Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

wow, you can sell your game code? cos i got a 7970 for a guy, he wanted 2 but he said his second was 359 because of the 1 per customer deal. I was like, hey, why dont you give me the money and get your second 7970 for 150 less. after i got it, i said do you need the 2nd games card? he was like, nah you can have it man :) because my dad got a 7970 we have a code for the games anyways, so i may sell my dads and use his one :) schweet!
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to say epic night/day.

A 200 mile round trip and no sleep for 30+ hours to grab a bargain. The poor staff put in a mega effort to get the place presentable for 9am.

I know a few people have complained but I cant thank you enough for bring me in from the cold and dark, feeding me pizza and Haribos, keeping my eyes open with Coke and OCUK fuel.

I enjoyed an early peek at the tech and a bit of gaming nostalgia with the arcade machine.

I enjoyed the motorbike comedy act you laid on. That seriously had to be a stunt.

If I didnt think that OCUK were the very best before (and I did) you have outdone yourselves. Cold left over pizza all round on me :D

Writing this post on the DGM monitor and after I hit submit I am going to install my new 7970 and play sleeping dogs in 1440p

Thankyou all, and when is the next event?

Im coming back for more even if I dont need any upgrade.

A big hello to all the guys and girls I met, I hope you are happy with your purchances.

Until next time...........

Well I have to second this! I travelled up for the grand opening, keeping my friend company and to check out the store where i've been ordering all my parts online over these years.

After travelling up and arriving to be ONE of the first in que, all I can say is; The Hospitality and Friendliness of the Overclockers Crew was second to none.

My friend & I arrived around 12:30am, we pulled up to find ourselves being greeted by one of the members of staff. The man came out of the shop to ask if we were there for the grand opening; Oh yes we replied telling the gent we got our sandwiches & deck chairs to camp out ready for your mega deals in the morning ;D

To our suprise we was offered in to the store to get a sneak peak on what its going to be like. On entering we found chaos :O lol the overclockers crew was sweating long and hard into the night making sure everything was perfect for the grand opening. Being introduced to everyone as we are walking through the store while being told we are not the 1st to arrive :( lol

We was offered cold pizza which was still very warming may I add :D offered ocuk's own branded energy drinks with some oh so scrumptious haribo sweets nom nom nom. Through out the night I got a good chat on with the Crew... I got the chance to hit the arcade there and reminisce in some old time retro classics with a few of the guys, and ensuring I had a good look at the equipment on show before the store opened and got full.

unfortunately I had to miss out on some of the fun as I had to crash out for a few hours. I had been drinking for the evening knowing my friend was driving us both up and was kinda smashed on arrival. After waking up and returning to the store I was greeted with humorous hospitality which was brilliant.

At 7:55 the fun had to come to an end, we was asked to leave as the Overclockers Crew wanted to iron out and finalize the store before the grand opening. On exiting we was offered raffle tickets for the deals that was on offer, of course we humbly excepted being the 1st in que :)

when leaving the shop my friend and I decided we'd go grab some breaky at mcdonalds having secured our positions in the que and believe me and this goes out for all you folk out there having a moan - and i quote ;D

regardless of us getting the tickets 1 hour before the 9am opening time. If we hadnt recieved them, do you honestly think we would have left our positions allowing someone else to recieve those goodies we had sat for so long for lol; really.... all I've been reading is a lot jealousy on these forums recently and let me say she can be a cruel biatch sometimes so please think about your posts next time people ;)

after our lovely breaky my friend and I return to find a que 100+ deep :O was our supprise. What a turn out for Overclockers even i was buzzing for them. after 10mins or so chatting with people in que my friend and I found ourselves popping over to morrisons for a quick number ;)

On returning we planted ourselves at the back of the que which in all honesty was getting bigger :D and for the next few hours it was just non stop banter with people in front and behind. Brilliant, got some free food vouchers that was being handed out to everyone in que.

After a few hour and finally reaching our destination lol, we found ourselves in the shop collecting our bits with smiles all round.

We left around 2ish that afternoon after arriving 12:30 that night. Cracking day.

haha one question though??????

