Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

Sounds like it been a good day for OcUK shame I couldn't make it from London, also stuck at my desk and counting down the hours till 5 aclock :p so I wanna see pictures!
But it seems once they were given there "speshial" reservation they left the queue and went to sleep in their cars.

so they were no longer queueing and it wasnt first come first serve.

no one should have been "served" until the doors were open but people were clearly allowed to reserve an item and leave until 9am

They made the effort to be the first in, traveling from all over the country. It was only fair they got the best deals. Once we got our tickets we was told to que outside.
Thanks for the great day guys, it was good to see the new place and have a chat.The shop looks awesome, a lot of hard work has gone into it and I hope it pays off! I'm sure it will do.
So glad I didn't arrive early and get caught in the swirling melee.
I went twice :) Arrived at 0855 and saw the immense crowd, hung around for a bit then back to Nantwich for a haircut and library. Returned at 1330 still a few people around but nice atmosphere. The guys serving have earn't a bonus today I think. Spoke to 5UB bought a vertex 2E and got some game codes for my Piledriver. Back home for 1400.

Very nice laid out shop with lots of goodies on display, Gaming computers switched on and an arcade machine. Well done.





some snaps from the day, enjoy :)
Great deals, and to the haters, would you be hating if you turned up 6 hours early to nab some bargains? God I would hate to see you guys in a black friday sale in the USA, thats war!
I went to the store today and spent a small fortune lol I didn't manage to get any of the on the day bargains (except for the mouse mat) but I took the plunge on a nice shiny MSI 7950, prodigy case, m-itx motherboard amongst other things :)

The new store looks fantastic and a big thank you for having the MK2 machine available to play on lol
Wish I had started uni a year later so I could attend! Looks great. To all the people moaning, if you had got there earlier you could have got yourself a raffle ticket and slept in the car as well. The people that turned up would have been expecting to queue outside.
wanted to come today and nearly did. However im glad i diddnt as it would have been full of lose... when i arrived at 9ish lol..

looks good anyway


They had.there was only 10 at 199 but they had 100 in stock. The first 10 had gone by 7.30am as I was no 11. By the time I got to the till at 12.30am with my 7970 ticket I thought I would buy one at the two price of 299. Guy got one scanned it, it came up as 199. Went into the back room to get somebody to fix it, came back and said that they are not bothering changing it and I can have it at 199 :D

Another ocuk staff member said it didn't matter as ocuk were still making profit at 199 as the margins are so huge on the dgm screens.
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