**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

My main account got banned till tomorrow cos I BM'd someone XD

This game just has the unrivaled ability to anger you. Prolly due to the questionable balance.
My main account got banned till tomorrow cos I BM'd someone XD

This game just has the unrivaled ability to anger you. Prolly due to the questionable balance.

I don't really see the point in bm'ing people. I get bm'ed all the time and its so funny to read and looks pathetic. It does make my day when someone comes out with some ridiculous insults etc...
My main account got banned till tomorrow cos I BM'd someone XD

This game just has the unrivaled ability to anger you. Prolly due to the questionable balance.

They balance the game around the top end, so while the middle-low wont be perfect, it should still be reasonably balanced.
I don't really see the point in bm'ing people. I get bm'ed all the time and its so funny to read and looks pathetic. It does make my day when someone comes out with some ridiculous insults etc...

I don't even know what I said because they wouldn't tell me on the phone. I wouldn't have said anything racist or that's worth a ban so it beats me what I said.

Just got placed in gold 1v1 :) happy with that :) now to get to the top of gold , it may take some time :L

They balance the game around the top end, so while the middle-low wont be perfect, it should still be reasonably balanced.

The game isn't reasonably balanced. There's a few big broken points atm. Hopefully they'll fix it with HotS but I doubt it.
lol Hank. You're wrong.

TvP is imbalanced to some degree at all league levels. Storm in particular is stupid but I've come to realize that Protoss probably needs it to survive and therefore it comes down to the fact that Protoss is just badly designed. It's the same in all matchups really 'Defend till suffiicient AoE and then push after turtle'. It also shouldn't be a fact of "I need to do damage early on" and just stereotype Protoss as being weaker in the early game because that's just not entirely true. It all depends on the skill of the player.

TvZ is broken atm with that new queen buff. It's not the queens that are literally the problem but the creep spread and the fact that queens are now actually viable defending units. Too much map control and there needs to be some kind of nerf on the Zergs side if the buff isn't reversed.
You know it's imbalanced when a team coach gets flack for putting up a 4 time GSL champion(also won the most recent GSL) up against a B-teamer Zerg from another team on a Terran favoured map.

I couldn't comment on Z/Ps problems because I just don't play them as much. IMO they're both pretty badly designed though as they rely heavily on splash damage units in an even scenario and AoE becomes less effective the higher skill you play at.
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Ghost's are really underrated, I'll say that.

thing is, they're already a staple part of TvP for obvious reasons, but TvZ they lost so much utility in the snipe nerf that it's almost pointless building them except superlate game for nukes and emp on infestors. Even then, you're generally looking to focus gas expenditure on other things nowadays vs zerg.

I dunno i still build them when i can because i love them :D.
personally I feel that one of terrans biggest strength are the multi drops that they can do against protoss, as most protoss keep their units in a "death ball"

True but any good Toss will tell you a well placed handful of Stalkers or even a HT(If he's lucky the medivacs are full on energy) stop a lot of drops easily.

After the HT feedbacks it's easily cleaned up with Zealots.
yeah, I think my comments are more focussed about the silver gold level of play , as i only see that level and pros so these are the things that I feel are strong for each race so just now at the level I am at I feel its pretty balanced :P I dont really use storm so I couldn't comment on if I feel its overpowered but i can imagine how hard splittitng is and so I can see how it could be very hard to go up against
XD MLG just released the stats for the matches.

60% ZvT 40%

Now that's imbalanced, it's the same in GSL and GSTL atm. PvT and ZvP are pretty much 50/50.

Also had a laugh at the Korean Protoss vs Foreign Terran stats. 100% win to Koreans XD
Only 1 match per placement now seems better but I got cheesed in all of them... Last one paused the game pretending they had a guy leave and prepared proxy racks and cannon rush the swines....
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