OnLive now FREE and WORKS in the UK!

I just tried virtual tennis and dirt 3 and im quite impressed,

Im only on a 3 meg line and yeah, visuals aren't the best, but it will certainly help me try before i buy in future
Not really sure I can play it like this...


tried other games as well and the graphics are just dire tbh.
Try Metro 2033 the amount of fps lag is funny and the graphics are only on medium / low by the looks of it
A bit naff there is no trial for Deus Ex. But I see OnLive has now also implemented achievements with a points value similar to GfWL.
Lag isn't too bad on 40/10 FTTC fastpath. It would be worth for £10 per month unlimited access to all games as part of the monthly fee.
Signed up and had a little go today.

Quite impressed really. It's obviously a fledging tech that can needs a lot of improvement but you can clearly see it has the capacity to be awesome.

Seems as though the improvement will come down to nothing more than internet speed. I am running 50meg virgin and tbh, found it easily playable, but as others said it looked like a 720p youtube vid.

Cant see me giving up my plans for a new system just yet, but looking forward to seeing this develop.

One thing, do you think this will seriously worry AMD and Nvidia if it starts taking off?

Also, am I right in saying they are considering making standalone boxes for this?
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does anyone know what kind of usage this uses ? i ask because of ISP fair usage policy and bandwidth caps we have in the uk now, how is this going to work, because i would image this uses a lot of bandwidth, it has to right ? to stream that kind of data in HD i cant imagine virgin media being happy with me if i was to start using this, i have already got 3 warnings from virgin, note i have a large family who use 5 computers at the same time, an autistic brother who watches youtube constantly, so i wonder how r ISP's in the uk going to handle this if it takes off, Virgin can barely cope as it is lol
Tried this a few months ago, got the free full version of Amnesia Dark Descent when they were giving it away. Not too bad I suppose and works fine on my 10mb line but they'll need to strike a deal with the ISPs to make it exempt from capping your service otherwise it'll be very annoying.
:eek: Good luck with that in the UK with the unlimited (:rolleyes:) internet provided by the awesome ISPs

Exactly. Stuff like this is why it won't take off here yet. Such issues will be sorted eventually though and I imagine this is where gaming is going. For example if BF4 was released only on OnLive (or something similar) and it performed fine, are you really going to argue? Zero piracy and no cheaters.
Exactly. Stuff like this is why it won't take off here yet. Such issues will be sorted eventually though and I imagine this is where gaming is going. For example if BF4 was released only on OnLive (or something similar) and it performed fine, are you really going to argue? Zero piracy and no cheaters.


Where is my 2560x1600 res with 8xAA 16XAF gaming.

Where is my 4960x1600 gaming.

Why cant i use all my range of gaming Peripherals.

Giving up a lot of preference/choice and quality.

But for people who never had or care and are used to low quality gaming then yeah are you really going to argue.
I've just had a quick go on Dirt 3, and it seems pretty decent. I noticed a bit of lag, but soon adjusted a couple of races in.

It's a good proof of concept, but with the current average home internet connection in this country being 5Mb, It wont take off.

If it was next to nothing, I'd consider it.
Tried it for like a month now, pretty good although most of the have trial limits of 30 mins, Not sure if its worth buying though.
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