
100% - zero issues with this. if you have 4 or 5 people in comms - I reckon you win 75/80% of the games.

I don't think I've ever had more than 3 people on comms on the EU server. The US server is better for comms, but I can feel the extra lag that really impacts when I play DPS... I might have another spell as Moira main and hit the US server again.
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I have started using my comms a lot more. Even if no one else is speaking I will still call out enemy postions and tell people when a fight is winable or lost.
Was in a game last night with 2 plat players teamed with 4 silvers, plats trying to boost silvers I'm guessing.
We had all silvers and one gold. Think we were set up to lose but we ended up winning.
I got over 100sr for that win, most st I've ever gained after a match finally took me out of silver :)

People saying aim is every thing, I dps main and in the comp death match I finished in plat but in regular comp I've dropped from mid gold to silver, so I'm guessing my aim is ok but my game sense sucks.

Either way good comms is essential in this game, it's infuriating how many people play comp without a mic!
Servers were really bad last night people dropping out all over the place.

One match we was about to win the score was 4/3 and as we were taking first point with 4 mins left on clock 3 people on my team couldn't move their characters froze still on point then they went to loading screen then dropped out the game. So a easy win turned into a loss.

The next game 2 people dropped out my team on character select so game ended.

On the main menu chat people were saying they were searching for games and getting banned for leaving games they never got into and it was taking 100sr off them.

I stopped playing after that.
Good voice comms, nice 4 stack and 10 wins on the spin today.

Even trolled a couple of teams with 5 dps and single healer etc. No tanks.

It does go to show that good team is usually as simple as comms/switching characters at the right time - nothing more.
It does go to show that good team is usually as simple as comms/switching characters at the right time - nothing more.

Does it? Or does it just show that having dropped so far the matchmaker has now switched around for you and decided it needs to start feeding you a bunch of ez wins to balance you back out again? (didn't you say you'd fallen 1000SR a page or so back?)...

This is an exact case in point - the game has absolutely **** on you with its crappy matchmaking and SR system, and now it flips around and gives you a bunch of wins to make you feel like "yeah, I got this, turns out I really am good at the game now that I'm grouping up and communicating! The system isn't broken at all!"
Love the new LFG. No more diving in to the character you want. No more arguments about 2-2-2. No more playing chars you don't want to basically.

It makes you think it should have been like that from the beginning!

Also, love the new... nominations? What where they called? Everyone is now super nice in game! :)
Yeah won't be around until the weekend now but up for a game for sure.

Had a go on the new sym last night, her teleporter is going to mix things up. Watch out for some interesting plays.

Not tried the new grouping feature yet but hopefully it will work out and eleavetate trolls and throwers.
Really like the new grouping. It even means you always get 20% XP bonus for being grouped :)

Interesting video, not that it helps much -

It does make me think the guy doesn't understand it when he says '6 stack v 6 stack should presumably be around a 50% win rate, maybe a bit higher' or something like that. I guess you have to throw in some draws which would make it about 49.5%, but it can't be higher... mathematically it can't.

He also said something about don't adjust for group size, just let SR work itself out, which doesn't make much sense either. Your likely hood to win is SR + group size advantage/disadvantage. That's kind of the whole point of the video?
These youtubers will just say any old crap so long as it hits the 10 minutes mark and the baying masses smash that like button... that's why it's easy to find videos where they contradict themselves...

I saw a Your Overwatch video the other day that said "Hero 28 revealed!!! Also Sombra Buff!!!" and thought "ooo cool, let's have a look"... 10 minutes of video later they had simply talked about some clue or something on Horizon about hero 28 and the fact that someone from Blizz had said in a forum post that they were thinking about changing sombra at some point... So basically neither of the statements in the video were really revealed at all...
Weekend sounds good, though I will likely be on line tomorrow evening too.

The new Symm is driving me mad! You can hear the turret hitting you, but can't always find them quickly because they are in places that you are not used to! However, I did take advantage of this and threw some turrets onto the ceiling to successfully take out a Pharah yesterday :D I saw one interesting play where a teleporter appeared right in front of our team and then a charging Rein suddenly flew out at us. Also allows more options setting up for defending a point (no need for Mei to bolster teammates up, and can get to even more places now); however, not seeing good use in the heat of battle.
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