Oscar Pistorius thread

I don't think you can really 'blame' roid rage can you? As in, you wouldn't get a reduced sentence because of it - that would be like getting let off running someone over because you were drunk.

My whole point was the tabloids are going to blame steroids when they will have had little or nothing to do with it just to give them even more bad press.

Told you he was high on roids :)

My spidey sense just started to tingle.

"High" on roids, lmfao.
Guess: he hits her with the bat over something or other. She hides in the bathroom and locks the door. He can't be bothered to break in, so shoots through the door.

Oh don't get me wrong, I can see the scenario you're suggesting. It's more the fact that the prosecution are meant to be going with a premeditated murder charge and yet to me it seems badly planned if that's the case.

If I was planning to murder someone I'm not sure I'd be taking the chance that I might kill them by firing some shots randomly through a door, when breaking it down wouldn't be all that much of an issue and I'd be able to make sure I actually did what I set out to.

As much as I don't want to believe that Oscar Pistorius murdered his girlfriend, I can see it given the information that we have (whether it's all accurate or not is another matter). At the moment, what I have a problem accepting is that he premeditated it.
I don't think you can really 'blame' roid rage can you? As in, you wouldn't get a reduced sentence because of it - that would be like getting let off running someone over because you were drunk.

Perhaps but death by dangerous driving while drunk carries a much lower sentence than murder. As in intentionally running iverr someone in your car while drunk, and meaning to kill them might still just net you death by dangerous driving.

Anyway he said he didnt do it, he can hardly revert to a roid rage mistake defence now, but lets see what rubbish his lawyers come up with.
I think it was an accident lots of crime in South Africa look what happened to Corrie Sanders a few month ago. Even the rich living in gated communities are scared.
Well if he was cycling pussy juice that doesn't necessarily mean he was volatile on it, everyone is different just like with alcohol.
How can you form any opinion without knowing what exactly has occurred, or as close as possible to this.

Most stories are like that, random nonsense a few words here and there, contradictory, made up facts and total speculation. What does someone take from this?

As for my opinion, i don't really care if he did kill her, or any reason why he may have, accident or intentional, the thing that interest me is why most people are just insane.

People form opinions all the time without knowing exactly what has happened. While it would be nice to have complete information before making a judgement (and I'd agree you should make sure you are as informed as you reasonably can be) you cannot always know everything there is to know about a situation.

"Saying what we think gives us a wider conversational range than saying what we know." - Cullen Hightower

But if he was doing steroids what is the presumed outcome of the Olympics, should he have his medals redacted like Armstrong?

Its not like you'd be able to win the medals without steroids and then 6 months later, oh I need steroids now to compete is it?

If he was taking steroids and that was proved then the normal course of action would be that his medals would be stripped. But at the moment I suspect the murder charge is rather more of a concern.
But if he was doing steroids what is the presumed outcome of the Olympics, should he have his medals redacted like Armstrong?

They would be stripped and he'd probably be banned from competing for a few years if not indefinitely, certainly would ruin his career/life and be a good motive...

Perhaps she found his steroids whilst looking for her valentines present? she had only been dating him for a few months so wouldn't have felt that much loyalty towards him, it's not like he rescued her from a life of poverty and she needed him.
Sounds like there was evidence of heavy drinking.

I think he was extremely intoxicated, they've had an argument and he took it too far. Then in his drunken mess tried to come up with a cover story.
Oh don't get me wrong, I can see the scenario you're suggesting. It's more the fact that the prosecution are meant to be going with a premeditated murder charge and yet to me it seems badly planned if that's the case.

If I was planning to murder someone I'm not sure I'd be taking the chance that I might kill them by firing some shots randomly through a door

You understand, don't you, that "premeditation" need only take a fraction of a second? If I pick up a gun, then decide to kill you, then open fire, all within a second, it is still "premeditated". That is, assuming SA law is still pretty similar to UK law. All that is required is for the killer to make a conscious decision to kill.
But if he was doing steroids what is the presumed outcome of the Olympics, should he have his medals redacted like Armstrong?

Its not like you'd be able to win the medals without steroids and then 6 months later, oh I need steroids now to compete is it?

Doesn't matter he didn't fail any test. What it does show is they are still perfectly capable of taking them and competing without getting caught. Just the same as I don't believe for one minute Bolt is clean.
I don't buy the 'theory' that she found his drugs and was going to fleece him.... Its hardly like he would keep them in bottles labelled 'HIGHLY ILLEGAL ROIDS' and she would most likely just think they were a perfectly legal supplement if he happened to leave them lying about etc.

I strongly suspect he will be stripped of all his records/medals etc. however this wont be announced until after he has been found guilty out of respect for the victim and so not to detract from the case.
I strongly suspect he will be stripped of all his records/medals etc. however this wont be announced until after he has been found guilty out of respect for the victim and so not to detract from the case.

What drugs test did he fail in competition? They didn't strip Christie of Medals after he failed a test later in life so why strip a man who failed no test? Unless he admits using them the last 5 years or whatever they can't really do ****.
What drugs test did he fail in competition? They didn't strip Christie of Medals after he failed a test later in life so why strip a man who failed no test? Unless he admits using them the last 5 years or whatever they can't really do ****.

He killed a hot chick, he will be stripped of everything.
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