Overclocking guide for newbies here...

Re: Re: Overclocking help

Originally posted by Chong Warrior
You've got the NF7-S v2.0 right? cool.

No need to worry about the AGP and PCI speeds, they're locked automatically;)

To get your PC to 11x200 I'd suggest going into the BIOS and in the same menu where you adjust the speed of your CPU you'll see options about voltages underneath.

Change the top option to manual, this will allow you to change the volt's for for CPU (1.65v default), northbridge (1.6v default), RAM (2.6v - 2.7v default) and AGP (1.5v default ).

Change your CPU voltage upto 1.675v or 1.7v just to be sure of 100% stabiltiy.
Change the northbridge upto 1.7v (which is the maximum you can set it to )
Change your RAM up from whatever it is by 0.1v (so if it's at 2.6v change it to 2.7v )

Try that, if it doesn't work, post back here;)

Also change the CPU / DDR RAM ratio to the 6/6 divider.

don't forget voltages can kill components!

the guide tells you to slowly add a bit at a time, and to one component at a time - I'm not sure advising to up all these at the same time is a great idea.

if the CPU can clock to 2.2, then in theory the memory sounds to be the weakest link, try upping the RAM ONLY first (IMHO), as per the guide (re: my comments if you had read the guide!?)

Dekim - not sure mate, I think it's just value over performance the 2500 offers the better deal?

Elyman - no idea mate...have a play and let us know :)
Re: Re: Re: Overclocking help

Originally posted by NF7-S
don't forget voltages can kill components!

the guide tells you to slowly add a bit at a time, and to one component at a time - I'm not sure advising to up all these at the same time is a great idea.

if the CPU can clock to 2.2, then in theory the memory sounds to be the weakest link, try upping the RAM ONLY first (IMHO), as per the guide (re: my comments if you had read the guide!?)

Those are very safe voltages I told him to try, It's not like I said put 2v through his CPU and 3v through his RAM.

Also don't forget the NF7-S undervolt's the CPU aswell, I'm very dubious when people claim they have their XP2500+ at 11x200 = XP3200+ at default volt's on an NF7-S and it's 100% stable.

I'm not saying it can't be done but I reckon there are very few XP2500's that will do that and play games or run prime95 fault free on one of these mobo's, as it's really only getting around 1.62v.

By suggesting he up the volt's to 1.675v it's just making sure he's at least giving the CPU 1.65v which is default. Hardly going to cause it to overheat is it?
1.7v through the northbridge won't damage anything either.

The only slighty dangerous voltage raise is to the RAM, as the mobo's already overvolt the RAM by 0.1v, but it does sound like it's a RAM problem so he needs to try it.

I will never advise anyone to do anything regarding overclocking unless I know 100% what I'm talking about. Overclocking on the NF7-S I do:) I know these boards inside out.
I was just saying that it's probably better to adjust one thing at a time mate :)

Not only that, you said yourself that the RAM sounds suspect...so why not try that first?

Also, with the northbridge - I thought these weren't great on the NF7-S unless cooling had been improved?

Not doubting you're knowledge (even if u do support Spurs!! :P)

Agree that I think many are too impatient and just lumping it to 11x200, testing it for 10 mins and thinking everything is dandy...that's a short-cut to expensive pops IMHO!

Everyone (who is new to OCing) should do things as per the guide...or expect bad things to happen...the guide is like a fool proof idiots guide, learn to walk before running please chaps!! :D
nf7-s thanks for the overclocking guide its been a great help and i forward it a good few people when they are asking for overclocking advice.

anywho i was wondering could i use it/borrow heavily from it, to create an overclocking sticky in the hardware modding section on www.boards.ie (a vbulletin board as well but not just for hardware and software)

the hw modding section is getting an overhaul and an overclocking sticky is a suggestion.

would this be ok?


Righty, this seems to be the one to post in.

I want help Oc'ing my barton 2800+, but I don't(DO NOT) want to up the voltages at all, partially because the cpu's already at 55 degrees, and partially because I feel that by just upping the FSB my cpu is going to get a lot less ****** if it goes wrong.

I've got a:

barton 2800
512Mb PC2700
Whatever bios came with the thing

should I just up the FSB by 5Mhz increments and then stop when it wont pass prime95 and leave it at that or what?
yeah, pretty much..
upping the vdimm for ** ram won't make cpu run hotter, but making the cpu running faster generally makes it hotter.

partially because I feel that by just upping the FSB my cpu is going to get a lot less ****** if it goes wrong.

can't see much will go wrong apart from having to clear cmos..
as long as u watch the temps.

at 55, u might want to look into for some better cooling tbh
what memory have u got btw?
FSB limited by memory? So would I be able to push it up by maybe 10-20 Mhz? It'd be cool to reach say, 3000 speeds. Will I need PC3200 If I wanna go further?
PC3200 can run 200mhz
but some PC2700 can be overclocked, this of course is if they are good quality ram. Some ram are designed and made for having good overclocking ablilities, while others (e.g unbranded & etc.) are expected to be running at default.
maybe u can with a bit of vdimm upping... but i wouldn't get your hopes up with those ram tbh.
yes mate, get some faster RAM (fastest you can afford within reason) - also drop the multi back to 10 before you start...the faster the FSB the faster everything works - not just the CPU.

Read the guide first tho mate, be sure to lock the AGP bus etc.
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