On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Still off the wagon, poking my head in to see how much better other people feel for sorting themselves out...
Bit of a rough patch for the last week or two but getting back on track. I've been really ill this month too so the combination of hangover + flu symptoms has been awesome :eek: Anyhow, finally on the mend I think so I'm looking forward to getting back into regular exercise and not feeling like cack each morning.
Hmm, I can see how that could be misread. Nope, saved the cash, and its goin off to SVP. :)
Excellent :)

Bit of a rough patch for the last week or two but getting back on track. I've been really ill this month too so the combination of hangover + flu symptoms has been awesome :eek: Anyhow, finally on the mend I think so I'm looking forward to getting back into regular exercise and not feeling like cack each morning.
That's the spirit and even more so coming into Christmas week. Good luck mate :)
I'll cut down.

I drink more when I get stressed, and I am really stressed at the moment... :(

Stress is a daily concern for most of us and some deal with it better than others. I would strongly advise you to take time out and chat with family, close friends or a Doctor about the issues you are experiencing.

The fact you have made the decision to cut down is absolutely the correct thing to do. Now be in no doubt, cutting down the booze will not help with the stress but it will prevent further damage you may be doing to yourself with any binge drinking. Being drunk can briefly take your mind away from whatever bothers you, yet at the same time it can also concentrate it in the most negative way.

Tough time of the year for cutting down, so much respect for doing it. Please keep us all updated on your progress, bad or good!
It has been a bit of a rollercoaster really... Over the past few years I have rubber banded between drinking excessively, to not drinking at all, back to drinking excessively, back to drinking barely anything...

I don't smoke any-more though, so there is one positive. Haven't had a cigarette for about 4 months now. :)

I really shouldn't be typing a post like this, i'm 20...
Looking for the positives is always a good thing, and when it's giving up smoking it's deffo a big plus positive! As for age, it doesn't really come into mate. Life is stressful, young or old :)
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