
I can't climb out of bronze because of 50/50 and being silly enough to play the start of the past three seasons on my own.
Now all my mates play together at gold and I can't join, so I've just kinda gave up on comp.
Once you're in Bronze there's no way out.
I can't climb out of bronze because of 50/50 and being silly enough to play the start of the past three seasons on my own.
Now all my mates play together at gold and I can't join, so I've just kinda gave up on comp.
Once you're in Bronze there's no way out.
this is not true. Bronze is very easy to get out of. I play mine solo and im gold. And trust me. Im *****. Just keep practicing and playing you will get out
this is not true. Bronze is very easy to get out of. I play mine solo and im gold. And trust me. Im *****. Just keep practicing and playing you will get out
Maybe not true fur you but ii can' claw out,I keep getting numskulls.
I'm not great but I'm not bad either.
Pick your strongest character - stick with that no matter what the composition of the team is and try and carry that way.

A good sombra/mei at bronze level with ruin other teams
Moria is also great for getting out of bronze if you like playing her. I took her to bronze to high plat. Although i was in bronze because i was in switzerland for a year playing on wifi and the worst broadband ever.
Any tips on how to do this? Moira is my main ATM.

What i found in bronze was be very aggressive...... Use her fade to get out of sticky situations, or if there are only a few enemies fade towards them, stick damage orb out and right click(this will hopefully stagger their team). At that level i used damage orb more than healing orb (healing orb basically came out when poop hit the fan) because team dps output at that level tends to be so low. When you do use healing orb try and use building/wall angles as much as you can so the orb bounces around players rather than just go through them then fly off into the distance. Oh ps i would be aggressive with damage if there was a second healer (anna/mercy/lucio) if not it really would be just trying to keep the team alive.

Give being aggressive a go in bronze it worked for me but if you climb you really have to change how you play her. You will find dps can actually dps but that works for both teams so more focus would be needed on healing.

Im no pro but that's how i did it. I could be super wrong and just got lucky.
LOL when I was playing at Silver the amount of games I took Zarya, went something ridiculous like 68-4 with all 4 gold medals and still lost was insane... it's just all a load of complete tosh honestly and anybody who ever thinks there is any technique, rhyme or reason to how you rank up, assess your performance etc. is full of ****
Ha ha, yeah, sure.

Season 1: 108:118 (52%)
Season 2: 244:254 (51%)
Season 3: 146:148 (50%)
Season 4: 161:186 (53%)
Season 5: 32:25 (57%)
Season 6: 63:52 (45%)
Season 7: 37:38 (51%)
Season 8: 124:115 (48%)
Season 9: 73:77 (51%)
Season 10: 103:105 (51%)
Season 11: 17:12 (42%)
Season 12: 11:7 (38%)
Season 13 (so far): 29:28 (49%)

But yeah, the game trying to keep you close to 50% is all in my head. Also kind funny how it charts the sharp fall-off in my enthusiasm for the game by the number of matches played :p
You understand, if the SR system is working, you should be about 50%? It's only logical. Anyway, you were trying to claim once again that your skill and strategy has nothing to do with if you win or not... rubbish.

I won't be replying any further. Thanks.
You understand, if the SR system is working, you should be about 50%? It's only logical. Anyway, you were trying to claim once again that your skill and strategy has nothing to do with if you win or not... rubbish.

So then your post above triumphantly claiming that you're at 65% shows that the SR system isn't working? Fair enough. If the system is working so well why do countless people have 3 or 4 alt accounts and regularly find that they place many, many ranks higher than their main account? It's fine that you don't want to try and answer anymore as there just isn't one - if Jeff himself is going to turn a blind eye to it all then I wouldn't expect anyone else to have an explanation either (and at the end of the day if Blizz did try to fix the system and improve it they would just lose out on all of the alternate account sales which the current system seems to fuel, so that at least does make sense)
I play quite a bit still. It looks like I have you in my friends list already, so just send me a message if you see me playing :) If I'm warming up in Quick Play, should be easy enough. If I'm already in Comp, then the team is already built (I always use LFG) so not so easy.

What's your SR? I assume you use voice comms?
Anyone play frequently?


Frustrating playing with randoms, especially ranked.

I dunno if you wanna play with a high gold..

I play often ranked and really looking for some new people to add up because im getting so annoyed with randoms too.

Placement was 2355 this season with season high of 2460 if anyones interested?

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LOL when I was playing at Silver the amount of games I took Zarya, went something ridiculous like 68-4 with all 4 gold medals and still lost was insane... it's just all a load of complete tosh honestly and anybody who ever thinks there is any technique, rhyme or reason to how you rank up, assess your performance etc. is full of ****

Totally agree with you. I don't think your performance takes into account your "technique" either. You could be the bonding gel that holds a losing team together by playing selflessly and by concentrating on healing, without that selfless play-style it wouldn't have just been a loss but an outright humiliating defeat. Yet that doesn't seem to be considered.

I often think they're happy to encourage smurf accounts.
Such a good game but, ruined at comp level with silly 50/50.
I dunno if you wanna play with a high gold..

I play often ranked and really looking for some new people to add up because im getting so annoyed with randoms too.

Placement was 2355 this season with season high of 2460 if anyones interested?


Pretty sure I'm bronze. In all honesty, I've been playing forever but only just started playing competitive mode so I have no idea.

I play quite a bit still. It looks like I have you in my friends list already, so just send me a message if you see me playing :) If I'm warming up in Quick Play, should be easy enough. If I'm already in Comp, then the team is already built (I always use LFG) so not so easy.

What's your SR? I assume you use voice comms?

Ahh this is who Andy is!

Erm it's about 2300ish, will check when I'm on later. Yeah, I use comms.

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The pain............good run up to 2800 last week. Think since then I've won 1, lost 7 and drawn 1....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I've tried solo que, groups etc - DPS players have been awful..... Just so many poor dps players that insta lock solider/widow/ashe and play awful. Kill nothing etc. Down to 2550 now.
For me people can't deploy Bob very well. They send him off past the point and into an unreachable corner. Or I'm playing Junk and I can bounce him out of the danger zone.
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