Ok so I have designed something - now for the big time

Awesome! Can't wait to see what else you are working on.

Also following JMEMantzel, looks like he is working on some pretty cool stuff as well. You should team up as he's in England for 6 months and make an iphone controlled robot :cool:.

I have yet to meet Jamie, but I know who he is working for while here. I may meet him at Toy fair 2012 in Jan :-)
Ok guys 'n girls.

I am off to setup at the London 2012 Toy Fair tomorrow :-)

After it starts I can tell you about some of the stuff I have made.

Apart from the awesome new Bigtrak XTR, there are some iPhone gaming gadgets and other iPhone/Android related stuff :-)

Also I may be hooking up with Jaimie (of YouTube Giant Robot Fame) while I am there.

Hopefully will post some pics and stuff.

May also tell you all about the big project that has now gone nowhere - was a range of mini usb instruments that allowed you to create tunes and form a virtual band globally. Will get some pics and stuff up.

Hi Pinter, I posted way back last year in this topic about Toy Fair.

I was at set up today there too, hope it went well for you.

Against my better judgment I'm still in the business and will be at the fair for the duration, so I might well head on over and check your inventions out, stand B75 right?

Hi mate, yup B75 is where I am living until Thursday. I will be there from tomorrow and at the press briefing as one of my gadgets won "Best new toys 2012" in the app category :-)

I will be the tall guy and probably the only one not wearing a suit in the stand :-)
Will do.

Her coat that is getting thicker too, it has changed texture. As she is a natural scavenger, she will eat anything she finds, and that is probably the cause of her plumpness.

One telling thing is that she has trouble jumping onto the kitchen worktops - which causes much lols!

All the best to the Mrs and the rest of the family - to you too!

This is very cool, a small iPhone/iPod arcade unit that lets you play arcade games with a 4 way joystick and dual buttons. It is not designed as a true arcade unit. It is very playable and nice and small. Perfect for some quick desktop gaming.

No Batteries,
No Config.
Cheap @ about £15 (yet to be confirmed).

There is also an iPad version, but not 100% that we are doing it this year, even tho' it is very popular.
Hey ho.

Made it onto Cnet today http://crave.cnet.co.uk/gadgets/tardis-safe-is-unlocked-with-your-smart-phone-50006756/

Also they came back to shoot the little iPhone arcade unit, so hopefully that will go online soon. Cnet Appy days I think.

Best part of the day was meeting Jaimie (of Youtube Giant Robot fame). He is a top guy and we had a good chat about cool stuff :-)

Exepct me to be in one of his videos, he was filming me playing with Bigtrak.
Good to see you there yesterday mate, don't know about you but am pretty damn tired - those fairs don't seem like much effort at the time but are surprisingly hard work.

Thanks for the demonstrations even though you'd already packed Bigtrak away. I have to say having witnessed your inventions first hand and having had 5 years experience in the toy industry, I'm very, very impressed with your work.

I think the way you've created affordable, yet advanced products via integration with mass market gadgets is a stroke of real ingenuity - that mini iphone arcade machine was especially sweet at just £15, and what's more, you're working with iconic AAA licences too - Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc.

So for what it's worth I can vouch that Pinter is the real deal - a genuine inventor making highly innovative products, who can go as far as he wants to in the industry.

Keep us updated about any new products on the horizon, I'm sure more than a few of us here are interested to see more.


Cheers mate, good to meet a fellow forum member :-)

Yup I am tired - been there 4 days as I had to setup.

Early mornings really are not my thing. I am normally up talking to China at 3am after a full day doing stuff. 8am is another World to me!

Not over yet - I have stuff to get ready for Nuremberg and then Spring fair.

Hopefully Pocket-Lint are doing a bit on the mini arcade unit, and it should also appear on c-net.

Will post about stuff as it becomes public, there are a few more to go!

I love the idea of the arcade cabinet, but being an android user, I have to ask, any plans to add android support?

Also, what games does it play, does it work with all games or only ones specific to the device/setup?

I would love to add android support, but the market at general consumer level is iPhone/iPod :-(

I myself don't own an iPhone, I have a Galaxy S - because it lets me do what I want.

The Arcade units don't use any fancy stuff like Bluetooth, or WiFi. They are specifically tailored to the iphone form factor due to this.

That is why they are also a steal at £15 vs £50 needing batteries to play!

Here is a vid of the cnet coverage on the TARDIS smartsafe I made. It will work with iOS and Android :-) It has been very well received and I think will do well. This is the one that won an award for innovation.

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