
If you're healing good and not ranking up then it's because you are teaming with the wrong people.

What I do is solo queue then at the end of the match, if we win, I invite the best dps player to my party and go in as duo. If we win a few in a row I send them a friend request.

I gone up like around 650 points in the last week doing this, currently around 3150.

Damn good idea.

Also down for some Discord games. If anyones ever around.
I don't want to undermine people's performances, but I find gold medals with Moira can be misleading, and she is not a good pick depending on the rest of your team... if your teammates tend to scatter, then she is much less effective. If you are solo healer, you are guaranteed a gold for healing, otherwise it only means you out healed the other healer; and throwing out some purple orbs significantly increases your elims count, even though you may have only contributed 5% damage to each kill (are you getting silver or gold damage?).

Sorry to be negative, but just adding alternative perspective. TLDR, I'm a big fan of Moira, but she doesn't work in every team composition.
Sorry to be negative, but just adding alternative perspective. TLDR, I'm a big fan of Moira, but she doesn't work in every team composition.

You're right though... you often find the same thing when you play Winston, his style of doing little bits of tickle-damage everywhere tends to lead to a lot of elims, objective kills, damage etc. even if he isn't always the one really securing the kills... quite a few heroes can be like that (mei too with the ice spraying)
I was going to mention something similar.

Almost certainly I'll be on tonight from around 7:30pm. I will be using LFG though, so don't join if you don't want to use that :) Otherwise, send me a message (AndyCr15#2763)
Again - dps one tricks are a nightmare - DPS players picks hanzo & solider on defence against Dva and Hog, genji, widow..... - don't switch, we get completely rolled.
I don't want to undermine people's performances, but I find gold medals with Moira can be misleading, and she is not a good pick depending on the rest of your team... if your teammates tend to scatter, then she is much less effective. If you are solo healer, you are guaranteed a gold for healing, otherwise it only means you out healed the other healer; and throwing out some purple orbs significantly increases your elims count, even though you may have only contributed 5% damage to each kill (are you getting silver or gold damage?).

Sorry to be negative, but just adding alternative perspective. TLDR, I'm a big fan of Moira, but she doesn't work in every team composition.
Moira, Similar to Zen, is very much a Offhealer rather than a main healer (Unless you are playing a death ball) with awesome poke potential (Where as Zen is straight up a DPS machine) and great sustain if your team gets caught in a Grav\Hammer\Frozen but otherwise Ana\Mercy are way better picks (Depending on your hitscan ability)
I'd be up for some games at some point chaps. Currently 2100+ but fluctuate up to 2300+ depending on luck it seems.

Mainly a dps guy (pretty much any of them)
Tanks I've very much an off tank - zarya, DVA, hamster
Healing is pretty much just Moira. My play style is way to aggressive for anyone else.
I have taken my sons old account because he doesn't ever play it any more and I am using it as a warm up account for when I first get on.

The other account I have is low silver and I would be happy to use that and team up with you guys. I would probably play Brigitte.

I just hit 3270 playing lucio so it kind of helps to have a couple of warm up matches before jumping straight in.
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Slow game then? ;) Nice shot though. :)

Slow day it seems, before today I hadnt had potg in like 100 games but just got another one.

Nice lucio boop.

I had a play about with my cross hair the other day I really like this new one Im using, seems much more accurate and festive than what I had before.
I still can't believe you use a controller on PC. :D

Can you tell from the video?

I bet my turn speed looks well slow to you guys, especially if you are like genji or tracer players.

This is actually the fastest turn speed I have ever used, Back years ago when I was playing a lot of halo 3 ranked objective I used to have my sensitivity on 1 the lowest setting.

This is like crazy fast for me lol.

Anyway pad can't be as bad as people make out, I just hit new season high 3367 :)

edit: Tbh it is pretty bad that's why I play the characters that don't need pinpoint accuracy. I did have custom game of headshot only mcree a little while back and couldn't believe how hard a headshot actually is with him.

My game plan mainly is me jumping round like crazy and not dying .
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Can anyone explain why people would go into comp games - sit in chat (6 people in channel) - zero comms.

3 games in a row where I politely asked if anyone else had voice comms etc - what was the plan......6 people in the channel - no speaks for the whole 3 games.........

Lost all 3. Why play comp if your not going to at least communicate a bit - Sad times down to 2550 now......:(:(

Just can't get a break with this game at the moment.....
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