Was I the only one to of had my picture taking with the smoking hot show girl that was hired to do the promotion for the day. At the time of the photo I was the first person I knew that much.
seriously people are saying they didnt see her; how could you not see her?


I dont miss a thing and **** me my jaw dropped when I seen her bouncing around the store... when I had the chance, like any sensible guy, I could not stop firing into her lol ;)

Absolutely Beautiful, and an absolute cracking day

Thanks again to the Overclockers Crew for everything

I'll be back lol
Just seen the ones ocuk put up on FB and you can see the corner of my hat in one but I am blocked out by Locky :(
Good to see such a great turnout :).
Was a bit gutted that I couldn't go as I'm up here in Glasgow and have no car, next time you move shop can you arrange a bus? :p
unfortunately the person taking the pics was hired for the main opening i believe and I have to wait for them to upload it :(

Can we have more pic's please :D

Don't you worry - I have the picture. I was the guy who worked all through the night. I'll be posting the pictures up at some point soon :)
My 7950 TF 3 oc arrived today, packaged very nicely.

Just installed it in the downstairs pc, fired up BF3, I'm shocked, its actually performing the same if not better than My GTX 670 TF4 Power edition OC.

Temps are hitting 72c after 10mins of gaming. Noise wise it seems fine.

One thing, when I first put the card in and started the pc up, I was getting green on the sides of the screen and the windows logo (when windows is starting up)

Seems fine at the moment though, hope its nothing to worry about.

Overall, I'm happy, thanks to ocuk for the deal after being disappointed by missing the 7970.
well.... im not in any of them photos, so the missus will never know :D

on a side note, i dont suppose the 2 guys i was talking to are knocking about here,

both came separately, i think both got hold of the 7970 but 1 was for his "second" rig. He was a very active forum member.

the other lad got there real early (i think he said 12.30) and bought his whole computer, had problems getting his motherboard though as they couldn't find it in stock....

... not really any need to speak to them, they were just sound guys to talk to and interested who they are on here!!!


i was the one with the white bitfenix shinobi XL, looking to try and mod the mesh etc
well.... im not in any of them photos, so the missus will never know :D

on a side note, i dont suppose the 2 guys i was talking to are knocking about here,

both came separately, i think both got hold of the 7970 but 1 was for his "second" rig. He was a very active forum member.

the other lad got there real early (i think he said 12.30) and bought his whole computer, had problems getting his motherboard though as they couldn't find it in stock....

... not really any need to speak to them, they were just sound guys to talk to and interested who they are on here!!!


i was the one with the white bitfenix shinobi XL, looking to try and mod the mesh etc

<-- One was me , btw found that prodigy thread we were talking about http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18452235 nice orange & black to match your build :)
well.... im not in any of them photos, so the missus will never know :D

on a side note, i dont suppose the 2 guys i was talking to are knocking about here,

both came separately, i think both got hold of the 7970 but 1 was for his "second" rig. He was a very active forum member.

the other lad got there real early (i think he said 12.30) and bought his whole computer, had problems getting his motherboard though as they couldn't find it in stock....

... not really any need to speak to them, they were just sound guys to talk to and interested who they are on here!!!


i was the one with the white bitfenix shinobi XL, looking to try and mod the mesh etc

That guy was the one I grabbed his second 7970 for the one that bought a whole pc but needed a different board as they didnt have his in stock. Yeah, he was sound! I didnt even catch his name or anything, I didnt know what happened to him after I got my stuff, I was going to go and wish him well but he vanished lol. I was speaking to a few guys in the crowd, including the guy who came on the motorbike for a mousemat and got some other bits, all nice guys :)
nah, i didnt buy a monitor, i had enough trouble getting my motherboard home (box was pretty much the same size as his monitor tbh) so ive learnt from my mistakes!

saying that, the 3xl OC mousemat was sticking out the back of my bike quite nicely :D
thats me!!!!

i want that orange mesh.... no, i need some of that orange mesh, that looks amazing.

lol! bet you got tonnes of sleep when you got home, you were back at work later werent you? haha!
I got back at 3 pm, got no sleep went to work at 6pm and finished at 4am, so i went pretty much 48 hours without sleep - Monster energy FTW!
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