Expected everyone online last night after the posts on here! I think I missed Famas, and Kaptainmarc came online as I finished, but got a few good games with Andy (the one person who said that he probably wouldn't be online )
Hammond is live on the PTR and seems pretty good... despite Jeff Kaplan's description, his guns don't have huge spread... I would say comparable to Soldier for spread and damage, but from memory the clip is larger. He does not demech... 0 HP is death. He has good speed in ball mode, and his armour buff is big if activated at the right time... activating with 2 opponents close by gives you upto 900 HP (I've not tested higher). Swinging around as a wrecking ball is fun but hard to control, and I wonder how useful it will really be. His ult creates a mine field around him, and they seem to remain until destroyed, so good for zone control, easy to get right, and the only way to cancel his ult is to outright kill him while ulting. He is going to be an instant pick for control point maps.
Yeah I didn't manage to stay on for very long last night. I have a free evening tonight if any one is about.
Had a play with Hammond last night. Actually pretty decent character with some nice abilities.
His guns fire fast but not as powerful as soliders even close up.
His mines do detonate after a short time also.
I think his key ability is going to be his hook and the knock back it produces. It could easily take a whole team off point.
I should be on later. Shame the comp season has ended, although I wouldn't mind some practise of lesser used characters in comp situation, while no-ones SR is at risk...
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