Mmk, I'm thinking of getting an Abit NF7 Mobo, and some Adata or Twinmos PC3200 when those prices come down. Gonna make a frankensteins monster of my brothers machine when it comes home
Originally posted by NF7-S
nice choices - and you could probably go for DUAL CHANNEL sticks mate - if you're going to buy new stuff
Yup but try to get two exact stick preferably branded. Geil do a good set with heat spreaders but £70 for 2x256 PC3200 but have cloked mine to 533 you could always get corsair (not Corsair value) they r supposedly excellent but r expensive. Most of the branded stuff can be bought in dual channel packs but i aint sure how much if any you save.Originally posted by specofdust
Dual channel as in get two sticks? That's what I was planning
Originally posted by dmpoole
I will never Overclock again - ever. The first processor I overclocked was an AMD 486DX100 and so through the years. Last year I bought a NF7s mobo and AMD Barton 2.8 ghz and clocked it to 3.2 ghz. This last two weeks I've had real problems with my PC getting a lot of Blue Screens Of Death on XP and sunday I decided to put my processor at the right speed. I haven't had a problem since. Also I did speed tests on different programs (Photoshop, TMPGEnc etc) and there is no difference clocked on the lower speed. Somewhere down the line if you make things go faster than they were meant to go then you're going to break them or perhaps I've just been very unlucky over the last ten years.
Originally posted by NickK
Hmmm Heat. Sounds like your photoshop etc are disc limited.
Originally posted by specofdust
You can overclock your PSU!??!?
Wow, a whole new avenue of Overclocking I'd never even heard off. Just thinking of the possibilites get's my heart going. If I managed to get a PSU going at 4Ghz then I could run Farcry in 20480x 173098 AMAZING!