Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

Lucky for you, so 4 hours later then...............


just great

Just smegging great

Yeah lil bit annoyed I was TOTALLY LIED TO

Yeah thanks a lot, awesome, again amazing :rolleyes:

This entitlement complex you've got going on is just bizarre.

Evidently you're just butthurt that you didn't get the goodies you wanted.

I went down to day, I want to get a couple of 7970s, they were well gone when I arrived.

Oh well, I bought 2x MSI 7950s instead, 2 Intel SSDs and 2x 16GB of that GEIL RAM, I still got some goodies at good prices and I didn't get to the counter until past 12.

Greebo, were you wearing a blue and red addidas jacket?
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to say epic night/day.

A 200 mile round trip and no sleep for 30+ hours to grab a bargain. The poor staff put in a mega effort to get the place presentable for 9am.

I know a few people have complained but I cant thank you enough for bring me in from the cold and dark, feeding me pizza and Haribos, keeping my eyes open with Coke and OCUK fuel.

I enjoyed an early peek at the tech and a bit of gaming nostalgia with the arcade machine.

I enjoyed the motorbike comedy act you laid on. That seriously had to be a stunt.

If I didnt think that OCUK were the very best before (and I did) you have outdone yourselves. Cold left over pizza all round on me :D

Writing this post on the DGM monitor and after I hit submit I am going to install my new 7970 and play sleeping dogs in 1440p

Thankyou all, and when is the next event?

Im coming back for more even if I dont need any upgrade.

A big hello to all the guys and girls I met, I hope you are happy with your purchances.

Until next time...........
But it seems once they were given there "speshial" reservation they left the queue and went to sleep in their cars.

so they were no longer queueing and it wasnt first come first serve.

THEY WERE THERE FIRST! God forbid anyone needs a **** or a bit of kip.I swear a lot of you moaners want it on a plate.
If you can't be arsed to camp out, don't be surprised when someone wants it more than you.


EDIT: Wish I could have been there but had to work (sorry Devrij), but I wouldn't have been there 'till 8ish anyway. If you care enough about the deals you get out of bed and make the effort, don't just sit here and moan about how everyone else has it better because they get up earlier...
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There are always people who believe they are owed something for nothing. i feel that people like this do not deserve the deals. Self richeous.buggers
Ok I went to the evet and it was great though I did not get what I wanted. Still great to see the opening. Not to moan but just need to point out that this ticket system is not the best, at least not giving out tickets in advance. Sure you can argue that people come first will get what they want. I cannot agree more. But it does make a big different if you give them tickets 3-4 hours in advance. That means people can go there 5am just to collect their tickets and go home for a sweet sleep. They know they will get it. I saw quite a few 7970's and DGM's were not collected until noon. I have no objection that first come first serve but you have to physically wait there for it.

Anyway, well done otherwise. Great offers!

lol that's crazy :D

fess up is he a member here?
Ok I went to the evet and it was great though I did not get what I wanted. Still great to see the opening. Not to moan but just need to point out that this ticket system is not the best, at least not giving out tickets in advance. Sure you can argue that people come first will get what they want. I cannot agree more. But it does make a big different if you give them tickets 3-4 hours in advance. That means people can go there 5am just to collect their tickets and go home for a sweet sleep. They know they will get it. I saw quite a few 7970's and DGM's were not collected until noon. I have no objection that first come first serve but you have to physically wait there for it.

Anyway, well done otherwise. Great offers!

You'd have a point if it was advertised that tickets would be given out and people arrived solely with the intention of getting a ticket and then leaving again.

The reality of it is, people turned up early with every intention of standing in the queue for the required period but the staff figured it was more sensible to give out tickets to stop arguments later. These people were then free to not actually have to stand in the cold for hours and hours but they didn't know this was going to happen when they rocked up at 6.00am.
Ok I went to the evet and it was great though I did not get what I wanted. Still great to see the opening. Not to moan but just need to point out that this ticket system is not the best, at least not giving out tickets in advance. Sure you can argue that people come first will get what they want. I cannot agree more. But it does make a big different if you give them tickets 3-4 hours in advance. That means people can go there 5am just to collect their tickets and go home for a sweet sleep. They know they will get it. I saw quite a few 7970's and DGM's were not collected until noon. I have no objection that first come first serve but you have to physically wait there for it.

Anyway, well done otherwise. Great offers!

I understand where you are coming from. One of the DGMs was mine. I was given a ticket as we were asked to go out of the shop as the staff wanted to finish up. I went to get some food. I came back to a massive queue.
I took my place outside in the cold and waited in line. Would you rather I waved my raffle tickets and walked to the front?

Or I wait 1 hr get my stuff stick it the car and go for breakfast. Come back and then chat to the staff.

Sorry but the end result is the same.
You'd have a point if it was advertised that tickets would be given out and people arrived solely with the intention of getting a ticket and then leaving again.

The reality of it is, people turned up early with every intention of standing in the queue for the required period but the staff figured it was more sensible to give out tickets to stop arguments later. These people were then free to not actually have to stand in the cold for hours and hours but they didn't know this was going to happen when they rocked up at 6.00am.


I understand where you are coming from. One of the DGMs was mine. I was given a ticket as we were asked to go out of the shop as the staff wanted to finish up. I went to get some food. I came back to a massive queue.
I took my place outside in the cold and waited in line. Would you rather I waved my raffle tickets and walked to the front?

Or I wait 1 hr get my stuff stick it the car and go for breakfast. Come back and then chat to the staff.

Sorry but the end result is the same.

And this.

Those who bothered to drag themselves down there at stupid o'clock deserved the bargains and the opportunity to get a bit of shelter in the car/cafe/shop/wherever.

The end.
Combat Squirrel :
Lucky for you, so 4 hours later then...............


just great

Just smegging great

Yeah lil bit annoyed I was TOTALLY LIED TO

Yeah thanks a lot, awesome, again amazing :rolleyes:

Are you ten years old? You are being so utterly childish. Perhaps I should throw a hissy fit when tesco run out of a product on special offer.
I msut have been stupid then. Turned up early, got ticket, didn't go and sit in warm car, stood in carpark away from doors and talk to forum members. shop opened, joined back of queue. Took a further 2 and half hours to get out of the cold and then an hour to get served.

Total time spent outside in the cold = 4 hours :(

I wish I had gone and sat in my car and slept. However, I was having fun talking to forum members and not every day you get to meet them
You know one thing I would've liked to see in the store? I know it's early days and there was a mad scramble to just get everything on the shop floor up and running, but I would've liked to see some of the products on the floor listed with names/descriptions, just so when I get home I can look at it on the site.

I saw some fantastic goodies in there, but I have no idea what they were now! All I know, is that I particularly like a very nice Samsung monitor.

E: and I will have to get one of those samsung W8 pro tablets. Most excellent piece of kit.
Lucky for you, so 4 hours later then...............


just great

Just smegging great

Yeah lil bit annoyed I was TOTALLY LIED TO

Yeah thanks a lot, awesome, again amazing :rolleyes:

All I can say is **** out son, should have got there earlier, consider yourself lucky enough to have that option, Many of us don't. I'm happy enough paying £300 for a 7970 let alone £200.

Want more? Get in a little earlier next time.

Sounds like it was a cracking opening day OcUK.
You too man but shattered tonight!

DGM monitor up and calibrated and runnig but I couldn't face stripping down my watercooling loop and putting the 7970 in.

You got 4 up and running yet?

No not yet, I helped Tommy strip his wc out and install his card. Got it up to 1200mhz.
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