One Night Ultimate OcUK Werewolf - Game 2

That's basically my line of thinking although it's tempered by my feeling that in past games of mafia etc Egon has typically been a strong player and shorttricky has been a bit weaker which may explain his relatively poor play if he is not minion

I will graciously accept your apology after the game when you realise you have wronged me :D

(By the way, I won the last game)
Tricky, regardless of my original role, If I am a villager having been swapped with Chris then why would I lie about my original role?

If I was a wolf then I'd want to tell everyone. If I was a villager, equally I would want to tell everyone as it narrows down who is a wolf.

As it happened I was a villager and I believe I still am one
I am about to jump on a train home, will have a read through everything and try and get to the bottom of it on my way. Will try and post whilst on the move but internet might be sketchy.

Should be home around 8ish.
Tricky, regardless of my original role, If I am a villager having been swapped with Chris then why would I lie about my original role?

If I was a wolf then I'd want to tell everyone. If I was a villager, equally I would want to tell everyone as it narrows down who is a wolf.

As it happened I was a villager and I believe I still am one

I'd missed Shami's post about who he swapped, my bad :(
Right, updated claims list:
Brabbinho - Villager
Chriscubed - Robber (Target - Kaiowas (Villager))
Egon - Villager
Ekim - Seer (Viewed Card 2 (Werewolf), Card 3 (Villager))
Kaiowas - Villager
shorttricky - Seer (Viewed Shamikebab)
Shamikebab - Troublemaker (Swapped Chriscubed (Robber) with Brabbinho (Villager))

As far as I can see, there are two theories depending on whether you believe Short or Ekim:

1: Short lying. Therefore Shorttricky, Egon and table2 are the 3 evil roles.

2: Ekim lying. Therefore Short, Shami, Brab, Chris, Kaio all townies. That leaves 2 more evil roles between Egon and the 3 table cards.
Thanks Chris. That's helped me no end getting a clearer picture of what is going on.

We haven't heard much from Egon yet. Claiming villager is a fairly safe Werewolf move normally as there is plenty of room to hide behind. Still trying to decide the roles between h and short though.
If and its a big if from me, Ekim is lying then I'd make him the minion so wouldn't vote for him anyway.

Egon's position looks dubious whomever is seer
Short was my gut reaction for the same reason he is voting for me as he is the only person I can be sure is lying with the information I have, am being swayed to Egon based on reasoning to date. So would want to hear more, just have to be careful between who is the minion and who is the wolf.
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