Doing some streaming (link in sig).
I've came up with a potentially awesome new TvZ build. Basically a PF expand into 4 port banshee. A complete all-in, but a really cool one.
Cattlebruiser Rush like a pro.
Doing some streaming (link in sig).
I've came up with a potentially awesome new TvZ build. Basically a PF expand into 4 port banshee. A complete all-in, but a really cool one.
Playing..... awful.
I feel like I should be in bronze league![]()
Come play with me. o/![]()
pfft only accept out of game messages from friends and F11 those trolls. Theres no need to quit Sheep, I know terran are **** but concentrate on your game, or come join me and play zerg. It's not quite as easy as you might think!
yep I don't blame you. I never found P interesting to play but I liked to dabble on T to try out some crazy builds. It is very linear for T but I find mech is strong against zerg, might be because I suck against it. I think the queen upgrade was necessary because frankly I used to be pretty scared of zvt due to the power and unpredictability of early T pushes. Now that's sorted, what is really needed is some terran power for the mid/late game, and quickly.
It wasn't simple to hold it off since you often had no idea what he was doing. I haven't seen drg fail to much but I've seen stephano fail many times to terran early game.
I've officially ragequit.
That's it. I'm done until HotS most likely.
Today was literally the most soul crushing ladder session I've ever done. Played about 15 games, ~12 of which were TvP. Lost all but 2 of the TvPs. Was playing beyond terrible. The only game I'm actually pleased with my performance in was a TvP which I somehow won (late game), because my opponent was an idiot and let me EMP all his HT.
Also ran into what appears to be the worst, most dickish cross section of the SC2 community I've ever come across. 2 guys which beat me proceeded to BM and tell me how bad I am, how they're so much better than me, and that I should go kill myself etc etc.
Being prideful I challenged one of them to a rematch. He was Zerg. He crushed my first small push of marines easily. My second push once Stim, combat shields and 1/1 finished killed him off.
This was when the excuses started. Apparently after he beat my first push he "knew the game was over" and so he wasn't playing seriously anymore. I should count it as a loss because he'd obviously won already. He hadn't played for months and this was his first session since. Etc etc.
Well I tried to explain to him that him crushing my first push didn't matter at all. I only sent half my army, for the purpose of forcing larvae on lings not drones. Worked perfectly, taking mules into account I was significantly ahead on Eco the whole game. He was still adamant that I don't have a clue, don't understand how Z works, and I'm clearly an inferior player.
Don't know why I bother playing this game when it's so full of *********, trolls, cheesers and imbalanced BS.
I'll see you guys in HotS.
Sheepie, come play zerg with me, and I'll show you why zerg needed a queen buff.
Also I'll put it into words, early on in the game, any offensive units built by zerg hurt zerg's economy twice the amount of any other race, so the solution was to build loads of bases but often that leaves zerg spread too thinly and easy for any early marine push to mop up.
Watch that match:
And then tell me that zerg are op?
Come play fun games with me Sheep![]()
Overlord Speed fixed that. Queen Range stopped it completely. lol.
Sheep is ignoring me but he needs to Mech them Zerg cry. XD
I'd wrather have a fix for TvP than TvZ. It's just stupid, if I come across a Toss on ladder I know I'm going to lose because they're just so imbalanced.
I love that all of the whining from Sheep and Kamwah has driven off most of the casual chat in this thread. I am still an active player of SC2 in the lower leagues (and have been since release day) and most of these buffs / nerfs have had very little impact on the structure of the game in the lower levels.
I don't see why anyone would be driven off. Whenever anyone posts anything Kamwah and I are happy to respond with answers/help/discussion/whatever. It'd be great if more people contributed but hardly anyone does, you can't blame that on us. I'd like to see more discussion of ongoing tournaments etc but I don't think many people here watch them.
Agreed, if the lower levels are bronze-gold. But I'd say platinum upwards has been affected. In fact plat and diamond are the worst leagues for TvP because we can't micro well enough. Higher leagues it evens out because people have enough spare APM.
Even in gold and silver, there is still some semblance of a metagame which is still influenced by buffs. In these leagues, the execution may be bad, but people tend to know roughly what they're trying to achieve. They copy masters/pro players. eg they build lots of queens. So the game is still affected.
I'm happy to have a rough rule that people shouldn't keep balance whining, but I'm pretty sure this thread would just die.