To be honest mate, I think in bronze-silver you'd be better off playing macro in TvP and just out-producing them. Try 1 rax fast expand, into fast medivacs and a fast 3rd base. At around 9:30 when first medivacs come out, drop his main and have the rest of your bio near his natural... when your drop hits, I guarantee at that level he will pull his entire army to deal with it, then you just stim and run up into his natural and it's GG.
Just remember, on 1 base = 3 rax, 2 base 7 rax, 3 base 10+ rax. Keep them all on say, hotkey 4 and just keep hitting '4, DDD AAAAAAAAAA DD AAAAA' all the time. You will just have more **** than him, which is what it's all about until you hit like high gold/low plat.
Still need to practice a lot more.
That cinematic was awesome-ballz. They even managed to get the Wilhelm scream in there
I love watching SC2 replays. I don't even have a TV license now. My go-to thing to watch on TV (via PC) is SC2 Husky replays. How sad I don't even play it!
That cinematic was awesome-ballz. They even managed to get the Wilhelm scream in there
I love watching SC2 replays. I don't even have a TV license now. My go-to thing to watch on TV (via PC) is SC2 Husky replays. How sad I don't even play it!
I win!
My Bcs < Your Bcs.