**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

To be honest mate, I think in bronze-silver you'd be better off playing macro in TvP and just out-producing them. Try 1 rax fast expand, into fast medivacs and a fast 3rd base. At around 9:30 when first medivacs come out, drop his main and have the rest of your bio near his natural... when your drop hits, I guarantee at that level he will pull his entire army to deal with it, then you just stim and run up into his natural and it's GG.

Just remember, on 1 base = 3 rax, 2 base 7 rax, 3 base 10+ rax. Keep them all on say, hotkey 4 and just keep hitting '4, DDD AAAAAAAAAA DD AAAAA' all the time. You will just have more **** than him, which is what it's all about until you hit like high gold/low plat.

Excellent, thanks very much for the tips :). My biggest issue when playing standard is remembering to build more rax as I get carried away expanding to my 2nd and upgrades and often forget to get my rax sorted. I'm getting better but there are always a few things I forget, like forgetting to put 3 SCVs on my 2nd gas or getting supply blocked :o.
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Yep, rax are important :-). We all make little mistakes don't worry about those, just remember the basic rules and you're fine. Once you're on 2 base with quite a few rax, just dedicate 2 SCV's to be constantly building depots. Just remember 'SCVs, supply depots, SCV's, supply depots', and keep your money low. Generally, unless you know he's attacking, or you plan to attack soon, use your money to make more production buildings. Got 600 mins sat there? Bang 4 rax down instead of making a bunch of marines. Once you've got good eco and good production, you can make a big ass army fast. Then just trade with the protoss, knowing you can make another army quickly and he probably can't. Bronze players are bad with macro :).
New cinematic is incredible. Is there anyone better than Blizzard for CGI intros? Remember when Wc3 came out and my jaw has hit the floor ever since.

HotS out soon!

Anyone know of the cheapest place to pre-order this?
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That cinematic was awesome-ballz. They even managed to get the Wilhelm scream in there :D

I love watching SC2 replays. I don't even have a TV license now. My go-to thing to watch on TV (via PC) is SC2 Husky replays. How sad :p I don't even play it!
That cinematic was awesome-ballz. They even managed to get the Wilhelm scream in there :D

I love watching SC2 replays. I don't even have a TV license now. My go-to thing to watch on TV (via PC) is SC2 Husky replays. How sad :p I don't even play it!

Watch GSL VoDs instead of Husky stuff :p. You do have to pay though :(.
That cinematic was awesome-ballz. They even managed to get the Wilhelm scream in there :D

I love watching SC2 replays. I don't even have a TV license now. My go-to thing to watch on TV (via PC) is SC2 Husky replays. How sad :p I don't even play it!

Twitch.TV has almost completely replaced television in my case. I love it!
I wish the twitch.tv Android app let you sign in, I'd buy a proleague pass then so I can watch it while I'm at work :(. CBA watching 360p proleague :p.

Wait, what am I talking about, I can just watch it in the browser signed in :/. Guess I need to buy a proleague pass :p. GOM should let people who bought GSL passes on their website watch the 540/720p streams on Twitch too, streaming from GOM always lags on my phone's connection (despite being 3-6 times the speed required :/).
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