their class. People in top end guilds. These are not the people who whinge and whine on Blizz forums ;)

They are gear dependant but it isnt like gear has been hard to get in TBC, full merciless + merciless 2h would be a great starting point for anyone who was serious about playing ret. Ret is a really easy class to gem also, you want to get hit capped which is 95 with precision then go for str till you hit 2k attack power then go for str and crit. So ret may be gear dependant but the gear is very easy to get, i hope in wrath epic gear is harder to get because in TBC epic gear isnt very epic, epic gear is the standard now.
So ret may be gear dependant but the gear is very easy to get, i hope in wrath epic gear is harder to get because in TBC epic gear isnt very epic, epic gear is the standard now.

Well...maybe in terms of PvP gear, but that's a good thing in a way because it further balances the game in that respect since people have equal or roughly equal gear. If it wasn't this way PvP would be based heavily around gear which just isn't a good thing at all.

Also the best players always get the new PvP epics first. Why does a load of scrubs running around in Gladiator/Mericless diminish the achievement of being one of the first people to obtain full S4 for example? But anyway when it comes to PvP the real achievement is getting high ratings and being in the top teams, obtaining title/mount at the end of the season...etc

There is still epic gear that you don't see many people with and that's quite unique and rare. You don't see that many people in BT gear, Sunwell gear, Warglaives...etc. Don't tell me these epics are too easy to obtain. What you have done is put every epic item in the same bag. "Epic gear is the standard". Well yes that's true, but they're crap, old epics. The new epics, the best epics, are most definitely not standard.
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They are gear dependant but it isnt like gear has been hard to get in TBC, full merciless + merciless 2h would be a great starting point for anyone who was serious about playing ret. Ret is a really easy class to gem also, you want to get hit capped which is 95 with precision then go for str till you hit 2k attack power then go for str and crit. So ret may be gear dependant but the gear is very easy to get, i hope in wrath epic gear is harder to get because in TBC epic gear isnt very epic, epic gear is the standard now.

Hope that's true as my rogue is lvl 58 and I'm waiting for TBC to drop through the door tomorrow
What i ment was, when we played Vanilla wow epic gear was a lot more difficult to obtain than it is now which i enjoyed, seeing someone in full epic was pretty "epic" now seeing someone in full epic isnt epic at all, full glad gear is rubbish it isnt "epic" at all i would love it if in wrath epic gear was epic again and not so easy to get you have full epic gear 2 weeks after dinging 70.

I know epic is just a colour but it should mean something rather than, i was able to level up to 70 then grind for 4 hours now i have an epic weapon.
What i ment was, when we played Vanilla wow epic gear was a lot more difficult to obtain than it is now which i enjoyed, seeing someone in full epic was pretty "epic" now seeing someone in full epic isnt epic at all, full glad gear is rubbish it isnt "epic" at all i would love it if in wrath epic gear was epic again and not so easy to get you have full epic gear 2 weeks after dinging 70.

I know epic is just a colour but it should mean something rather than, i was able to level up to 70 then grind for 4 hours now i have an epic weapon.

Again, what is the point of putting all epics in the same bag. The margin between some of them is so huge that some of the low end epics might as well be blues. Like you said it's just a colour. Having the best items still means something.
It's a status thing.

Spend 200 hours raiding for epics, or about 10hrs in BG's\Arena.

I guess some people want the level of effort placed in their character more easily discernable by the novice.

Anyone who has a clue will know Gladiator gear isn't at the same level as T6.
Well, the status thing will be remedied MUCH more in Wrath, as Blizzard will make the distinction between PvE and PvP extremely clear. The first thing they have done is make the armor sets unique in appearance - no more recoloring of raid drops for the PvP equipment.

I really do hope they would bloody stop coloring all the names purple though. Epic should mean epic. Only drops off raid bosses should be purple, as well as the highest echelon of PvP gear (the ones where you spend months and months just to get) - everything else can be blue.
blizz are going the opposite direction in regards to wotlk.

all instances will be completable in < 2 hours, which will mean you will be seeing a lot more people in epic pve gear at 80.
blizz are going the opposite direction in regards to wotlk.

all instances will be completable in < 2 hours, which will mean you will be seeing a lot more people in epic pve gear at 80.

Agreed - Blizzard are in this to make money. Main thing which keeps people hooked and therefore keeps subscriber numbers up is the incentive of getting better gear. If they make it so that you have to grind hundreds of hours of instances after hitting max level before getting good gear, then casual players will switch off. I know I would, I can usually spare only 90 minutes a day. There's no way I 'm going to be raiding Black Temple, but if I can do an instance in that 90 minutes, then I'll keep playing (and paying...).

Also, since the game started, classes having been getting buffed and nerfed regularly. It keeps things fresh. Resto druids are currently flavour of the month, before it was Warlocks. Looks like with the introduction of WotLK, it will be the turn of Paladins. I'm sure that will change after the first few months... Every dog has it's day in WoW.
It's a status thing.

Spend 200 hours raiding for epics, or about 10hrs in BG's\Arena.

I guess some people want the level of effort placed in their character more easily discernable by the novice.

Anyone who has a clue will know Gladiator gear isn't at the same level as T6.

Used to be the other way round, Teir 2 no where near as prestigious as High Warlord's
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At the Ret Pala discussion. You need to remember DPS isnt everything about the class. The fact that they can refresh every Paladin's Judgement can make a big difference in any fight.

Personally, I feel that WoW in general is far too easy now. No fight in TBC has been as tough as some of the Naxx bosses, and they just keep nerfing bosses further. The difference between pre-nerf M'uru and the nerfed M'uru was just lol. It totally ripped the heart and intensity out of the fight.

From Blizzards PoV, it obviously makes sense to make it easier, more players will get to the end game and play longer = $$$

My 2 cents :p
PvE has always been easymode anyway. They need to fundamentally change the way bosses operate to actually make it difficult, because at the moment it's purely about gear, consumeables and following simple tactics. It's not difficult and there is no challenge beyond getting everyone to do what the hell they're supposed to do.
At the Ret Pala discussion. You need to remember DPS isnt everything about the class. The fact that they can refresh every Paladin's Judgement can make a big difference in any fight.

Personally, I feel that WoW in general is far too easy now. No fight in TBC has been as tough as some of the Naxx bosses, and they just keep nerfing bosses further. The difference between pre-nerf M'uru and the nerfed M'uru was just lol. It totally ripped the heart and intensity out of the fight.

From Blizzards PoV, it obviously makes sense to make it easier, more players will get to the end game and play longer = $$$

My 2 cents :p

Paladins cant refresh every judgement now. Crusader strike was changed.
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